* Director::addRules(50, array('admin/mymodel/$Class/$Action/$ID' => 'MyModelAdmin')); * * * @todo saving logic (should mostly use Form->saveInto() and iterate over relations) * @todo ajax form loading and saving * @todo ajax result display * @todo relation formfield scaffolding (one tab per relation) - relations don't have DBField sublclasses, we do * we define the scaffold defaults. can be ComplexTableField instances for a start. * @todo has_many/many_many relation autocomplete field (HasManyComplexTableField doesn't work well with larger datasets) * * Long term TODOs: * @todo Hook into RESTful interface on DataObjects (yet to be developed) * @todo Permission control via datamodel and Form class * * @uses {@link SearchContext} * * @package cms */ abstract class ModelAdmin extends LeftAndMain { /** * List of all managed {@link DataObject}s in this interface. * * @var array */ protected static $managed_models = null; public static $allowed_actions = array( 'add', 'edit', 'delete', 'import', 'renderimportform', 'handleList', 'handleItem', 'ImportForm' ); /** * @param string $collection_controller_class Override for controller class */ protected static $collection_controller_class = "ModelAdmin_CollectionController"; /** * @param string $collection_controller_class Override for controller class */ protected static $record_controller_class = "ModelAdmin_RecordController"; /** * Forward control to the default action handler */ public static $url_handlers = array( '$Action' => 'handleAction' ); /** * Model object currently in manipulation queue. Used for updating Link to point * to the correct generic data object in generated URLs. * * @var string */ private $currentModel = false; /** * List of all {@link DataObject}s which can be imported through * a subclass of {@link BulkLoader} (mostly CSV data). * By default {@link CsvBulkLoader} is used, assuming a standard mapping * of column names to {@link DataObject} properties/relations. * * @var array */ protected static $model_importers = null; /** * Amount of results showing on a single page. * * @var int */ protected static $page_length = 30; /** * Initialize the model admin interface. Sets up embedded jquery libraries and requisite plugins. * * @todo remove reliance on urlParams */ public function init() { parent::init(); // security check for valid models if(isset($this->urlParams['Action']) && !in_array($this->urlParams['Action'], $this->getManagedModels())) { //user_error('ModelAdmin::init(): Invalid Model class', E_USER_ERROR); } Requirements::css('cms/css/ModelAdmin.css'); // standard layout formatting for management UI Requirements::css('cms/css/silverstripe.tabs.css'); // follows the jQuery UI theme conventions Requirements::javascript('jsparty/jquery/jquery.js'); Requirements::javascript('jsparty/jquery/plugins/livequery/jquery.livequery.js'); Requirements::javascript('jsparty/jquery/ui/ui.core.js'); Requirements::javascript('jsparty/jquery/ui/ui.tabs.js'); Requirements::javascript('jsparty/jquery/plugins/form/jquery.form.js'); Requirements::javascript('jsparty/jquery/jquery_improvements.js'); Requirements::javascript('cms/javascript/ModelAdmin.js'); } /** * overwrite the static page_length of the admin panel, * should be called in the project _config file. */ static function set_page_length($length){ self::$page_length = $length; } /** * Return the static page_length of the admin, default as 30 */ static function get_page_length(){ return self::$page_length; } /** * Add mappings for generic form constructors to automatically delegate to a scaffolded form object. */ function defineMethods() { parent::defineMethods(); foreach($this->getManagedModels() as $ClassName) { $this->addWrapperMethod($ClassName, 'bindModelController'); } } /** * Return default link to this controller. This assfaced method is abstract, so we can't * get rid of it. * * @todo extract full URL binding from Director::addRules so that it's not tied to 'admin/crm' * @todo is there a way of removing the dependency on this method from the Form? * * @return string */ public function Link() { return Controller::join_links(Director::absoluteBaseURL(), 'admin/crm/'); } /** * Base scaffolding method for returning a generic model instance. */ public function bindModelController($model, $request = null) { $class = $this->stat('collection_controller_class'); return new $class($this, $model); } /** * Allows to choose which record needs to be created. * * @return Form */ protected function ManagedModelsSelect() { $models = $this->getManagedModels(); $modelMap = array(); foreach($models as $modelName) { if(singleton($modelName)->canCreate(Member::currentUser())) $modelMap[$modelName] = singleton($modelName)->singular_name(); } $form = new Form( $this, "ManagedModelsSelect", new FieldSet( new DropdownField('ClassName', 'Type', $modelMap) ), new FieldSet( new FormAction('add', _t('GenericDataAdmin.CREATE')) ) ); $form->setFormMethod('get'); return $form; } /** * Generate a CSV import form with an option to select * one of the "importable" models specified through {@link self::$model_importers}. * * @return Form */ public function ImportForm() { $models = $this->getManagedModels(); $modelMap = array(); $importers = $this->getModelImporters(); if(!$importers) return false; foreach($importers as $modelName => $importerClass) { $modelMap[$modelName] = singleton($modelName)->singular_name(); } $fields = new FieldSet( new DropdownField('ClassName', 'Type', $modelMap), new FileField('_CsvFile', false) ); // get HTML specification for each import (column names etc.) foreach($importers as $modelName => $importerClass) { $importer = new $importerClass($modelName); $spec = $importer->getImportSpec(); $specFields = new DataObjectSet(); foreach($spec['fields'] as $name => $desc) { $specFields->push(new ArrayData(array('Name' => $name, 'Description' => $desc))); } $specRelations = new DataObjectSet(); foreach($spec['relations'] as $name => $desc) { $specRelations->push(new ArrayData(array('Name' => $name, 'Description' => $desc))); } $specHTML = $this->customise(array( 'ModelName' => $modelName, 'Fields' => $specFields, 'Relations' => $specRelations, ))->renderWith('ModelAdmin_ImportSpec'); $fields->push(new LiteralField("SpecFor{$modelName}", $specHTML)); } $actions = new FieldSet( new FormAction('import', _t('ModelAdmin.IMPORT', 'Import from CSV')) ); $form = new Form( $this, "ImportForm", $fields, $actions ); return $form; } function add($data, $form, $request) { $className = $request->requestVar("ClassName"); return $this->$className()->add($request); } /** * Imports the submitted CSV file based on specifications given in * {@link self::model_importers}. * Redirects back with a success/failure message. * * @todo Figure out ajax submission of files via jQuery.form plugin * * @param unknown_type $data * @param unknown_type $form * @param unknown_type $request */ function import($data, $form, $request) { $importers = $this->getModelImporters(); $importerClass = $importers[$data['ClassName']]; $loader = new $importerClass($data['ClassName']); $resultsCount = $loader->load($_FILES['_CsvFile']['tmp_name']); //$resultsCount = ($results) ? $results->Count() : 0; Session::setFormMessage('Form_ImportForm', "Loaded {$resultsCount} items", 'good'); Director::redirect($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] . '#Form_ImportForm_holder'); } /** * * @uses {@link SearchContext} * @uses {@link SearchFilter} * @return Form */ protected function getSearchForms() { $modelClasses = $this->getManagedModels(); $forms = new DataObjectSet(); foreach($modelClasses as $modelClass) { $this->$modelClass()->SearchForm(); $forms->push(new ArrayData(array( 'Form' => $this->$modelClass()->SearchForm(), 'Title' => singleton($modelClass)->singular_name(), 'ClassName' => $modelClass, ))); } return $forms; } /** * @return array */ protected function getManagedModels() { $models = $this->stat('managed_models'); if(!count($models)) user_error('ModelAdmin::getManagedModels(): You need to specify at least one DataObject subclass in $managed_models', E_USER_ERROR); return $models; } /** * Returns all importers defined in {@link self::$model_importers}. * If none are defined, we fall back to {@link self::managed_models} * with a default {@link CsvBulkLoader} class. In this case the column names of the first row * in the CSV file are assumed to have direct mappings to properties on the object. * * @return array */ protected function getModelImporters() { $importers = $this->stat('model_importers'); // fallback to all defined models if not explicitly defined if(is_null($importers)) { $models = $this->getManagedModels(); foreach($models as $modelName) $importers[$modelName] = 'CsvBulkLoader'; } return $importers; } } /** * Handles a managed model class and provides default collection filtering behavior. * */ class ModelAdmin_CollectionController extends Controller { public $parentController; protected $modelClass; static $url_handlers = array( '$Action' => 