mirror of
synced 2024-10-22 06:05:56 +00:00
The main benefit of this is so that authors who make use of .editorconfig don't end up with whitespace changes in their PRs. Spaces vs. tabs has been left alone, although that could do with a tidy-up in SS4 after the switch to PSR-1/2. The command used was this: for match in '*.ss' '*.css' '*.scss' '*.html' '*.yml' '*.php' '*.js' '*.csv' '*.inc' '*.php5'; do find . -path ./thirdparty -prune -o -type f -name "$match" -exec sed -i '' 's/[[:space:]]\+$//' {} \+ find . -path ./thirdparty -prune -o -type f -name "$match" | xargs perl -pi -e 's/ +$//' done
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52 lines
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// This file was generated by silverstripe/cow from javascript/lang/src/is.js.
// See https://github.com/tractorcow/cow for details
if(typeof(ss) == 'undefined' || typeof(ss.i18n) == 'undefined') {
if(typeof(console) != 'undefined') console.error('Class ss.i18n not defined');
} else {
ss.i18n.addDictionary('is', {
"CMSMAIN.WARNINGSAVEPAGESBEFOREADDING": "Þú verður að vista síðuna áður bætt er við einhverju undir hana",
"CMSMAIN.CANTADDCHILDREN": "You can't add children to the selected node",
"CMSMAIN.ERRORADDINGPAGE": "Vandamál kom upp við að bæta við síðu",
"CMSMAIN.FILTEREDTREE": "Filterað tré til að sýna aðeins breyttar síður",
"CMSMAIN.ERRORFILTERPAGES": "Gat ekki flokkað tréið til að sýna aðeins breyttar síður<br/>%s° ",
"CMSMAIN.SELECTONEPAGE": "Please select at least 1 page.",
"CMSMAIN.ERRORPUBLISHING": "Villa kom við birtingu síðu",
"CMSMAIN.REALLYDELETEPAGES": "Ertu viss um að þú viljir eyða %s merktum síðum?",
"CMSMAIN.ERRORDELETINGPAGES": "Vandamál kom upp við eyðingu síðna",
"CMSMAIN.RESTORING": "Endurvek...",
"CMSMAIN.ERRORREVERTING": "Error reverting to live content",
"CMSMAIN.SAVING": "vista...",
"CMSMAIN.SELECTMOREPAGES": "Þú hefur valið %s síður.\n\nErtu viss um að þú viljir halda áfram?",
"CMSMAIN.ALERTCLASSNAME": "Tegund siðu verður uppfært eftir vistun síðu",
"CMSMAIN.URLSEGMENTVALIDATION": "URLs can only be made up of letters, digits and hyphens.",
"AssetAdmin.BATCHACTIONSDELETECONFIRM": "Ertu viss um að þú viljir eyða %s möppunni?",
"AssetTableField.REALLYDELETE": "Ertu viss um að þú viljir eyða merktum skrám?",
"AssetTableField.MOVING": "Færi %s skrá(r)",
"CMSMAIN.AddSearchCriteria": "Add Criteria",
"WidgetAreaEditor.TOOMANY": "Sorry, you have reached the maximum number of widgets in this area",
"AssetAdmin.ConfirmDelete": "Ertu viss um að þú viljir eyða þessari möppu og skrám sem tilheyra henni",
"Folder.Name": "Nafn möppu",
"Tree.AddSubPage": "Bæta við nýrri síðu hér",
"Tree.Duplicate": "Fjölfalda",
"Tree.EditPage": "Breyta",
"Tree.ThisPageOnly": "Aðeins þessi síða",
"Tree.ThisPageAndSubpages": "Þessi síða og undirsíður",
"Tree.ShowAsList": "Show children as list",
"CMSMain.ConfirmRestoreFromLive": "Are you sure you want to revert draft to when the page was last published?",
"CMSMain.RollbackToVersion": "Do you really want to roll back to version #%s of this page?",
"CMSMain.Archive": "Are you sure you want to archive this page and all of its children pages?\n\nThis page and all of its children will be unpublished and sent to the archive.",
"CMSMain.Restore": "Are you sure you want to restore this page from archive?",
"CMSMain.RestoreToRoot": "Are you sure you want to restore this page from archive?\n\nBecause the parent page is not available this will be restored to the top level.",
"CMSMain.Unpublish": "Are you sure you want to remove your page from the published site?\n\nThis page will still be available in the sitetree as draft.",
"CMSMain.DeleteFromDraft": "Are you sure you want to remove your page from the draft site?\n\nThis page will remain on the published site.",
"URLSEGMENT.Edit": "Breyta",
"URLSEGMENT.OK": "Allt í lagi",
"URLSEGMENT.Cancel": "Hætta við",
"URLSEGMENT.UpdateURL": "Update URL"