Ingo Schommer 1ae697632d BUGFIX Fixed js i18n entity names for TableField (see #2916)
git-svn-id: svn:// 467b73ca-7a2a-4603-9d3b-597d59a354a9
2008-10-08 12:17:42 +00:00

23 lines
1.2 KiB

if(typeof(ss) == 'undefined' || typeof(ss.i18n) == 'undefined') {
console.error('Class ss.i18n not defined');
} else {
ss.i18n.addDictionary('en_US', {
'CMSMAIN.WARNINGSAVEPAGESBEFOREADDING' : "You have to save a page before adding children underneath it",
'CMSMAIN.CANTADDCHILDREN' : "You can't add children to the selected node",
'CMSMAIN.ERRORADDINGPAGE' : 'Error adding page',
'CMSMAIN.FILTEREDTREE' : 'Filtered tree to only show changed pages',
'CMSMAIN.ERRORFILTERPAGES' : 'Could not filter tree to only show changed pages<br />%s',
'CMSMAIN.ERRORUNFILTER' : 'Could not unfilter site tree<br />%s',
'CMSMAIN.ERRORUNFILTER' : 'Unfiltered tree',
'CMSMAIN.PUBLISHINGPAGES' : 'Publishing pages...',
'CMSMAIN.SELECTONEPAGE' : "Please select at least 1 page.",
'CMSMAIN.ERRORPUBLISHING' : 'Error publishing pages',
'CMSMAIN.REALLYDELETEPAGES' : "Do you really want to delete the %s marked pages?",
'CMSMAIN.DELETINGPAGES' : 'Deleting pages...',
'CMSMAIN.ERRORDELETINGPAGES': 'Error deleting pages',
'CMSMAIN.PUBLISHING' : 'Publishing...',
'CMSMAIN.RESTORING': 'Restoring...',
'CMSMAIN.ERRORREVERTING': 'Error reverting to live content',
'CMSMAIN.SAVING' : 'saving...'