2011-10-27 20:24:46 +02:00

521 lines
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* Base "abstract" class creating reports on your data.
* Creating reports
* ================
* Creating a new report is a matter overloading a few key methods
* {@link title()}: Return the title - i18n is your responsibility
* {@link description()}: Return the description - i18n is your responsibility
* {@link sourceQuery()}: Return a SS_List of the search results
* {@link columns()}: Return information about the columns in this report.
* {@link parameterFields()}: Return a FieldList of the fields that can be used to filter this
* report.
* If you can't express your report as a query, you can implement the this method instead:
* // Return an array of fields that can be used to sort the data
* public function sourceRecords($params, $sort, $limit) { ... }
* The $sort value will be set to the corresponding key of the columns() array. If you wish to
* make only a subset of the columns sortable, then you can override `sortColumns()` to return a
* subset of the array keys.
* Note that this implementation is less efficient and should only be used when necessary.
* If you wish to modify the report in more extreme ways, you could overload these methods instead.
* {@link getReportField()}: Return a FormField in the place where your report's TableListField
* usually appears.
* {@link getCMSFields()}: Return the FieldList representing the complete right-hand area of the
* report, including the title, description, parameter fields, and results.
* Showing reports to the user
* ===========================
* Right now, all subclasses of SS_Report will be shown in the ReportAdmin. However, we are planning
* on adding an explicit registration mechanism, so that you can decide which reports go in the
* report admin, and which go elsewhere (such as the side panel in the CMS).
* @package cms
* @subpackage reports
class SS_Report extends ViewableData {
* Report registry populated by {@link SS_Report::register()}
private static $registered_reports = array();
* This is the title of the report,
* used by the ReportAdmin templates.
* @var string
protected $title = '';
* This is a description about what this
* report does. Used by the ReportAdmin
* templates.
* @var string
protected $description = '';
* The class of object being managed by this report.
* Set by overriding in your subclass.
protected $dataClass = 'SiteTree';
* Return the title of this report.
* You have two ways of specifying the description:
* - overriding description(), which lets you support i18n
* - defining the $description property
function title() {
return $this->title;
* Return the description of this report.
* You have two ways of specifying the description:
* - overriding description(), which lets you support i18n
* - defining the $description property
function description() {
return $this->description;
* Return a FieldList specifying the search criteria for this report.
* Override this method to define search criteria.
function parameterFields() {
return null;
* Return the {@link SQLQuery} that provides your report data.
function sourceQuery($params) {
if($this->hasMethod('sourceRecords')) {
$query = new SS_Report_FakeQuery($this, 'sourceRecords', $params);
return $query;
} else {
user_error("Please override sourceQuery()/sourceRecords() and columns() or, if necessary, override getReportField()", E_USER_ERROR);
* Return a SS_List records for this report.
function records($params) {
if($this->hasMethod('sourceRecords')) return $this->sourceRecords($params, null, null);
else {
$query = $this->sourceQuery();
return singleton($this->dataClass())->buildDataObjectSet($query->execute(), "DataObjectSet", $query);
* Return an map of columns for your report.
* - The map keys will be the source columns for your report (in TableListField dot syntax)
* - The values can either be a string (the column title), or a map containing the following
* column parameters:
* - title: The column title
* - formatting: A formatting string passed to {@link TableListField::setFieldFormatting()}
function columns() {
user_error("Please override sourceQuery() and columns() or, if necessary, override getReportField()", E_USER_ERROR);
function sortColumns() {
return array_keys($this->columns());
* Return the number of records in this report with no filters applied.
function count() {
return (int)$this->sourceQuery(array())->unlimitedRowCount();
* Return the data class for this report
function dataClass() {
return $this->dataClass;
* Returns a FieldList with which to create the CMS editing form.
* You can use the extend() method of FieldSet to create customised forms for your other
* data objects.
* @uses getReportField() to render a table, or similar field for the report. This
* method should be defined on the SS_Report subclasses.
