madmatt a1f02f80e0 Fix behat tests for insert-an-image.feature
- Fix “I can insert an image from the CMS file store”.
- Remove unused scenario (we no longer support adding multiple images at once from the CMS).
- Fix “I can edit properties of an image before inserting it” scenario.
- Remove “I can edit dimensions of an image before inserting it” scenario - these fields no longer exist.
- Add documentation to explain why this scenario is marked @todo.
2014-01-06 12:13:06 +13:00

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4.1 KiB

Feature: Insert an image into a page
As a cms author
I want to insert an image into a page
So that I can insert them into my content efficiently
Given a "page" "About Us"
And a "file" "assets/folder1/file1.jpg"
And a "file" "assets/folder1/file2.jpg"
And I am logged in with "ADMIN" permissions
And I go to "/admin/pages"
And I click on "About Us" in the tree
Scenario: I can insert an image from a URL
Given I press the "Insert Media" button
Then I should see "Choose files to upload..."
When I press the "From the web" button
And I fill in "RemoteURL" with ""
And I press the "Add url" button
Then I should see "silverstripe_logo_web.png (" in the ".ss-assetuploadfield" element
When I press the "Insert" button
Then the "Content" HTML field should contain "silverstripe_logo_web.png"
# Required to avoid "unsaved changed" browser dialog
Then I press the "Save draft" button
Scenario: I can insert an image uploaded from my own computer
Given I press the "Insert Media" button
And I press the "From your computer" button
And I attach the file "testfile.jpg" to "AssetUploadField" with HTML5
# TODO Delay previous step until upload succeeded
And I wait for 2 seconds
Then there should be a file "assets/Uploads/testfile.jpg"
When I press the "Insert" button
Then the "Content" HTML field should contain "testfile.jpg"
# Required to avoid "unsaved changed" browser dialog
Then I press the "Save draft" button
Scenario: I can overwrite an existing image with one uploaded from my own computer
Given a "file" "assets/Uploads/file1.jpg"
When I press the "Insert Media" button
And I press the "From your computer" button
And I attach the file "file1.jpg" to "AssetUploadField" with HTML5
# TODO Delay previous step until upload succeeded
And I wait for 2 seconds
Then I should see "Overwrite"
When I press the "Overwrite" button
Then there should be a file "assets/Uploads/file1.jpg"
When I press the "Insert" button
Then the "Content" HTML field should contain "file1.jpg"
# Required to avoid "unsaved changed" browser dialog
Then I press the "Save draft" button
Scenario: I can insert an image from the CMS file store
Given I press the "Insert Media" button
And I press the "From the CMS" button
And I fill in the "ParentID" dropdown with "folder1"
And I click on "file1.jpg" in the "Files" table
When I press the "Insert" button
Then the "Content" HTML field should contain "file1.jpg"
# Required to avoid "unsaved changed" browser dialog
Then I press the "Save draft" button
Scenario: I can edit properties of an image before inserting it
Given I press the "Insert Media" button
And I press the "From the CMS" button
And I fill in the "ParentID" dropdown with "folder1"
And I click on "file1.jpg" in the "Files" table
And I press the "Edit" button
When I fill in "Alternative text (alt)" with "My alt"
And I press the "Insert" button
Then the "Content" HTML field should contain "file1.jpg"
And the "Content" HTML field should contain "My alt"
# Required to avoid "unsaved changed" browser dialog
Then I press the "Save draft" button
# TODO This needs to support using drag handles, as we no longer have 'Width' or 'Height' input fields
Scenario: I can edit dimensions of an existing image
Given the "page" "About us" contains "<img src=assets/folder1/file1.jpg>"
And I reload the current page
When I highlight "<img src=assets/folder1/file1.jpg>" in the "Content" HTML field
And I press the "Insert Media" button
Then I should see "file1.jpg"
When I fill in "Width" with "10"
When I fill in "Height" with "20"
And I press the "Insert" button
Then the "Content" HTML field should contain "<img src=assets/folder1/file1.jpg width=10 height=20>"
# Required to avoid "unsaved changed" browser dialog
Then I press the "Save draft" button