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2007-09-14 19:41:51 +00:00
code mlanthaler: Bugfix: "if($className == null); $className = $this->stat('subitem_class');" had no effect because of the semicolon after the if-statement. 2007-09-14 19:40:56 +00:00
css elofgren: USABILITY: Fix usability issue #30 'Replace Image button needs repositioning' by adding back the margin, border, and padding around the fieldset and increasing height. More info: 2007-09-14 19:41:51 +00:00
images elofgren: USABILITY: Remove the left Side Tabs and implement clicking on the headings to show sidebar sections instead in order to fix Usability issue "#22 Allow clicking on blue heading bar of Left 2007-09-14 19:37:48 +00:00
javascript elofgren: USABILITY: Remove 'Surname', 'FirstName?', and 'Email' from list of 'changeDetection_fieldsToIgnore'. This completes fixes for usability issue #91 "Warning needs to be added for unsaved changes 2007-09-14 19:38:25 +00:00
templates elofgren: USABILITY: In 'Site Content' left frame, relabel 'Site Tree' => 'Site Content', 'History' => 'Page Version History', 'Reports' => 'Site Reports' .Fixes usability issue #21: http://www.elijahlofgren.com/silverstripe/site-content-needs-consistent-labeling/ 2007-09-14 19:41:22 +00:00
_config.php qhoxie: basic setup for statistics viewing and handling in the cms 2007-09-14 19:33:51 +00:00
silverstripe_version Moved CMS module to open source path 2007-07-19 10:40:05 +00:00