* @return FieldList
function getCMSFields() {
$fields = new FieldList(
new LiteralField(
if($this->description()) $fields->push(
new LiteralField('ReportDescription', "<p>" . $this->description() . "</p>"));
// Add search fields is available
if($params = $this->parameterFields()) {
$filters = new FieldGroup('Filters');
foreach($params as $param) {
if ($param instanceof HiddenField) $fields->push($param);
else $filters->push($param);
// Add a search button
$fields->push(new FormAction('updatereport', 'Filter'));
$this->extend('updateCMSFields', $fields);
return $fields;
function getCMSActions() {
// getCMSActions() can be extended with updateCMSActions() on a extension
$actions = new FieldList();
$this->extend('updateCMSActions', $actions);
return $actions;
* Return a field, such as a {@link ComplexTableField} that is
* used to show and manipulate data relating to this report.
* Generally, you should override {@link columns()} and {@link records()} to make your report,
* but if they aren't sufficiently flexible, then you can override this method.
* @return FormField subclass
function getReportField() {
$columnTitles = array();
$fieldFormatting = array();
$csvFieldFormatting = array();
$fieldCasting = array();
// Parse the column information
foreach($this->columns() as $source => $info) {
if(is_string($info)) $info = array('title' => $info);
if(isset($info['formatting'])) $fieldFormatting[$source] = $info['formatting'];
if(isset($info['csvFormatting'])) $csvFieldFormatting[$source] = $info['csvFormatting'];
if(isset($info['casting'])) $fieldCasting[$source] = $info['casting'];
$columnTitles[$source] = isset($info['title']) ? $info['title'] : $source;
// To do: implement pagination
$query = $this->sourceQuery($_REQUEST);
$tlf = new TableListField('ReportContent', $this->dataClass(), $columnTitles);
$tlf->setPermissions(array('export', 'print'));
// Hack to figure out if we are printing
if (isset($_REQUEST['url']) && array_pop(explode('/', $_REQUEST['url'])) == 'printall') {
if($fieldFormatting) $tlf->setFieldFormatting($fieldFormatting);
if($csvFieldFormatting) $tlf->setCSVFieldFormatting($csvFieldFormatting);
if($fieldCasting) $tlf->setFieldCasting($fieldCasting);
return $tlf;
* @param Member $member
* @return boolean
function canView($member = null) {
if(!$member && $member !== FALSE) {
$member = Member::currentUser();
return true;
* Return the name of this report, which
* is used by the templates to render the
* name of the report in the report tree,
* the left hand pane inside ReportAdmin.
* @return string
function TreeTitle() {
return $this->title();/* . ' (' . $this->count() . ')'; - this is too slow atm */
* Return the ID of this Report class.
* Because it doesn't have a number, we
* use the class name as the ID.
* @return string
function ID() {
return $this->class;
* Register a report.
* @param $list The list to add the report to: "ReportAdmin" or "SideReports"
* @param $reportClass The class of the report to add.
* @param $priority The priority. Higher numbers will appear furhter up in the reports list.
* The default value is zero.
static function register($list, $reportClass, $priority = 0) {
if(strpos($reportClass, '(') === false && (!class_exists($reportClass) || !is_subclass_of($reportClass,'SS_Report'))) {
user_error("SS_Report::register(): '$reportClass' is not a subclass of SS_Report", E_USER_WARNING);
self::$registered_reports[$list][$reportClass] = $priority;
* Unregister a report, removing it from the list
static function unregister($list, $reportClass) {
* Return the SS_Report objects making up the given list.
* @return An array of SS_Report objects
static function get_reports($list) {
$output = array();
if(isset(self::$registered_reports[$list])) {
$listItems = self::$registered_reports[$list];
// Sort by priority, preserving internal order of items with the same priority
$groupedItems = array();
foreach($listItems as $k => $v) {
$groupedItems[$v][] = $k;
$sortedListItems = call_user_func_array('array_merge', $groupedItems);
foreach($sortedListItems as $report) {
if(strpos($report,'(') === false) $reportObj = new $report;
else $reportObj = eval("return new $report;");
$output[$reportObj->ID()] = $reportObj;
return $output;
* This is an object that can be used to dress up a more complex querying mechanism in the clothing
* of a SQLQuery object. This means that you can inject it into a TableListField.
