Feature: Preview a page As an author I want to preview the page I'm editing in the CMS So that I can see how it would look like to my visitors Background: Given a "page" "About Us" @javascript Scenario: I can show a preview of the current page from the pages section Given I am logged in with "ADMIN" permissions And I go to "/admin/pages" Then I should see "About Us" in the tree When I click on "About Us" in the tree And I set the CMS mode to "Preview mode" Then I can see the preview panel And the preview contains "About Us" Then I set the CMS mode to "Edit mode" # TODO: # - Only tests correctly on fresh database # - We should continue testing against it after we have fixtures ready @javascript Scenario: I can see an updated preview when editing content Given I am logged in with "ADMIN" permissions And I go to "/admin/pages" Then I should see "About Us" in the tree When I click on "About Us" in the tree And I fill in the "Content" HTML field with "

first content

" And I press the "Publish" button And I fill in the "Content" HTML field with "

my new content

" And I press the "Save" button And I set the CMS mode to "Preview mode" When I switch the preview to "Published" Then the preview does not contain "my new content" And the preview contains "first content" When I switch the preview to "Draft" Then the preview does not contain "first content" And the preview contains "my new content" And I set the CMS mode to "Edit mode" Then I should see an edit page form