
 * @package cms
 * @subpackage newsletter

 * Create a form that a user can use to unsubscribe from a mailing list
 * @package cms
 * @subpackage newsletter
class Unsubscribe_Controller extends Page_Controller {
    function __construct($data = null) {
    function RelativeLink($action = null) {
        return "unsubscribe/$action";
    function index() {
        // if the email address is given
        $emailAddress = addslashes( $this->urlParams['Email'] );
        $mailingListID = addslashes( $this->urlParams['MailingList'] );
        if(is_numeric($mailingListID)) {
        	$mailingList = DataObject::get_by_id("NewsletterType", $mailingListID);
        // try to find the user
        	$member = DataObject::get_one( 'Member', "`Email`='$emailAddress'" );

        // if the email address and mailing list is given in the URL and both are valid,
        // then unsubscribe the user
        if( $member && $mailingList && $member->inGroup( $mailingList->GroupID ) ) {
            $this->unsubscribeFromList( $member, $mailingList );
            $url = "unsubscribe"."/done/".$member->Email."/".$mailingList->Title;
        } elseif( $member ) {
            $listForm = $this->MailingListForm( $member );
        } else {
        	$listForm = $this->EmailAddressForm();
 		if($this->urlParams['Email'] == "done")
		  $listForm->sessionMessage(_t('Unsubscribe.SUCCESS', 'Thank you. You have been removed from the selected groups'), "good");

        return $this->customise( array( 'Content' => $listForm->forTemplate() ) )->renderWith('Page');           
    * Display a form with all the mailing lists that the user is subscribed to
    function MailingListForm( $member = null ) {
    	$email = $this->urlParams['Email'];
       return new Unsubscribe_MailingListForm($this, 'MailingListForm', $member, $email);
    * Display a form allowing the user to input their email address
    function EmailAddressForm() {
        return new Unsubscribe_EmailAddressForm( $this, 'EmailAddressForm' );
    * Show the lists for the user with the given email address
    function showlists( $data, $form ) {
         $member = DataObject::get_one( 'Member', "`Email`='{$data['Email']}'" );
         $mailingListForm = new Unsubscribe_MailingListForm( $this, 'MailingListForm', $member, $data['Email']);
         return $this->customise( array( 'Content' => $mailingListForm->forTemplate() ) )->renderWith('Page');  
    * Unsubscribe the user from the given lists.
    function unsubscribe($data, $form) {
        $email = $this->urlParams['Email'];
        $member = DataObject::get_one( 'Member', "`Email`='$email'" );
        	$member = DataObject::get_one('Member', "`EmailAddress` = '$email'");
        if( $data['MailingLists'] ) {
           foreach( array_keys( $data['MailingLists'] ) as $listID ){
           		$nlType = DataObject::get_by_id( 'NewsletterType', $listID );
           		$nlTypeTitles[]= $nlType->Title;
              $this->unsubscribeFromList( $member, DataObject::get_by_id( 'NewsletterType', $listID ) );
           $sORp = (sizeof($nlTypeTitles)>1)?"newsletters ":"newsletter ";
           //means single or plural
           $nlTypeTitles = $sORp.implode(", ", $nlTypeTitles);
	         $url = "unsubscribe/done/".$member->Email."/".$nlTypeTitles;
        } else {
	        $form->addErrorMessage('MailingLists', _t('Unsubscribe.NOMLSELECTED', 'You need to select at least one mailing list to unsubscribe from.'), 'bad');
    protected function unsubscribeFromList( $member, $list ) {
        // track unsubscriptions
        $member->Groups()->remove( $list->GroupID );
        $unsubscribeRecord = new Member_UnsubscribeRecord();
        $unsubscribeRecord->unsubscribe($member, $list);

 * 2nd step form for the Unsubcribe page.
 * The form will list all the mailing lists that the user is subscribed to.
 * @package cms
 * @subpackage newsletter
class Unsubscribe_MailingListForm extends Form {
    protected $memberEmail;
    function __construct( $controller, $name, $member, $email ) {
        $this->memberEmail = $member->Email;
        $fields = new FieldSet(); 
        $actions = new FieldSet();
        // get all the mailing lists for this user
        $lists = $this->getMailingLists( $member );
        if( $lists ) {
	    $fields->push( new LabelField( _t('Unsubcribe.SUBSCRIBEDTO', 'You are subscribed to the following lists:')) );
            foreach( $lists as $list ) {
                $fields->push( new CheckboxField( "MailingLists[{$list->ID}]", $list->Title ) );
            $actions->push( new FormAction('unsubscribe', _t('Unsubscribe.UNSUBSCRIBE', 'Unsubscribe') ) );
        } else {
	    $fields->push( new LabelField(sprintf(_t('Unsubscribe.NOTSUBSCRIBED', 'I\'m sorry, but %s doesn\'t appear to be in any of our mailing lists.'), $email) ) );   
        parent::__construct( $controller, $name, $fields, $actions );   
    function FormAction() {
        return $this->controller->Link() . "{$this->memberEmail}?executeForm=" . $this->name;   
    protected function getMailingLists( $member ) {
        // get all the newsletter types that the member is subscribed to
        return DataObject::get( 'NewsletterType', "`MemberID`='{$member->ID}'", null, "LEFT JOIN `Group_Members` USING(`GroupID`)" );  

 * 1st step form for the Unsubcribe page.
 * The form will let people enter an email address and press a button to continue.
 * @package cms
 * @subpackage newsletter
class Unsubscribe_EmailAddressForm extends Form {

    function __construct( $controller, $name ) {
        $fields = new FieldSet(
	    new EmailField( 'Email', _t('Unsubscribe.EMAILADDR', 'Email address') )
        $actions = new FieldSet(
	    new FormAction( 'showlists', _t('Unsubscribe.SHOWLISTS', 'Show lists') )
        parent::__construct( $controller, $name, $fields, $actions );    
    function FormAction() {
        return parent::FormAction() . ( $_REQUEST['showqueries'] ? '&showqueries=1' : '' );

 * Final stage form for the Unsubcribe page.
 * The form just gives you a success message.
 * @package cms
 * @subpackage newsletter
class Unsubscribe_Successful extends Form {
	function __construct($controller, $name){
		$fields = new FieldSet();
		$actions = new FieldSet();
		parent::__construct($controller, $name, $fields, $actions);
	function setSuccessfulMessage($email, $newsletterTypes) {
		$this->setMessage(sprintf(_t('Unsubscribe.REMOVESUCCESS', 'Thank you. %s will no longer receive the %s.'), $email, $newsletterTypes), "good");