* Use it like this:
* function sourceQuery($params) {
* return new SS_Report_FakeQuery($this, 'sourceRecords', $params)
* }
* function sourceRecords($params, $sort, $limit) {
* // Do some stuff
* // Return a SS_List of actual objects.
* }
* This object is used by the default implementation of sourceQuery() on SS_Report, to make use of
* a sourceReords() method if one exists.
class SS_Report_FakeQuery extends SQLQuery {
public $orderby;
public $limit;
protected $obj, $method, $params;
function __construct($obj, $method, $params) {
$this->obj = $obj;
$this->method = $method;
$this->params = $params;
* Provide a method that will return a list of columns that can be used to sort.
function setSortColumnMethod($sortColMethod) {
$this->sortColMethod = $sortColMethod;
function limit($limit) {
$this->limit = $limit;
function unlimitedRowCount() {
$source = $this->obj->{$this->method}($this->params, null, null);
return $source ? $source->Count() : 0;
function execute() {
$output = array();
$source = $this->obj->{$this->method}($this->params, $this->orderby, $this->limit);
if($source) foreach($source as $item) {
$mapItem = $item->toMap();
$mapItem['RecordClassName'] = get_class($item);
$output[] = $mapItem;
return $output;
function canSortBy($fieldName) {
$fieldName = preg_replace('/(\s+?)(A|DE)SC$/', '', $fieldName);
if($this->sortColMethod) {
$columns = $this->obj->{$this->sortColMethod}();
return in_array($fieldName, $columns);
} else {
return false;
* SS_ReportWrapper is a base class for creating report wappers.
* Wrappers encapsulate an existing report to alter their behaviour - they are implementations of
* the standard GoF decorator pattern.
* This base class ensure that, by default, wrappers behave in the same way as the report that is
* being wrapped. You should override any methods that need to behave differently in your subclass
* of SS_ReportWrapper.
* It also makes calls to 2 empty methods that you can override {@link beforeQuery()} and
* {@link afterQuery()}
* @package cms
* @subpackage reports
abstract class SS_ReportWrapper extends SS_Report {
protected $baseReport;
function __construct($baseReport) {
$this->baseReport = is_string($baseReport) ? new $baseReport : $baseReport;
$this->dataClass = $this->baseReport->dataClass();
function ID() {
return get_class($this->baseReport) . '_' . get_class($this);
// Filtering
function parameterFields() {
return $this->baseReport->parameterFields();
// Columns
function columns() {
return $this->baseReport->columns();
// Querying
* Override this method to perform some actions prior to querying.
function beforeQuery($params) {
* Override this method to perform some actions after querying.
function afterQuery() {
function sourceQuery($params) {
if($this->baseReport->hasMethod('sourceRecords')) {
// The default implementation will create a fake query from our sourceRecords() method
return parent::sourceQuery($params);
} else if($this->baseReport->hasMethod('sourceQuery')) {
$query = $this->baseReport->sourceQuery($params);
return $query;
} else {
user_error("Please override sourceQuery()/sourceRecords() and columns() in your base report", E_USER_ERROR);
function sourceRecords($params = array(), $sort = null, $limit = null) {
$records = $this->baseReport->sourceRecords($params, $sort, $limit);
return $records;
// Pass-through
function title() {
return $this->baseReport->title();
function group() {
return $this->baseReport->hasMethod('group') ? $this->baseReport->group() : 'Group';
function sort() {
return $this->baseReport->hasMethod('sort') ? $this->baseReport->sort() : 0;
function description() {
return $this->baseReport->description();
function canView() {
return $this->baseReport->canView();