getOption('use_preview'); $nameRequired = _t('CommentInterface.YOURNAME_MESSAGE_REQUIRED', 'Please enter your name'); $emailRequired = _t('CommentInterface.EMAILADDRESS_MESSAGE_REQUIRED', 'Please enter your email address'); $emailInvalid = _t('CommentInterface.EMAILADDRESS_MESSAGE_EMAIL', 'Please enter a valid email address'); $urlInvalid = _t('CommentInterface.COMMENT_MESSAGE_URL', 'Please enter a valid URL'); $commentRequired = _t('CommentInterface.COMMENT_MESSAGE_REQUIRED', 'Please enter your comment'); $fields = FieldList::create( $dataFields = CompositeField::create( // Name $a = TextField::create('Name', _t('CommentInterface.YOURNAME', 'Your name')) ->setCustomValidationMessage($nameRequired) ->setAttribute('data-msg-required', $nameRequired), // Email EmailField::create( 'Email', _t('SilverStripe\\Comments\\Controllers\\CommentingController.EMAILADDRESS', 'Your email address (will not be published)') ) ->setCustomValidationMessage($emailRequired) ->setAttribute('data-msg-required', $emailRequired) ->setAttribute('data-msg-email', $emailInvalid) ->setAttribute('data-rule-email', true), // Url TextField::create('URL', _t('SilverStripe\\Comments\\Controllers\\CommentingController.WEBSITEURL', 'Your website URL')) ->setAttribute('data-msg-url', $urlInvalid) ->setAttribute('data-rule-url', true), // Comment TextareaField::create('Comment', _t('SilverStripe\\Comments\\Controllers\\CommentingController.COMMENTS', 'Comments')) ->setCustomValidationMessage($commentRequired) ->setAttribute('data-msg-required', $commentRequired) ), HiddenField::create('ParentID'), HiddenField::create('ParentClassName'), HiddenField::create('ReturnURL'), HiddenField::create('ParentCommentID') ); // Preview formatted comment. Makes most sense when shortcodes or // limited HTML is allowed. Populated by JS/Ajax. if ($usePreview) { $fields->insertAfter( ReadonlyField::create('PreviewComment', _t('CommentInterface.PREVIEWLABEL', 'Preview')) ->setAttribute('style', 'display: none'), // enable through JS 'Comment' ); } $dataFields->addExtraClass('data-fields'); // save actions $actions = FieldList::create( $postAction = new FormAction('doPostComment', _t('CommentInterface.POST', 'Post')) ); if ($usePreview) { $actions->push( FormAction::create('doPreviewComment', _t('CommentInterface.PREVIEW', 'Preview')) ->addExtraClass('action-minor') ->setAttribute('style', 'display: none') // enable through JS ); } $required = new RequiredFields( $controller->config()->required_fields ); parent::__construct($controller, $name, $fields, $actions, $required); // if the record exists load the extra required data if ($record = $controller->getOwnerRecord()) { // Load member data $member = Member::currentUser(); if (($record->CommentsRequireLogin || $record->PostingRequiredPermission) && $member) { $fields = $this->Fields(); $fields->removeByName('Name'); $fields->removeByName('Email'); $fields->insertBefore( new ReadonlyField( 'NameView', _t('CommentInterface.YOURNAME', 'Your name'), $member->getName() ), 'URL' ); $fields->push(new HiddenField('Name', '', $member->getName())); $fields->push(new HiddenField('Email', '', $member->Email)); } // we do not want to read a new URL when the form has already been submitted // which in here, it hasn't been. $this->loadDataFrom(array( 'ParentID' => $record->ID, 'ReturnURL' => $controller->getRequest()->getURL(), 'ParentClassName' => $controller->getParentClass() )); } // Set it so the user gets redirected back down to the form upon form fail $this->setRedirectToFormOnValidationError(true); // load any data from the session $data = $this->getSessionData(); if (is_array($data)) { // load user data from previous form request back into form. if (array_key_exists('UserData', $data)) { $formData = Convert::json2array($data['UserData']); $this->loadDataFrom(array( 'Name' => isset($formData['Name']) ? $formData['Name'] : '', 'URL' => isset($formData['URL']) ? $formData['URL'] : '', 