--- title: Content review summary: Mark pages in the CMS with a date and an owner for future reviews. --- ## Content review ## Setting up Global settings can be configured via the global settings admin in the CMS under the "Content Review" tab. This includes global groups, users, as well as a template editor that supports a limited number of variables. ![SiteConfig settings](_images/content-review-siteconfig-settings.png) ## Schedules To set up content review schedules you need to log in as a user with the 'Set content owners and review dates' permission. This can either be an administrator who has all permissions, or by giving a group the specific permission. ![Content review permissions](_images/content-review-permission.png) To set a content review schedule for a page go to `Settings > Content Review`. ![Page content review settings](_images/content-review-settings.png) CMS users without the permission to change the content review schedule can still see the settings and previous reviews in the same view, but cannot change anything. ![Read only view of page content review settings](_images/content-review-settings-ro.png) ## Disable for pre-prod environments The sending of emails can be disabled for pre-production environments. This may be needed if a production database is restored to a UAT environment. ``` SilverStripe\ContentReview\Tasks\ContentReviewEmails: disablePreProd: true ```