# Configuration ## Overview The module provides a number of built in configuration settings below are the default settings In order to add commenting to your site, the minimum amount of work necessary is to add the `CommentsExtension` to the base class for the object which holds comments. ```yaml SiteTree: extensions: - CommentsExtension ``` ## Configuration In order to configure options for any class you should assign the specific option a value under the 'comments' config of the specified class. ```yaml SiteTree: extensions: - CommentsExtension comments: enabled: true # Enables commenting to be disabled for a specific class (or subclass of a parent with commenting enabled) enabled_cms: false # The 'enabled' option will be set via the CMS instead of config require_login: false # boolean, whether a user needs to login require_login_cms: false # The 'require_login' option will be set via the CMS instead of config required_permission: false # required permission to comment (or array of permissions) include_js: true # Enhance operation by ajax behaviour on moderation links use_gravatar: false # set to true to show gravatar icons, gravatar_size: 80 # size of gravatar in pixels. This is the same as the standard default gravatar_default: 'identicon' # theme for 'not found' gravatar (see http://gravatar.com/site/implement/images/) gravatar_rating: 'g' # gravatar rating. This is the same as the standard default show_comments_when_disabled: false # when comments are disabled should we show older comments (if available) order_comments_by: '"Created" DESC' comments_per_page: 10 comments_holder_id: 'comments-holder' # id for the comments holder comment_permalink_prefix: 'comment-' # id prefix for each comment. If needed make this different require_moderation: false require_moderation_nonmembers: false # requires moderation for comments posted by non-members. 'require_moderation' overrides this if set. require_moderation_cms: false # If true, ignore above values and configure moderation requirements via the CMS only frontend_moderation: false # Display unmoderated comments in the frontend, if the user can moderate them. frontend_spam: false # Display spam comments in the frontend, if the user can moderate them. html_allowed: false # allow for sanitized HTML in comments html_allowed_elements: - a - img - i - b use_preview: false # preview formatted comment (when allowing HTML). Requires include_js=true ``` Enabling any of the *_cms options will instead allow these options to be configured under the settings tab of each page in the CMS. If you want to customize any of the configuration options after you have added the extension (or on the built-in SiteTree commenting) use `set_config_value` ```yaml # Set the default option for pages to require login SiteTree: comments: require_login: true ``` ```php // Get the setting $loginRequired = singleton('SiteTree')->getCommentsOption('require_login'); ``` ## HTML Comments Comments can be configured to contain a restricted set of HTML tags through the `html_allowed` and `html_allowed_elements` settings. Raw HTML is hardly user friendly, but combined with a rich-text editor of your own choosing it can allow rich comment formatting. In order to use this feature, you need to install the [HTMLPurifier](http://htmlpurifier.org/) library. The easiest way to do this is through [Composer](http://getcomposer.org). { "require": {"ezyang/htmlpurifier": "4.*"} } **Important**: Rendering user-provided HTML on your website always risks exposing your users to cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks, if the HTML isn't properly sanitized. Don't allow tags like `