'Email' => isset($formData['Email']) ? $formData['Email'] : '' )); } // allow previous value to fill if comment if (array_key_exists('Comment', $data)) { $prevComment = $data['Comment']; if ($prevComment && $prevComment != '') { $this->loadDataFrom(array('Comment' => $prevComment)); } } } } /** * @param array $data * @param Form $form * @return HTTPResponse */ public function doPreviewComment($data, $form) { $data['IsPreview'] = 1; return $this->doPostComment($data, $form); } /** * Process which creates a {@link Comment} once a user submits a comment from this form. * * @param array $data * @param Form $form * @return HTTPResponse */ public function doPostComment($data, $form) { // Load class and parent from data if (isset($data['ParentClassName'])) { $this->controller->setParentClass($data['ParentClassName']); } if (isset($data['ParentID']) && ($class = $this->controller->getParentClass())) { $this->controller->setOwnerRecord($class::get()->byID($data['ParentID'])); } if (!$this->controller->getOwnerRecord()) { return $this->getRequestHandler()->httpError(404); } // cache users data $form->setSessionData(array( 'UserData' => Convert::raw2json($data), 'Comment' => $data['Comment'] )); // extend hook to allow extensions. Also see onAfterPostComment $this->controller->extend('onBeforePostComment', $form); // If commenting can only be done by logged in users, make sure the user is logged in if (!$this->controller->getOwnerRecord()->canPostComment()) { return Security::permissionFailure( $this->controller, _t( 'SilverStripe\\Comments\\Controllers\\CommentingController.PERMISSIONFAILURE', "You're not able to post comments to this page. Please ensure you are logged in and have an " . 'appropriate permission level.' ) ); } if ($member = Security::getCurrentUser()) { $form->Fields()->push(new HiddenField('AuthorID', 'Author ID', $member->ID)); } // What kind of moderation is required? switch ($this->controller->getOwnerRecord()->ModerationRequired) { case 'Required': $requireModeration = true; break; case 'NonMembersOnly': $requireModeration = empty($member); break; case 'None': default: $requireModeration = false; break; } $comment = Comment::create(); $form->saveInto($comment); $comment->ParentID = $data['ParentID']; $comment->ParentClass = $data['ParentClassName']; $comment->AllowHtml = $this->controller->getOption('html_allowed'); $comment->Moderated = !$requireModeration; // Save into DB, or call pre-save hooks to give accurate preview $usePreview = $this->controller->getOption('use_preview'); $isPreview = $usePreview && !empty($data['IsPreview']); if ($isPreview) { $comment->extend('onBeforeWrite'); } else { $comment->write(); // extend hook to allow extensions. Also see onBeforePostComment $this->controller->extend('onAfterPostComment', $comment); } // we want to show a notification if comments are moderated if ($requireModeration && !$comment->IsSpam) { $this->getRequest()->getSession()->set('CommentsModerated', 1); } // clear the users comment since the comment was successful. if($comment->exists()){ // Remove the comment data as it's been saved already. unset($data['Comment']); } // cache users data (name, email, etc to prepopulate on other forms). $form->setSessionData(array( 'UserData' => Convert::raw2json($data), )); // Find parent link if (!empty($data['ReturnURL'])) { $url = $data['ReturnURL']; } elseif ($parent = $comment->Parent()) { $url = $parent->Link(); } else { return $this->controller->redirectBack(); } // Given a redirect page exists, attempt to link to the correct anchor if ($comment->IsSpam) { // Link to the form with the error message contained $hash = $form->FormName(); } elseif (!$comment->Moderated) { // Display the "awaiting moderation" text $hash = 'moderated'; } else { // Link to the moderated, non-spam comment $hash = $comment->Permalink(); } return $this->controller->redirect(Controller::join_links($url, "#{$hash}")); } }