/*jslint browser: true, nomen: true, white: true */ /*global $, jQuery*/ jQuery(function($) { "use strict"; $.entwine('ss', function($) { /** * Class: .cms-edit-form #ContentReviewType * * Toggle display of group dropdown in "access" tab, * based on selection of radiobuttons. */ $('.cms-edit-form #ContentReviewType').entwine({ // Constructor: onmatch onmatch: function() { var self = this; this.find('.optionset :input').bind('change', function(e) { self.show_option(e.target.value); }); // initial state var currentVal = this.find('input[name=' + this.attr('id') + ']:checked').val(); this.show_option(currentVal); this._super(); }, onunmatch: function() { return this._super(); }, show_option: function(value) { if(value === 'Custom') { this._custom(); } else if(value === 'Inherit') { this._inherited(); } else { this._disabled(); } }, _custom: function() { $('.review-settings').show(); $('.field.custom-setting').show(); }, _inherited: function() { $('.review-settings').show(); $('.field.custom-setting').hide(); }, _disabled: function() { $('.review-settings').hide(); } }); }); });