/** * @package comments */ (function($) { $(document).ready(function () { var container = $('.comments-holder-container'), commentsHolder = $('.comments-holder'), commentsList = $('.comments-list', commentsHolder), pagination = $('.comments-pagination'), noCommentsYet = $('.no-comments-yet', commentsHolder), form = $('form', container); /** * Validate */ form.validate({ invalidHandler : function(form, validator){ $('html, body').animate({ scrollTop: $(validator.errorList[0].element).offset().top - 30 }, 200); }, showErrors: function(errorMap, errorList) { this.defaultShowErrors(); // hack to add the extra classes we need to the validation message elements form.find('span.error').addClass('message required'); }, errorElement: "span", errorClass: "error", ignore: '.hidden', rules: { Name : { required : true }, Email : { required : true, email : true }, Comment: { required : true }, URL: { url : true } }, messages: { Name : { required : form.find('[name="Name"]').data('message-required') }, Email : { required : form.find('[name="Email"]').data('message-required'), email : form.find('[name="Email"]').data('message-email') }, Comment: { required : form.find('[name="Comment"]').data('message-required') }, URL: { url : form.find('[name="Comment"]').data('message-url') } } }); /** * Clicking one of the metalinks performs the operation via ajax * this inclues the spam and approve links */ form.submit(function (e) { // trigger validation if(!form.validate().valid()){ return false; } // submit the form $(this).ajaxSubmit(function(response) { noCommentsYet.hide(); if(!commentsList.length){ commentsHolder.append(""); commentsList = $('.comments-list', commentsHolder); } var evenOdd = (commentsList.children('.first').removeClass('first').hasClass('even')) ? 'odd' : 'even'; var newComment = $('
  • ') .addClass('comment first ' + evenOdd) .html(response) .hide(); if(response.match('Spam detected!!')) { newComment.addClass('spam'); } commentsList.prepend(newComment.fadeIn()); }); $(this).resetForm(); return false; }); /** * Clicking one of the metalinks performs the operation via ajax * this inclues the spam and approve links */ $(".action-links a", commentsList).live('click', function(e) { var link = $(this); var comment = link.parents('.comment:first'); $.ajax({ url: $(this).attr('href'), cache: false, success: function(html){ if(link.hasClass('ham')) { // comment has been marked as not spam comment.html(html); comment.removeClass('spam').hide().fadeIn(); } else if(link.hasClass('approve')) { // comment has been approved comment.html(html); comment.removeClass('unmoderated').hide().fadeIn(); } else if(link.hasClass('delete')) { comment.fadeOut(1000, function() { comment.remove(); if(commentsList.children().length == 0) { noCommentsYet.show(); } }); } else if(link.hasClass('spam')) { comment.html(html).addClass('spam').hide().fadeIn(); } }, failure: function(html) { alert(html) } }); e.preventDefault(); }); /** * Ajax pagination */ pagination.find('a').live('click', function(){ commentsList.addClass('loading'); $.ajax({ url: $(this).attr('href'), cache: false, success: function(html){ html = $(html); commentsList.hide().html(html.find('.comments-list:first').html()).fadeIn(); pagination.hide().html(html.find('.comments-pagination:first').html()).fadeIn(); commentsList.removeClass('loading'); $('html, body').animate({ scrollTop: commentsList.offset().top - 30 }, 200); }, failure: function(html) { alert('Error loading comments'); } }); return false; }); }); })(jQuery);