diff --git a/.travis.yml b/.travis.yml index 0df8109..0bdb267 100644 --- a/.travis.yml +++ b/.travis.yml @@ -1,47 +1,34 @@ language: php - -addons: - apt: - packages: - - tidy - -php: - - 5.6 - - 7.0 - - 7.1 - -before_install: - - pip install --user codecov - -env: - global: - - DB=MYSQL CORE_RELEASE=4 +dist: precise matrix: include: + - php: 5.6 + env: DB=MYSQL PHPCS_TEST=1 PHPUNIT_TEST=1 + - php: 7.0 + env: DB=PGSQL PHPUNIT_TEST=1 - php: 7.1 - env: DB=MYSQL CORE_RELEASE=4 COVERAGE=1 - - php: 5.6 - env: DB=PGSQL CORE_RELEASE=4 - - php: 5.6 - env: DB=SQLITE CORE_RELEASE=4 + env: DB=MYSQL PHPUNIT_COVERAGE_TEST=1 + - php: 7.0 + env: DB=MYSQL before_script: - phpenv rehash - - composer self-update || true - - git clone git://github.com/silverstripe/silverstripe-travis-support.git ~/travis-support - # Install suggested modules in order to maximize test coverage - - php ~/travis-support/travis_setup.php --source `pwd` --target ~/builds/ss --require "ezyang/htmlpurifier:4.*,silverstripe/cms:^4.0@dev" - - cd ~/builds/ss + - phpenv config-rm xdebug.ini + - echo 'memory_limit = 2G' >> ~/.phpenv/versions/$(phpenv version-name)/etc/conf.d/travis.ini + - composer validate + - composer require silverstripe/recipe-cms 1.0.x-dev --no-update + - if [[ $DB == PGSQL ]]; then composer require --no-update silverstripe/postgresql:2.0.x-dev; fi + - composer install --prefer-dist --no-interaction --no-progress --no-suggest --optimize-autoloader --verbose --profile + - echo "SS_BASE_URL=http://localhost:8080/" >> .env + + # Bootstrap cms / mysite folder + - php ./cms/tests/bootstrap/mysite.php script: - # Execute tests with no coverage. This is the fastest option - - "if [ \"$COVERAGE\" != \"1\" ]; then vendor/bin/phpunit comments/tests/; fi" - - # Execute tests with coverage. Do this for a small - - "if [ \"$COVERAGE\" = \"1\" ]; then vendor/bin/phpunit --coverage-clover=coverage.clover comments/tests/; fi" + - if [[ $PHPUNIT_TEST ]]; then vendor/bin/phpunit; fi + - if [[ $PHPUNIT_COVERAGE_TEST ]]; then phpdbg -qrr vendor/bin/phpunit --coverage-clover=coverage.xml; fi + - if [[ $PHPCS_TEST ]]; then vendor/bin/phpcs --standard=framework/phpcs.xml.dist src/ tests/ ; fi after_success: - - "if [ \"$COVERAGE\" = \"1\" ]; then mv coverage.clover ~/build/$TRAVIS_REPO_SLUG/; fi" - - cd ~/build/$TRAVIS_REPO_SLUG - - "if [ \"$COVERAGE\" = \"1\" ]; then travis_retry codecov; fi" + - if [[ $PHPUNIT_COVERAGE_TEST ]]; then bash <(curl -s https://codecov.io/bash) -f coverage.xml; fi