/** * Ajax to support the comment posting system */ PageCommentInterface = Class.create(); PageCommentInterface.prototype = { initialize: function() { Behaviour.register({ '#PageCommentInterface_Form_PostCommentForm_action_postcomment' : { onclick : this.postComment }, '#PageComments a.deletelink' : { onclick : this.deleteComment }, '#PageComments a.spamlink' : { onclick : this.reportSpam }, '#PageComments a.hamlink' : { onclick : this.reportHam }, '#PageComments a.approvelink' : { onclick : this.approveComment } }); }, loadSpamQuestion: function(response) { var spamQuestionDiv = $('Math'); var mathLabel = spamQuestionDiv.getElementsByTagName('label')[0]; mathLabel.innerHTML = response.responseText; var mathQuestion = spamQuestionDiv.getElementsByTagName('input')[0]; mathQuestion.value = ''; }, postComment: function() { var form = $("PageCommentInterface_Form_PostCommentForm"); var message = $("PageCommentInterface_Form_PostCommentForm_error"); if(form.elements.Name.value && form.elements.Comment.value) { if(noComments = $('NoComments')) { Element.remove(noComments); var pageComments = document.createElement('ul'); pageComments.id = 'PageComments'; $('CommentHolder').appendChild(pageComments); } message.style.display = 'none'; // Create a new <li> for the post var pageComments = $('PageComments').getElementsByTagName('li'); var __newComment = document.createElement('li'); // Add it to the list with a 'loading' message $('PageComments').insertBefore(__newComment, pageComments[0]); __newComment.innerHTML = '<p><img src="cms/images/network-save.gif" /> Loading...</p>'; // Submit the form via ajax Ajax.SubmitForm(form, "action_postcomment", { onSuccess : function(response) { // Create an Ajax request to regenerate the spam protection question //need to check if there is actually a spam question to change first if(form.elements.Math){ new Ajax.Request(document.getElementsByTagName('base')[0].href+'PageCommentInterface_Controller/newspamquestion', { onSuccess: loadSpamQuestion, onFailure: Ajax.Evaluator }); } if(response.responseText != "spamprotectionfailed"){ __newComment.className ="even"; // Load the response into the new <li> __newComment.innerHTML = response.responseText; Behaviour.apply(__newComment); // Flash it using Scriptaculous new Effect.Highlight(__newComment, { endcolor: '#e9e9e9' } ); if(response.responseText.match('<b>Spam detected!!</b>')) { __newComment.className = 'spam'; } } else { __newComment.innerHTML = ""; Behaviour.apply(__newComment); message.style.display = ''; message.innerHTML = "You got the spam question wrong."; } }, onFailure : function(response) { alert(response.responseText); } }); } else { message.style.display = ''; message.innerHTML = "Please enter your name and a comment to be posted to the site."; } return false; }, /** * Ajax handler of moderation removal */ deleteComment: function() { var __comment = this.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode; __comment.getElementsByTagName('span')[0].innerHTML = "Removing..."; new Ajax.Request(this.href + '?ajax=1', { onSuccess : function(response) { // Clear our wee status message __comment.getElementsByTagName('span')[0].innerHTML = "Removing..."; // Remove it using Scriptaculous new Effect.Highlight(__comment, { startcolor: '#cc9999' , endcolor: '#e9e9e9', duration: 0.5, afterFinish : function () { var commentList = __comment.parentNode; commentList.removeChild(__comment); if(!commentList.firstChild) { $('CommentHolder').innerHTML = "<p id=\"NoComments\">No one has commented on this page yet.</p>"; } } } ); }, onFailure : function(response) { alert(response.responseText); } }); return false; }, /** * Ajax handler of spam reporting */ reportSpam: function() { var __comment = this.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode; __comment.getElementsByTagName('span')[0].innerHTML = "Reporting spam..."; new Ajax.Request(this.href + '?ajax=1', { onSuccess : function(response) { if(response.responseText != '') { // Load the response into the <li> __comment.innerHTML = response.responseText; Behaviour.apply(__comment); // Flash it using Scriptaculous new Effect.Highlight(__comment, { endcolor: '#cc9999' } ); __comment.className = 'spam'; } else { new Effect.Highlight(__comment, { startcolor: '#cc9999' , endcolor: '#e9e9e9', duration: 0.5, afterFinish : function() { var commentList = __comment.parentNode; commentList.removeChild(__comment); if(!commentList.firstChild) { $('CommentHolder').innerHTML = "<p id=\"NoComments\">No one has commented on this page yet.</p>"; } } } ); } }, onFailure : function(response) { alert(response.responseText); } }); return false; }, /** * Ajax handler of ham reporting */ reportHam: function() { var __comment = this.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode; __comment.getElementsByTagName('span')[0].innerHTML = "Reporting as not spam..."; new Ajax.Request(this.href + '?ajax=1', { onSuccess : function(response) { // Load the response into the <li> __comment.innerHTML = response.responseText; Behaviour.apply(__comment); // Flash it using Scriptaculous new Effect.Highlight(__comment, { endcolor: '#e9e9e9' } ); __comment.className = 'notspam'; }, onFailure : function(response) { alert(response.responseText); } }); return false; }, /** * Ajax handler of ham reporting */ approveComment: function() { var __comment = this.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode; __comment.getElementsByTagName('span')[0].innerHTML = "Marking comment as approved..."; new Ajax.Request(this.href + '?ajax=1', { onSuccess : function(response) { // Load the response into the <li> __comment.innerHTML = response.responseText; Behaviour.apply(__comment); // Flash it using Scriptaculous new Effect.Highlight(__comment, { endcolor: '#e9e9e9' } ); __comment.className = 'notspam'; }, onFailure : function(response) { alert(response.responseText); } }); return false; } } PageCommentInterface.applyTo("#PageComments_holder"); function loadSpamQuestion(response) { var spamQuestionDiv = $('Math'); var mathLabel = spamQuestionDiv.getElementsByTagName('label')[0]; mathLabel.innerHTML = response.responseText; var mathQuestion = spamQuestionDiv.getElementsByTagName('input')[0]; mathQuestion.value = ''; }