param('ID') ?: $request->postVar('ID'); return $this->getReviewContentForm($id); } /** * Return a handler for "content due for review" forms, according to the given object ID * * @param int $id * @return Form|null */ public function getReviewContentForm($id) { $page = $this->findRecord(['ID' => $id]); $user = Security::getCurrentUser(); if (!$this->canUseReviewContent($page, $user)) { $this->owner->httpError(403, _t( __CLASS__.'.ErrorItemPermissionDenied', 'It seems you don\'t have the necessary permissions to review this content' )); return null; } $form = $this->getReviewContentHandler()->Form($page); $form->setValidationResponseCallback(function (ValidationResult $errors) use ($form, $id) { $schemaId = $this->owner->join_links($this->owner->Link('schema/ReviewContentForm'), $id); return $this->getSchemaResponse($schemaId, $form, $errors); }); return $form; } /** * Action handler for processing the submitted content review * * @param array $data * @param Form $form * @return DBHTMLText|HTTPResponse|null */ public function savereview($data, Form $form) { $page = $this->findRecord($data); $results = $this->getReviewContentHandler()->submitReview($page, $data); if (is_null($results)) { return null; } if ($this->getSchemaRequested()) { // Send extra "message" data with schema response $extraData = ['message' => $results]; $schemaId = $this->owner->join_links($this->owner->Link('schema/ReviewContentForm'), $page->ID); return $this->getSchemaResponse($schemaId, $form, null, $extraData); } return $results; } /** * Return a handler or reviewing content * * @return ReviewContentHandler */ protected function getReviewContentHandler() { return ReviewContentHandler::create($this->owner); } /** * Find the page this form is updating * * @param array $data Form data * @return SiteTree Record * @throws HTTPResponse_Exception */ protected function findRecord($data) { if (empty($data["ID"])) { throw new HTTPResponse_Exception("No record ID", 404); } $page = null; $id = $data["ID"]; if (is_numeric($id)) { $page = SiteTree::get()->byID($id); } if (!$page || !$page->ID) { throw new HTTPResponse_Exception("Bad record ID #{$id}", 404); } return $page; } /** * Check if the current request has a X-Formschema-Request header set. * Used by conditional logic that responds to validation results * * @todo Remove duplication. See * * @return bool */ protected function getSchemaRequested() { $parts = $this->owner->getRequest()->getHeader(LeftAndMain::SCHEMA_HEADER); return !empty($parts); } /** * Generate schema for the given form based on the X-Formschema-Request header value * * @todo Remove duplication. See * * @param string $schemaID ID for this schema. Required. * @param Form $form Required for 'state' or 'schema' response * @param ValidationResult $errors Required for 'error' response * @param array $extraData Any extra data to be merged with the schema response * @return HTTPResponse */ protected function getSchemaResponse($schemaID, $form = null, ValidationResult $errors = null, $extraData = []) { $parts = $this->owner->getRequest()->getHeader(LeftAndMain::SCHEMA_HEADER); $data = $this->owner ->getFormSchema() ->getMultipartSchema($parts, $schemaID, $form, $errors); if ($extraData) { $data = array_merge($data, $extraData); } $response = HTTPResponse::create(json_encode($data)); $response->addHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json'); return $response; } }