mirror of
synced 2024-10-22 06:05:56 +00:00
git-svn-id: svn://svn.silverstripe.com/silverstripe/open/modules/cms/trunk@47798 467b73ca-7a2a-4603-9d3b-597d59a354a9
391 lines
10 KiB
Executable File
391 lines
10 KiB
Executable File
* @package cms
* @subpackage newsletter
* Displays a field for importing recipients.
* @package cms
* @subpackage newsletter
class RecipientImportField extends FormField {
protected $memberGroup;
protected $memberClass;
protected $tableColumns;
protected $table;
protected $clientFileName;
protected $typeID;
static $column_types = array(
'Salutation' => array( 'title', 'salutation' ),
'FirstName' => array( 'firstname', 'christianname', 'givenname' ),
'Surname' => array( 'lastname','surname', 'familyname' ),
'Email' => array( 'email', 'emailaddress' ),
'Address' => array( 'address' ),
'PhoneNumber' => array('phone','phonenumber'),
'JobTitle' => array( 'jobtitle' ),
'Organisation' => array( 'organisation', 'organization' ),
'EmailType' => array( 'htmlorplaintext', 'emailtype' )
static $custom_set_fields = array();
public static function setCustomField( $getMapCode, $fieldName ) {
self::$custom_set_fields[] = array(
'Code' => $getMapCode,
'Field' => $fieldName
function __construct( $name, $title, $memberGroup, $memberClass = 'Member', $form = null ) {
$this->memberGroup = $memberGroup;
$this->memberClass = $memberClass;
parent::__construct( $name, $title, null, $form );
function Field() {
$frameURL = Director::absoluteBaseURL() . 'admin/newsletter/displayfilefield/' . $this->typeID;
return "<iframe name=\"{$this->Name}\" frameborder=\"0\" class=\"RecipientImportField\" src=\"$frameURL\"></iframe>";
function setTypeID( $id ) {
$this->typeID = $id;
function CustomSetFields() {
$fields = new FieldSet();
foreach( self::$custom_set_fields as $customField ) {
eval( '$map = ' . $customField['Code'] .';' );
$noneMap = array( 0 => '(Not set)' );
$map = $noneMap + $map;
$fields->push( new DropdownField( 'Set['.$customField['Field'].']', $customField['Field'], $map ) );
return $fields;
* Returns HTML to be displayed inside the IFrame
static function fileupload() {
* Returns the table of results to be displayed in the table of
* details loaded from the file
function displaytable() {
// Check that a file was uploaded
$tempFile = fopen( $_FILES['ImportFile']['tmp_name'], 'r' );
// display some error if the file cannot be opened
$this->clientFileName = $_FILES['ImportFile']['name'];
while( ( $row = fgetcsv( $tempFile ) ) !== false ) {
if( !$this->tableColumns ) {
$this->parseTableHeader( $row );
} else {
$newRow = array();
$newSessionTableRow = array();
foreach( $row as $cell ) {
$newRow[] = $this->parseCSVCell( $cell );
$newSessionTableRow[] = $cell;
$cells = new DataObjectSet( $newRow );
$table[] = $cells->customise( array( 'Cells' => $cells ) );
$sessionTable[] = $newSessionTableRow;
fclose( $tempFile );
$this->table = new DataObjectSet( $table );
Session::set("ImportFile.{$_REQUEST['ID']}", $sessionTable);
return $this->renderWith( 'Newsletter_RecipientImportField_Table' );
* Determines what type each column is
function parseTableHeader( $columns ) {
$columnSource = array_combine(
array_keys( self::$column_types ),
array_keys( self::$column_types )
$columnSource = array_merge( array( 'Unknown' => 'Unknown' ), $columnSource );
$colCount = 0;
foreach( $columns as $cell ) {
$columnType = $this->getColumnType( $this->parseCSVCell( $cell )->Value() );
$this->tableColumns[] = new DropdownField( 'ImportFileColumns[' . (string)( $colCount++ ) . ']', '', $columnSource, $columnType );
function parseCSVCell( $cell ) {
return new RecipientImportField_Cell( $cell );
function getColumnType( $cell ) {
$cell = strtolower( $cell );
$escapedValue = preg_replace( '/[^a-z]/', '', $cell );
foreach( self::$column_types as $type => $aliases ) {
if( in_array( $escapedValue, $aliases ) )
return $type;
return 'Unknown';
function setController( $controller ) {
$this->controller = $controller;
* Set of table column headers
function ColumnHeaders() {
return new DataObjectSet( $this->tableColumns );
function Rows() {
return $this->table;
function FileName() {
return $this->clientFileName;
function TypeID() {
return $this->typeID;
* Single cell of the recipient import field
* @package cms
* @subpackage newsletter
class RecipientImportField_Cell extends ViewableData {
protected $value;
function __construct( $value ) {
$this->value = $value;
function Value() {
return $this->value;
* Upload form that appears in the iframe
* @package cms
* @subpackage newsletter
class RecipientImportField_UploadForm extends Form {
function import( $data, $form ) {
$id = $data['ID'];
$mailType = DataObject::get_one("NewsletterType", "ID = $id");
$group = DataObject::get_one("Group", "ID = $mailType->GroupID");
