Julian Seidenberg
API-CHANGE: enabling replace document
2012-07-27 14:21:24 +12:00
Julian Seidenberg
API-CHANGE: refactoring to support replace document functionality
2012-07-27 14:02:46 +12:00
Normann Lou
BUGFIX: when copy the physical file into the dms-assets folder, use the file absolute path for both from path and to path.
FEATURE: hook a DMS instance to manage an model class definable by the caller, instead of hard coded DMSDocument, treat DMSDocument as default managed model class.
2012-07-27 12:28:56 +12:00
Normann Lou
MINOR: we intial a DMSDocuemnt with Title valued as the file name and remove some inline document that is not correct.
2012-07-26 12:50:52 +12:00
Julian Seidenberg
API-CHANGE: fixing up the DMS and tests
2012-07-17 13:52:58 +12:00
Julian Seidenberg
API-CHANGE: DMS interface and mock implementation
2012-07-16 18:21:48 +12:00