# Content Review module [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/silverstripe-labs/silverstripe-contentreview.png?branch=feature_improvements)](https://travis-ci.org/silverstripe-labs/silverstripe-contentreview) [![Scrutinizer Quality Score](https://scrutinizer-ci.com/g/silverstripe-labs/silverstripe-contentreview/badges/quality-score.png?s=e68f2c583f03c7eab0326781f6219f0ed58c9ad8)](https://scrutinizer-ci.com/g/silverstripe-labs/silverstripe-contentreview/) [![Code Coverage](https://scrutinizer-ci.com/g/silverstripe-labs/silverstripe-contentreview/badges/coverage.png?s=42151d66ef5121363face01c03c94dc479baa408)](https://scrutinizer-ci.com/g/silverstripe-labs/silverstripe-contentreview/) This module helps keep your website content accurate and up-to-date, which keeps your users happy. It does so by sending reviewers reminder emails to go in and check the content. For a reviewer this often includes checking links, grammar, factual information and look and feel. There are two types of roles with this module. * Website owner; (typically assigned to the Administrator group) ensures that a website is accurate and up-to-date, by delegating responsibility to content reviewers. * Content reviewer; responsible for keeping a website or part of a website accurate and up-to-date. ## Features * Content reviewer will receive an email notification when a page is due for review. * Content reviewer can mark a page as 'reviewed', and provide review notes. * Website owner can assign content reviewers to a page and set when the content should be reviewed. * Website owner can see a report of pages and their reviewed status. * Content reviewers can be assigned to a page, a page and all sub-pages, or globally. * The content review schedule can be automatic, e.g. every month, and/or a specific date. ## Wishlist features: * Overdue review reminder emails. * Customisable reminder emails. ## Requirements * SilverStripe Framework and CMS ## Composer installation composer require silverstripe/contentreview ## Manual installation Download or clone the source code into the SilverStripe root folder. Rename the module folder to `contentreview`. Run dev/build either via the webserver by opening the url `http:///dev/build` or by running the dev/build via a CLI. ## Configuration In order for the contentreview module to send emails, you need to *either*: * Setup the DailyTask script to run daily via cron. See framework/tasks/ScheduledTask.php for more information on setup. * Install the queuedjobs module, and follow the configuration steps to create a cron job for that module. Once installed, you can just run dev/build to have a job created, which will run at 9am every day by default. ## Usage To set up content review schedules you need to log in as a user with the 'Set content owners and review dates' permission. This can either be an administrator who has all permissions, or by giving a group the specific permission. ![](docs/en/images/content-review-permission.png) To set a content review schedule for a page go to `Settings > Content Review`. ![](docs/en/images/content-review-settings.png) CMS users without the permission to change the content review schedule can still see the settings and previous reviews in the same view, but cannot change anything. ![](docs/en/images/content-review-settings-ro.png) ## Testing cd to the site root, and run php vendor/bin/behat or to test this module when used on a website php vendor/bin/behat contentreview/tests ## Migration * If you are upgrading from an older version, you may need to run the ContentReviewOwnerMigrationTask