// This file was generated by silverstripe/cow from javascript/lang/src/zh.js. // See https://github.com/tractorcow/cow for details if (typeof(ss) === 'undefined' || typeof(ss.i18n) === 'undefined') { if (typeof(console) !== 'undefined') { // eslint-disable-line no-console console.error('Class ss.i18n not defined'); // eslint-disable-line no-console } } else { ss.i18n.addDictionary('zh', { "AssetAdmin.BATCHACTIONSDELETECONFIRM": "是否确定删除 %s 个文件夹?", "AssetAdmin.ConfirmDelete": "是否确定删除该文件夹以及所有包含的文件?", "AssetTableField.MOVING": "正在移动 %s 文件", "AssetTableField.REALLYDELETE": "是否确定删除标记的文件?", "CMSMAIN.ALERTCLASSNAME": "将在页面保存后上传页面类型", "CMSMAIN.AddSearchCriteria": "添加标准", "CMSMAIN.CANTADDCHILDREN": "您无法将儿童添加至所选节点", "CMSMAIN.DELETINGPAGES": "正在删除页面...", "CMSMAIN.ERRORADDINGPAGE": "错误添加页面", "CMSMAIN.ERRORDELETINGPAGES": "删除页面时出错", "CMSMAIN.ERRORFILTERPAGES": "无法过滤树形结构,以便仅显示已更改页面<br />%s", "CMSMAIN.ERRORPUBLISHING": "错误发布页面", "CMSMAIN.ERRORREVERTING": "返回至实时内容的错误", "CMSMAIN.ERRORUNFILTER": "未经过滤的树形结构", "CMSMAIN.FILTEREDTREE": "已对树形结构进行过滤,进而可以仅显示更改过的页面", "CMSMAIN.PUBLISHING": "正在发布...", "CMSMAIN.PUBLISHINGPAGES": "正在发布页面...", "CMSMAIN.REALLYDELETEPAGES": "是否确定删除 %s 标记的页面?", "CMSMAIN.RESTORING": "正在恢复...", "CMSMAIN.SAVING": "正在保存...", "CMSMAIN.SELECTMOREPAGES": "您选择了 %s 个页面。\n\n是否确定执行该操作?", "CMSMAIN.SELECTONEPAGE": "请至少选择 1 个页面。", "CMSMAIN.URLSEGMENTVALIDATION": "URL 仅能由字母、数字和连字符组成。", "CMSMAIN.WARNINGSAVEPAGESBEFOREADDING": "将儿童添加在下面之前,您必须保存一个页面", "CMSMain.Archive": "Are you sure you want to archive this page and all of its children pages?\n\nThis page and all of its children will be unpublished and sent to the archive.", "CMSMain.ConfirmRestoreFromLive": "Are you sure you want to revert draft to when the page was last published?", "CMSMain.DeleteFromDraft": "Are you sure you want to remove your page from the draft site?\n\nThis page will remain on the published site.", "CMSMain.Restore": "Are you sure you want to restore this page from archive?", "CMSMain.RestoreToRoot": "Are you sure you want to restore this page from archive?\n\nBecause the parent page is not available this will be restored to the top level.", "CMSMain.RollbackToVersion": "是否确定回滚至该页面的第 #%s 版?", "CMSMain.Unpublish": "Are you sure you want to remove your page from the published site?\n\nThis page will still be available in the sitetree as draft.", "Folder.Name": "文件夹名称", "Tree.AddSubPage": "在此添加新页面", "Tree.Duplicate": "复制", "Tree.EditPage": "编辑", "Tree.ShowAsList": "将儿童显示为列表", "Tree.ThisPageAndSubpages": "本页和子页面", "Tree.ThisPageOnly": "仅该页", "Tree.ViewPage": "View", "URLSEGMENT.Cancel": "取消", "URLSEGMENT.Edit": "编辑", "URLSEGMENT.OK": "确定", "URLSEGMENT.UpdateURL": "Update URL", "WidgetAreaEditor.TOOMANY": "对不起,该区域的小工具数量已经达到最大数量" }); }