Feature: Set up reviews As a CMS user I can set up content reviews for my content In order to ensure my content gets reviewed regularly Background: # Note: the review date is deliberately in the past Given a "page" "Home" with "Content"="


", "NextReviewDate"="01/01/2017", "ReviewPeriodDays"="1" And the "group" "EDITOR" has permissions "CMS_ACCESS_CMSMain" and "EDIT_CONTENT_REVIEW_FIELDS" And I am logged in as a member of "EDITOR" group And I go to "admin/pages" @javascript Scenario: I can set content review options When I click on "Home" in the tree And I click the "Settings" CMS tab Then I should see a "Content review" CMS tab When I click the "Content review" CMS tab And I select "Custom settings" from "Options" input group And I wait for 1 second And I select "EDITOR" from "Groups" And I press "Save" Then I should see a "Content due for review" button @javascript Scenario: I can enter a review in the modal When I click on "Home" in the tree And I click the "Settings" CMS tab And I click the "Content review" CMS tab And I select "Custom settings" from "Options" input group And I wait for 1 seconds And I select "EDITOR" from "Groups" And I press "Save" And I follow "Content due for review" And I wait for 3 seconds Then I should see a "Mark as reviewed" button When I fill in "Review" with "LGTM" And I press "Mark as reviewed" And I wait for 3 seconds Then I should see "Review successfully added"