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* Set dates at which content needs to be reviewed and provide a report and emails to alert
* to content needing review.
* @property string $ContentReviewType
* @property int $ReviewPeriodDays
* @property Date $NextReviewDate
* @property string $LastEditedByName
* @property string $OwnerNames
* @method DataList ReviewLogs()
* @method DataList ContentReviewGroups()
* @method DataList ContentReviewUsers()
class SiteTreeContentReview extends DataExtension implements PermissionProvider
* @var array
private static $db = array(
"ContentReviewType" => "Enum('Inherit, Disabled, Custom', 'Inherit')",
"ReviewPeriodDays" => "Int",
"NextReviewDate" => "Date",
"LastEditedByName" => "Varchar(255)",
"OwnerNames" => "Varchar(255)",
* @var array
private static $defaults = array(
"ContentReviewType" => "Inherit",
* @var array
private static $has_many = array(
"ReviewLogs" => "ContentReviewLog",
* @var array
private static $belongs_many_many = array(
"ContentReviewGroups" => "Group",
"ContentReviewUsers" => "Member",
* @var array
private static $schedule = array(
0 => "No automatic review date",
1 => "1 day",
7 => "1 week",
30 => "1 month",
60 => "2 months",
91 => "3 months",
121 => "4 months",
152 => "5 months",
183 => "6 months",
365 => "12 months",
* @return array
public static function get_schedule()
return self::$schedule;
* Takes a list of groups and members and return a list of unique member.
* @param SS_List $groups
* @param SS_List $members
* @return ArrayList
public static function merge_owners(SS_List $groups, SS_List $members)
$contentReviewOwners = new ArrayList();
if ($groups->count()) {
$groupIDs = array();
foreach ($groups as $group) {
$familyIDs = $group->collateFamilyIDs();
if (is_array($familyIDs)) {
$groupIDs = array_merge($groupIDs, array_values($familyIDs));
if (count($groupIDs)) {
$groupMembers = DataObject::get("Member")->where("\"Group\".\"ID\" IN (" . implode(",", $groupIDs) . ")")
->leftJoin("Group_Members", "\"Member\".\"ID\" = \"Group_Members\".\"MemberID\"")
->leftJoin("Group", "\"Group_Members\".\"GroupID\" = \"Group\".\"ID\"");
return $contentReviewOwners;
* @param FieldList $actions
public function updateCMSActions(FieldList $actions)
if ($this->canBeReviewedBy(Member::currentUser())) {
$reviewAction = FormAction::create("reviewed", _t("ContentReview.BUTTONREVIEWED", "Review content"))
->setAttribute("data-icon", "pencil")
->setAttribute("data-text-alternate", _t("ContentReview.BUTTONREVIEWED", "Review content"));
* Returns false if the content review have disabled.
* @param SiteTree $page
* @return bool|Date
public function getReviewDate(SiteTree $page = null)
if ($page === null) {
$page = $this->owner;
if ($page->obj("NextReviewDate")->exists()) {
return $page->obj("NextReviewDate");
$options = $this->owner->getOptions();
if (!$options) {
return false;
if (!$options->ReviewPeriodDays) {
return false;
// Failover to check on ReviewPeriodDays + LastEdited
$nextReviewUnixSec = strtotime(" + " . $options->ReviewPeriodDays . " days", SS_Datetime::now()->format("U"));
$date = Date::create("NextReviewDate");
$date->setValue(date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $nextReviewUnixSec));
return $date;
* Get the object that have the information about the content review settings. Either:
* - a SiteTreeContentReview decorated object
* - the default SiteTree config
* - false if this page have it's content review disabled
* Will go through parents and root pages will use the site config if their setting is Inherit.
* @return bool|DataObject
* @throws Exception
public function getOptions()
if ($this->owner->ContentReviewType == "Custom") {
return $this->owner;
if ($this->owner->ContentReviewType == "Disabled") {
return false;
$page = $this->owner;
// $page is inheriting it's settings from it's parent, find
// the first valid parent with a valid setting
while ($parent = $page->Parent()) {
// Root page, use site config
if (!$parent->exists()) {
return SiteConfig::current_site_config();
if ($parent->ContentReviewType == "Custom") {
return $parent;
if ($parent->ContentReviewType == "Disabled") {
return false;
$page = $parent;
throw new Exception("This shouldn't really happen, as per usual developer logic.");
* @return string
public function getOwnerNames()
$options = $this->getOptions();
$names = array();
if (!$options) {
return "";
foreach ($options->OwnerGroups() as $group) {
$names[] = $group->getBreadcrumbs(" > ");
foreach ($options->OwnerUsers() as $group) {
$names[] = $group->getName();
return implode(", ", $names);
* @return null|string
public function getEditorName()
$member = Member::currentUser();
if ($member) {
return $member->FirstName . " " . $member->Surname;
return null;
* Get all Members that are Content Owners to this page. This includes checking group
* hierarchy and adding any direct users.
