en: ContentReview: ADDGROUP: 'Add groups' ADDUSERS: 'Add users' BUTTONREVIEWED: 'Review content' COMMENTS: '(optional) Add comments...' CONTENTOWNERS: 'Content Owners' CONTENTREVIEW: 'Content due for review' CUSTOM: 'Custom settings' DEFAULTSETTINGSHELP: 'These content review settings will apply to all pages that does not have specific Content Review schedule.' DISABLE: 'Disable content review' EMAILFROM: 'From email address' EMAILSUBJECT: 'Subject line' EMAILTEMPLATE: 'Email template' INHERIT: 'Inherit from parent page' MARKREVIEWED: 'Mark as reviewed' NEXTREVIEWDATADESCRIPTION: 'Leave blank for no review' NEXTREVIEWDATE: 'Next review date' NOCOMMENTS: '(no comments)' OPTIONS: Options OWNERGROUPSDESCRIPTION: 'Page owners that are responsible for reviews' OWNERUSERSDESCRIPTION: 'Page owners that are responsible for reviews' PAGEOWNERGROUPS: Groups PAGEOWNERUSERS: Users REVIEWFREQUENCY: 'Review frequency' REVIEWFREQUENCYDESCRIPTION: 'The review date will be set to this far in the future whenever the page is published' REVIEWHEADER: 'Content review' REVIEWNOTES: 'Review notes' 'REVIEWNOTESDESCRIPTION ': 'Add comments for the content of this page.' REVIEWSUCCESSFUL: 'Content reviewed successfully' SAVE: Save SETTINGSFROM: 'Options are' ContentReviewEmails: REVIEWPAGELINK: 'Review the page in the CMS' SUBJECT: 'Page(s) are due for content review' VIEWPUBLISHEDLINK: 'View this page on the website' ContentReviewLog: PLURALNAME: 'Content Review Logs' SINGULARNAME: 'Content Review Log' PagesDueForReviewReport: ONLYMYPAGES: 'Only Show pages assigned to me' REVIEWDATEAFTER: 'Review date after or on' REVIEWDATEBEFORE: 'Review date before or on' SHOWVIRTUALPAGES: 'Show Virtual Pages' TITLE: 'Pages due for review' PagesWithoutReviewScheduleReport: TITLE: 'Pages without a scheduled review.' Review: EMAILFROM_RIGHTTITLE: 'e.g: do-not-reply@site.com'