"Int", "NextReviewDate" => "Date", 'ReviewNotes' => 'Text', 'LastEditedByName' => 'Varchar(255)', 'OwnerNames' => 'Varchar(255)' ); /** * * @var array */ private static $belongs_many_many = array( 'ContentReviewGroups' => 'Group', 'ContentReviewUsers' => 'Member' ); /** * * @return string */ public function getOwnerNames() { $names = array(); foreach($this->DirectGroups() as $group) { $names[] = $group->Title; } foreach($this->DirectUsers() as $group) { $names[] = $group->getName(); } return implode(', ', $names); } /** * * @return string */ public function getEditorName() { if( $member = Member::currentUser() ) { return $member->FirstName .' '. $member->Surname; } return NULL; } /** * Get all Members that are Content Owners to this page * * This includes checking group hierarchy and adding any direct users * * @return \ArrayList */ public function ContentReviewOwners() { $contentReviewOwners = new ArrayList(); $toplevelGroups = $this->DirectGroups(); if($toplevelGroups) { $groupIDs = array(); foreach($toplevelGroups as $group) { $familyIDs = $group->collateFamilyIDs(); if(is_array($familyIDs)) { $groupIDs = array_merge($groupIDs, array_values($familyIDs)); } } if(count($groupIDs)) { $groupMembers = DataObject::get('Member')->where("\"Group\".\"ID\" IN (" . implode(",",$groupIDs) . ")") ->leftJoin("Group_Members", "\"Member\".\"ID\" = \"Group_Members\".\"MemberID\"") ->leftJoin("Group", "\"Group_Members\".\"GroupID\" = \"Group\".\"ID\""); $contentReviewOwners->merge($groupMembers); } } $contentReviewOwners->merge($this->DirectUsers()); $contentReviewOwners->removeDuplicates(); return $contentReviewOwners; } /** * @return ManyManyList */ public function DirectGroups() { return $this->owner->getManyManyComponents('ContentReviewGroups'); } /** * @return ManyManyList */ public function DirectUsers() { return $this->owner->getManyManyComponents('ContentReviewUsers'); } /** * * @param FieldList $fields * @return void */ public function updateCMSFields(FieldList $fields) { if(!Permission::check("EDIT_CONTENT_REVIEW_FIELDS")) { return; } $users = Permission::get_members_by_permission(array("CMS_ACCESS_CMSMain", "ADMIN")); $usersMap = array(); foreach($users as $user) { // Listboxfield values are escaped, use ASCII char instead of » $usersMap[$user->ID] = $user->getTitle(); } asort($usersMap); $userField = ListboxField::create('DirectUsers', _t("ContentReview.PAGEOWNERUSERS", "Users")) ->setMultiple(true) ->setSource($usersMap) ->setAttribute('data-placeholder', _t('ContentReview.ADDUSERS', 'Add users')) ->setDescription(_t('ContentReview.OWNERUSERSDESCRIPTION', 'Page owners that are responsible for reviews')); $groupsMap = array(); foreach(Group::get() as $group) { // Listboxfield values are escaped, use ASCII char instead of » $groupsMap[$group->ID] = $group->getBreadcrumbs(' > '); } asort($groupsMap); $groupField = ListboxField::create('DirectGroups', _t("ContentReview.PAGEOWNERGROUPS", "Groups")) ->setMultiple(true) ->setSource($groupsMap) ->setAttribute('data-placeholder', _t('ContentReview.ADDGROUP', 'Add groups')) ->setDescription(_t('ContentReview.OWNERGROUPSDESCRIPTION', 'Page owners that are responsible for reviews')); $reviewDate = DateField::create( "NextReviewDate", _t("ContentReview.NEXTREVIEWDATE", "Next review date") )->setConfig('showcalendar', true) ->setConfig('dateformat', 'yyyy-MM-dd') ->setConfig('datavalueformat', 'yyyy-MM-dd') ->setDescription(_t('ContentReview.NEXTREVIEWDATADESCRIPTION', 'Leave blank for no review')); $reviewFrequency = DropdownField::create( "ReviewPeriodDays", _t("ContentReview.REVIEWFREQUENCY", "Review frequency"), array( 0 => "No automatic review date", 1 => "1 day", 7 => "1 week", 30 => "1 month", 60 => "2 months", 91 => "3 months", 121 => "4 months", 152 => "5 months", 183 => "6 months", 365 => "12 months", ) )->setDescription(_t('ContentReview.REVIEWFREQUENCYDESCRIPTION', 'The review date will be set to this far in the future whenever the page is published')); $fields->addFieldsToTab("Root.Review", array( new HeaderField(_t('ContentReview.REVIEWHEADER', "Content review"), 2), $userField, $groupField, $reviewDate, $reviewFrequency, new TextareaField('ReviewNotes', 'Review Notes') )); } /** * Set the review data from the review period, if set. */ public function onBeforeWrite() { if($this->owner->ReviewPeriodDays && !$this->owner->NextReviewDate) { $this->owner->NextReviewDate = date('Y-m-d', strtotime('+' . $this->owner->ReviewPeriodDays . ' days')); } $this->owner->LastEditedByName=$this->owner->getEditorName(); $this->owner->OwnerNames = $this->owner->getOwnerNames(); } /** * Provide permissions to the CMS * * @return array */ public function providePermissions() { return array( "EDIT_CONTENT_REVIEW_FIELDS" => array( 'name' => "Set content owners and review dates", 'category' => _t('Permissions.CONTENT_CATEGORY', 'Content permissions'), 'sort' => 50 ) ); } }