* @return ArrayList
public function ContentReviewOwners()
return SiteTreeContentReview::merge_owners(
* @return ManyManyList
public function OwnerGroups()
return $this->owner->getManyManyComponents("ContentReviewGroups");
* @return ManyManyList
public function OwnerUsers()
return $this->owner->getManyManyComponents("ContentReviewUsers");
* @param FieldList $fields
public function updateSettingsFields(FieldList $fields)
// Display read-only version only
if (!Permission::check("EDIT_CONTENT_REVIEW_FIELDS")) {
$schedule = self::get_schedule();
$contentOwners = ReadonlyField::create("ROContentOwners", _t("ContentReview.CONTENTOWNERS", "Content Owners"), $this->getOwnerNames());
$nextReviewAt = DateField::create('RONextReviewDate', _t("ContentReview.NEXTREVIEWDATE", "Next review date"), $this->owner->NextReviewDate);
if (!isset($schedule[$this->owner->ReviewPeriodDays])) {
$reviewFreq = ReadonlyField::create("ROReviewPeriodDays", _t("ContentReview.REVIEWFREQUENCY", "Review frequency"), $schedule[0]);
} else {
$reviewFreq = ReadonlyField::create("ROReviewPeriodDays", _t("ContentReview.REVIEWFREQUENCY", "Review frequency"), $schedule[$this->owner->ReviewPeriodDays]);
$logConfig = GridFieldConfig::create()
->addComponent(new GridFieldSortableHeader())
->addComponent($logColumns = new GridFieldDataColumns());
// Cast the value to the users preferred date format
"Created" => "DateTimeField->value",
$logs = GridField::create("ROReviewNotes", "Review Notes", $this->owner->ReviewLogs(), $logConfig);
$optionsFrom = ReadonlyField::create("ROType", _t("ContentReview.SETTINGSFROM", "Options are"), $this->owner->ContentReviewType);
$fields->addFieldsToTab("Root.ContentReview", array(
$options = array();
$options["Disabled"] = _t("ContentReview.DISABLE", "Disable content review");
$options["Inherit"] = _t("ContentReview.INHERIT", "Inherit from parent page");
$options["Custom"] = _t("ContentReview.CUSTOM", "Custom settings");
$viewersOptionsField = OptionsetField::create("ContentReviewType", _t("ContentReview.OPTIONS", "Options"), $options);
$users = Permission::get_members_by_permission(array("CMS_ACCESS_CMSMain", "ADMIN"));
$usersMap = $users->map("ID", "Title")->toArray();
$userField = ListboxField::create("OwnerUsers", _t("ContentReview.PAGEOWNERUSERS", "Users"), $usersMap)
->setAttribute("data-placeholder", _t("ContentReview.ADDUSERS", "Add users"))
->setDescription(_t('ContentReview.OWNERUSERSDESCRIPTION', 'Page owners that are responsible for reviews'));
$groupsMap = array();
foreach (Group::get() as $group) {
$groupsMap[$group->ID] = $group->getBreadcrumbs(" > ");
$groupField = ListboxField::create("OwnerGroups", _t("ContentReview.PAGEOWNERGROUPS", "Groups"), $groupsMap)
->setAttribute("data-placeholder", _t("ContentReview.ADDGROUP", "Add groups"))
->setDescription(_t("ContentReview.OWNERGROUPSDESCRIPTION", "Page owners that are responsible for reviews"));
$reviewDate = DateField::create("NextReviewDate", _t("ContentReview.NEXTREVIEWDATE", "Next review date"))
->setConfig("showcalendar", true)
->setConfig("dateformat", "yyyy-MM-dd")
->setConfig("datavalueformat", "yyyy-MM-dd")
->setDescription(_t("ContentReview.NEXTREVIEWDATADESCRIPTION", "Leave blank for no review"));
$reviewFrequency = DropdownField::create("ReviewPeriodDays", _t("ContentReview.REVIEWFREQUENCY", "Review frequency"), self::get_schedule())
->setDescription(_t("ContentReview.REVIEWFREQUENCYDESCRIPTION", "The review date will be set to this far in the future whenever the page is published"));
$notesField = GridField::create("ReviewNotes", "Review Notes", $this->owner->ReviewLogs(), GridFieldConfig_RecordEditor::create());
$fields->addFieldsToTab("Root.ContentReview", array(
new HeaderField(_t("ContentReview.REVIEWHEADER", "Content review"), 2),
ReadonlyField::create("ROContentOwners", _t("ContentReview.CONTENTOWNERS", "Content Owners"), $this->getOwnerNames()),
ReadonlyField::create("RONextReviewDate", _t("ContentReview.NEXTREVIEWDATE", "Next review date"), $this->owner->NextReviewDate),
* Creates a ContentReviewLog and connects it to this Page.
