2021-11-17 14:10:48 +13:00

28 lines
984 B

Feature: Duplicate a page
As an author
I want to duplicate a page in the CMS
So that I can grow my website
Given I am logged in with "ADMIN" permissions
Given a "page" "Page1"
And the "page" "Page1a" is a child of the "page" "Page1"
And the "page" "Page1b" is a child of the "page" "Page1"
And the "page" "Page1b1" is a child of the "page" "Page1b"
@javascript @retry
Scenario: I can duplicate a page in the pages section
When I go to "/admin/pages"
And I right click on "Page1" in the tree
And I hover on "Duplicate" in the context menu
And I click on "This page and subpages" in the context menu
Then I should see a "Duplicated 'Page1' and children successfully" success toast
When I fill in "MenuTitle" with "Duplicate Page"
And I press the "Publish" button
Then I should see "Page1" in the tree
And I should see "Duplicate Page" in the tree
When I follow "Duplicate Page"
Then I should see "Page1a"
And I should see "Page1b"