Ingo Schommer cbd31e3ab2 API Removed SiteTree.MetaTitle and MetaKeywords
They are irrelevant in terms of SEO, general page informancy,
clutter up the CMS UI, and encourage CMS authors to waste
their time filling them out.

2012-09-21 11:31:00 +02:00

182 lines
5.0 KiB

* A redirector page redirects when the page is visited.
* @package cms
* @subpackage content
class RedirectorPage extends Page {
static $description = 'Redirects to a different internal page';
static $db = array(
"RedirectionType" => "Enum('Internal,External','Internal')",
"ExternalURL" => "Varchar(2083)" // 2083 is the maximum length of a URL in Internet Explorer.
static $defaults = array(
"RedirectionType" => "Internal"
static $has_one = array(
"LinkTo" => "SiteTree",
static $many_many = array(
* Returns this page if the redirect is external, otherwise
* returns the target page.
* @return SiteTree
public function ContentSource() {
if($this->RedirectionType == 'Internal') {
return $this->LinkTo();
} else {
return $this;
* Return the the link that should be used for this redirector page, in navigation, etc.
* If the redirectorpage has been appropriately configured, then it will return the redirection
* destination, to prevent unnecessary 30x redirections. However, if it's misconfigured, then
* it will return a link to itself, which will then display an error message.
public function Link() {
if($link = $this->redirectionLink()) return $link;
else return $this->regularLink();
* Return the normal link directly to this page. Once you visit this link, a 30x redirection
* will take you to your final destination.
public function regularLink($action = null) {
return parent::Link($action);
* Return the link that we should redirect to.
* Only return a value if there is a legal redirection destination.
public function redirectionLink() {
if($this->RedirectionType == 'External') {
if($this->ExternalURL) {
return $this->ExternalURL;
} else {
$linkTo = $this->LinkToID ? DataObject::get_by_id("SiteTree", $this->LinkToID) : null;
if($linkTo) {
// We shouldn't point to ourselves - that would create an infinite loop! Return null since we have a
// bad configuration
if($this->ID == $linkTo->ID) {
return null;
// If we're linking to another redirectorpage then just return the URLSegment, to prevent a cycle of redirector
// pages from causing an infinite loop. Instead, they will cause a 30x redirection loop in the browser, but
// this can be handled sufficiently gracefully by the browser.
} elseif($linkTo instanceof RedirectorPage) {
return $linkTo->regularLink();
// For all other pages, just return the link of the page.
} else {
return $linkTo->Link();
public function syncLinkTracking() {
if ($this->RedirectionType == 'Internal') {
if($this->LinkToID) {
$this->HasBrokenLink = DataObject::get_by_id('SiteTree', $this->LinkToID) ? false : true;
} else {
// An incomplete redirector page definitely has a broken link
$this->HasBrokenLink = true;
} else {
// TODO implement checking of a remote site
$this->HasBrokenLink = false;
public function onBeforeWrite() {
// Prefix the URL with "http://" if no prefix is found
if($this->ExternalURL && (strpos($this->ExternalURL, '://') === false)) {
$this->ExternalURL = 'http://' . $this->ExternalURL;
public function getCMSFields() {
Requirements::javascript(CMS_DIR . '/javascript/RedirectorPage.js');
$fields = parent::getCMSFields();
$fields->removeByName('Content', true);
// Remove all metadata fields, does not apply for redirector pages
new HeaderField('RedirectorDescHeader',_t('RedirectorPage.HEADER', "This page will redirect users to another page")),
new OptionsetField(
_t('RedirectorPage.REDIRECTTO', "Redirect to"),
"Internal" => _t('RedirectorPage.REDIRECTTOPAGE', "A page on your website"),
"External" => _t('RedirectorPage.REDIRECTTOEXTERNAL', "Another website"),
new TreeDropdownField(
_t('RedirectorPage.YOURPAGE', "Page on your website"),
new TextField("ExternalURL", _t('RedirectorPage.OTHERURL', "Other website URL"))
return $fields;
// Don't cache RedirectorPages
public function subPagesToCache() {
return array();
* Controller for the {@link RedirectorPage}.
* @package cms
* @subpackage content
class RedirectorPage_Controller extends Page_Controller {
public function init() {
if($link = $this->redirectionLink()) {
$this->redirect($link, 301);
* If we ever get this far, it means that the redirection failed.
public function Content() {
return "<p class=\"message-setupWithoutRedirect\">" .
_t('RedirectorPage.HASBEENSETUP', 'A redirector page has been set up without anywhere to redirect to.') .