/* global window */ import i18n from 'i18n'; import jQuery from 'jquery'; import React from 'react'; import ReactDOM from 'react-dom'; import { loadComponent } from 'lib/Injector'; const FormBuilderModal = loadComponent('FormBuilderModal'); /** * "Content due for review" modal popup. See AddToCampaignForm.js in * silverstripe/admin for reference. */ jQuery.entwine('ss', ($) => { /** * Kick off a "content due for review" dialog from the CMS actions. */ $('.cms-content-actions .content-review__button').entwine({ onclick(event) { event.preventDefault(); let dialog = $('#content-review__dialog-wrapper'); if (!dialog.length) { dialog = $('
'); $('body').append(dialog); } dialog.open(); return false; }, }); // This is required because the React version of e.preventDefault() doesn't work // this is to prevent PJAX request to occur when clicking a link the modal $('.content-review-modal .content-review-modal__nav-link').entwine({ onclick: (e) => { e.preventDefault(); const $link = $(e.target); window.location = $link.attr('href'); }, }); /** * Uses reactstrap in order to replicate the bootstrap styling and JavaScript behaviour. */ $('#content-review__dialog-wrapper').entwine({ onunmatch() { // solves errors given by ReactDOM "no matched root found" error. this._clearModal(); }, open() { this._renderModal(true); }, close() { this._renderModal(false); }, _renderModal(isOpen) { const handleHide = () => this.close(); const handleSubmit = (...args) => this._handleSubmitModal(...args); const id = $('form.cms-edit-form :input[name=ID]').val(); const sectionConfigKey = 'SilverStripe\\CMS\\Controllers\\CMSPageEditController'; const store = window.ss.store; const sectionConfig = store.getState().config.sections .find((section) => section.name === sectionConfigKey); const modalSchemaUrl = `${sectionConfig.form.ReviewContentForm.schemaUrl}/${id}`; const title = i18n._t('ContentReview.CONTENT_DUE_FOR_REVIEW', 'Content due for review'); ReactDOM.render( , this[0] ); }, _clearModal() { ReactDOM.unmountComponentAtNode(this[0]); }, _handleSubmitModal(data, action, submitFn) { // Remove the "review content" bell button so users won't do it again $('.content-review__button-holder').remove(); // Handle the review submission return submitFn(); }, }); });