$recipientField = new RecipientImportField("ImportFile","Import from file", $group );
$recipientField->setTypeID( $id );
// if the file is not valid, then return an error
if( empty( $_FILES ) || empty( $_FILES['ImportFile'] ) || $_FILES['ImportFile']['size'] == 0 )
return $this->customise( array( 'ID' => $id, "UploadForm" => $this->controller->UploadForm( $id ), 'ErrorMessage' => 'Please choose a CSV file to import' ) )->renderWith('Newsletter_RecipientImportField');
elseif( !$this->isValidCSV( $_FILES['ImportFile'] ) ) {
/*if( file_exists( $_FILES['ImportFile']['tmp_name'] ) ) unlink( $_FILES['ImportFile']['tmp_name'] );
unset( $_FILES['ImportFile'] );*/
return $this->customise( array( 'ID' => $id, "UploadForm" => $this->controller->UploadForm( $id ), 'ErrorMessage' => 'The selected file was not a CSV file' ) )->renderWith('Newsletter_RecipientImportField');
} else
return $recipientField->displaytable();
function isValidCSV( $file ) {
return preg_match( '/.*\.csv$/i', $file['name'] ) > 0;
function confirm( $data, $form ) {
$id = $data['ID'];
$mailType = DataObject::get_one("NewsletterType", "ID = $id");
$group = DataObject::get_one("Group", "ID = $mailType->GroupID");
// @TODO Look into seeing if $data['Set'] should be removed since it seems to be undefined
return $this->importMembers( $id, $group, $data['ImportFileColumns'], $data['Set'] );
function cancel( $data, $form ) {
$newForm = $this->controller->UploadForm( $data['ID'] );
return $newForm->forTemplate();
function action_import( $data, $form ) {
return $this->import( $data, $form );
function action_confirm( $data, $form ) {
return $this->confirm( $data, $form );
function action_cancel( $data, $form ) {
return $this->cancel( $data, $form );
* Import members from the uploaded file
protected function importMembers( $id, $group, $cols, $setFields, $primaryColType = 'Email' ) {
$startTime = time();
$importData = Session::get("ImportFile.{$id}");
$validColumns = array_keys( RecipientImportField::$column_types );
$columnMap = array_flip( $cols );
// Debug::show($columnMap);
// locate the primary column's index
$primaryColumn = /*array_search( $primaryColType, $validColumns );*/ $columnMap[$primaryColType];
// changed fields
$changedFields = array();
// intersect the list of valid columns with the column map to find the columns we need
$importColumns = array_intersect( $validColumns, $cols );
// statistics
$newMembers = 0;
$changedMembers = 0;
$skippedMembers = 0;
// the class that the imported members will become
$newMemberClass = Object::getCustomClass( 'Member' );
// for each row, add a new member or overwrite an existing member
foreach( $importData as $newMemberRow ) {
// skip rows with an empty value for the primary column
if( empty( $newMemberRow[$primaryColumn] ) ) {
// remember to check if the user has unsubscribed
$trackChanges = true;
// TODO: Write DataObject::update
$member = $this->findMember( $newMemberRow[$primaryColumn] );
if( !$member ) {
$trackChanges = false;
$member = Object::create("Member");
} else {
// skip this member if the are unsubscribed
if( $member->Unsubscribed ) {
if( $member->class != $newMemberClass )
$member->setClassName( $newMemberClass );
// add each of the valid columns
foreach( $importColumns as $datum ) {
// perform any required conversions
$newValue = trim( $newMemberRow[$columnMap[$datum]] );
$oldValue = trim( $member->$datum );
// Debug::message( "$datum@{$columnMap[$datum]}" );
// track the modifications to the member data
if( $trackChanges && $newValue != $oldValue && $datum != $primaryColumn ) {
$changedFields[] = array(
$member->$datum = $newValue;
// set any set fields
if( $setFields )
foreach( $setFields as $fieldName => $fieldValue )
$member->$fieldName = $fieldValue;
// add member to group
$member->Groups()->add( $group->ID );
$numChangedFields = count( $changedFields );
$this->notifyChanges( $changedFields );
// TODO Refresh window
$customData = array(
'ID' => $id,
"UploadForm" => $this->controller->UploadForm( $id ),
'ImportMessage' => 'Imported new members',
'NewMembers' => (string)$newMembers,
'ChangedMembers' => (string)$changedMembers,
'ChangedFields' => (string)$numChangedFields,
'SkippedRecords' => (string)$skippedMembers,
'Time' => time() - $startTime
return $this->customise( $customData )->renderWith('Newsletter_RecipientImportField');
function findMember( $email ) {
$email = addslashes( $email );
return DataObject::get_one( 'Member', "`Email`='$email'" );
function notifyChanges( $changes ) {
$email = new Email( Email::getAdminEmail(), Email::getAdminEmail(), 'Changed Fields' );
$body = "";
foreach( $changes as $change ) {
$body .= "-------------------------------\n";
$body .= implode( ' ', $change ) . "\n";
$email->setBody( $body );