* @param Member $reviewer
* @param string $message
public function addReviewNote(Member $reviewer, $message)
$reviewLog = ContentReviewLog::create();
$reviewLog->Note = $message;
$reviewLog->ReviewerID = $reviewer->ID;
* Advance review date to the next date based on review period or set it to null
* if there is no schedule. Returns true if date was required and false is content
* review is 'off'.
* @return bool
public function advanceReviewDate()
$nextDate = false;
$options = $this->getOptions();
if ($options && $options->ReviewPeriodDays) {
$nextDate = date('Y-m-d', strtotime('+ ' . $options->ReviewPeriodDays . ' days', SS_Datetime::now()->format('U')));
$this->owner->NextReviewDate = $nextDate;
return (bool) $nextDate;
* Check if a review is due by a member for this owner.
* @param Member $member
* @return bool
public function canBeReviewedBy(Member $member = null)
if (!$this->owner->obj("NextReviewDate")->exists()) {
return false;
if ($this->owner->obj("NextReviewDate")->InFuture()) {
return false;
$options = $this->getOptions();
if ($options->OwnerGroups()->count() == 0 && $options->OwnerUsers()->count() == 0) {
return false;
if (!$member) {
return true;
if ($member->inGroups($options->OwnerGroups())) {
return true;
if ($options->OwnerUsers()->find("ID", $member->ID)) {
return true;
return false;
* Set the review data from the review period, if set.
public function onBeforeWrite()
$this->owner->LastEditedByName = $this->owner->getEditorName();
$this->owner->OwnerNames = $this->owner->getOwnerNames();
// If the user changed the type, we need to recalculate the review date.
if ($this->owner->isChanged("ContentReviewType", 2)) {
if ($this->owner->ContentReviewType == "Disabled") {
} elseif ($this->owner->ContentReviewType == "Custom") {
} else {
// Ensure that a inherited page always have a next review date
if ($this->owner->ContentReviewType == "Inherit" && !$this->owner->NextReviewDate) {
// We need to update all the child pages that inherit this setting. We can only
// change children after this record has been created, otherwise the stageChildren
// method will grab all pages in the DB (this messes up unit testing)
if (!$this->owner->exists()) {
// parent page change it's review period
// && !$this->owner->isChanged('ContentReviewType', 2)
if ($this->owner->isChanged("ReviewPeriodDays", 2)) {
$nextReviewUnixSec = strtotime(" + " . $this->owner->ReviewPeriodDays . " days", SS_Datetime::now()->format("U"));
$this->owner->NextReviewDate = date("Y-m-d", $nextReviewUnixSec);
if ($this->owner->isChanged("NextReviewDate", 2)) {
$children = $this->owner->stageChildren(true)->filter("ContentReviewType", "Inherit");
$compatibility = ContentReviewCompatability::start();
foreach ($children as $child) {
$child->NextReviewDate = $this->owner->NextReviewDate;
private function setDefaultReviewDateForDisabled()
$this->owner->NextReviewDate = null;
protected function setDefaultReviewDateForCustom()
if ($this->owner->NextReviewDate) {
$this->owner->NextReviewDate = null;
$nextDate = $this->getReviewDate();
if (is_object($nextDate)) {
$this->owner->NextReviewDate = $nextDate->getValue();
} else {
$this->owner->NextReviewDate = $nextDate;
protected function setDefaultReviewDateForInherited()
$options = $this->getOptions();
$nextDate = null;
if ($options && $this->owner->parent()->exists()) {
$nextDate = $this->getReviewDate($this->owner->parent());
} elseif ($options instanceof SiteConfig) {
$nextDate = $this->getReviewDate();
if (is_object($nextDate)) {
$this->owner->NextReviewDate = $nextDate->getValue();
} else {
$this->owner->NextReviewDate = $nextDate;
* Provide permissions to the CMS.
* @return array
public function providePermissions()
return array(
"name" => "Set content owners and review dates",
"category" => _t("Permissions.CONTENT_CATEGORY", "Content permissions"),
"sort" => 50,
* If the queued jobs module is installed, queue up the first job for 9am tomorrow morning
* (by default).
public function requireDefaultRecords()
if (class_exists("ContentReviewNotificationJob")) {
// Ensure there is not already a job queued
if (QueuedJobDescriptor::get()->filter("Implementation", "ContentReviewNotificationJob")->first()) {
$nextRun = new ContentReviewNotificationJob();
$runHour = Config::inst()->get("ContentReviewNotificationJob", "first_run_hour");
$firstRunTime = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", mktime($runHour, 0, 0, date("m"), date("d") + 1, date("y")));
DB::alteration_message(sprintf("Added ContentReviewNotificationJob to run at %s", $firstRunTime));