'handleActionOrID' ); function __construct($parent, $model) { $this->parentController = $parent; $this->modelClass = $model; } /** * Appends the model class to the URL. * * @return unknown */ function Link() { return Controller::join_links($this->parentController->Link(), "$this->modelClass"); } /** * Return the class name of the model being managed. * * @return unknown */ function getModelClass() { return $this->modelClass; } /** * Delegate to different control flow, depending on whether the * URL parameter is a number (record id) or string (action). * * @param unknown_type $request * @return unknown */ function handleActionOrID($request) { if (is_numeric($request->param('Action'))) { return $this->handleID($request); } else { return $this->handleAction($request); } } /** * Delegate to the RecordController if a valid numeric ID appears in the URL * segment. * * @param HTTPRequest $request * @return RecordController */ function handleID($request) { $class = $this->parentController->stat('record_controller_class'); return new $class($this, $request); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * Get a search form for a single {@link DataObject} subclass. * * @return Form */ public function SearchForm() { $context = singleton($this->modelClass)->getDefaultSearchContext(); $fields = $context->getSearchFields(); $columnSelectionField = $this->ColumnSelectionField(); $fields->push($columnSelectionField); $form = new Form($this, "SearchForm", $fields, new FieldSet( new FormAction('search', _t('MemberTableField.SEARCH')), $clearAction = new ResetFormAction('clearsearch', _t('ModelAdmin.CLEAR_SEARCH','Clear Search')) ) ); //$form->setFormAction(Controller::join_links($this->Link(), "search")); $form->setFormMethod('get'); $form->setHTMLID("Form_SearchForm_" . $this->modelClass); $clearAction->useButtonTag = true; $clearAction->addExtraClass('minorAction'); return $form; } /** * Give the flexibilility to show variouse combination of columns in the search result table */ public function ColumnSelectionField() { $model = singleton($this->modelClass); $source = $model->summaryFields(); if($source) foreach ($source as $fieldName => $label){ $value[] = $fieldName; } $checkboxes = new CheckboxSetField("ResultAssembly", false, $source, $value); $field = new CompositeField( new LiteralField( "ToggleResultAssemblyLink", sprintf("%s", _t('ModelAdmin.CHOOSE_COLUMNS', 'Select result columns...') ) ), $checkboxesBlock = new CompositeField( $checkboxes, new LiteralField("ClearDiv", "
"), new LiteralField("TickAllAssemblyLink","select all"), new LiteralField("UntickAllAssemblyLink","select none") ) ); $field -> setExtraClass("ResultAssemblyBlock"); $checkboxesBlock -> setExtraClass("hidden"); return $field; } /** * Action to render a data object collection, using the model context to provide filters * and paging. * * @return string */ function search($request, $form) { $resultsForm = $this->ResultsForm($form->getData()); return $resultsForm->forTemplate(); } /** * Gets the search query generated on the SearchContext from * {@link DataObject::getDefaultSearchContext()}, * and the current GET parameters on the request. * * @return SQLQuery */ function getSearchQuery($searchCriteria) { $context = singleton($this->modelClass)->getDefaultSearchContext(); return $context->getQuery($searchCriteria); } function getResultColumns($searchCriteria) { $model = singleton($this->modelClass); $summaryFields = $model->summaryFields(); $resultAssembly = $searchCriteria['ResultAssembly']; if(!is_array($resultAssembly)) { $explodedAssembly = split(' *, *', $resultAssembly); $resultAssembly = array(); foreach($explodedAssembly as $item) $resultAssembly[$item] = true; } return array_intersect_key($summaryFields, $resultAssembly); } /** * Shows results from the "search" action in a TableListField. * * @return Form */ function ResultsForm($searchCriteria) { if($searchCriteria instanceof HTTPRequest) $searchCriteria = $searchCriteria->getVars(); $summaryFields = $this->getResultColumns($searchCriteria); $tf = new TableListField( $this->modelClass, $this->modelClass, $summaryFields ); $tf->setCustomQuery($this->getSearchQuery($searchCriteria)); $tf->setPageSize($this->parentController->stat('page_length')); $tf->setShowPagination(true); // @todo Remove records that can't be viewed by the current user $tf->setPermissions(array_merge(array('view','export'), TableListField::permissions_for_object($this->modelClass))); $url = 'Link() . '/$ID/edit\">$value'; $tf->setFieldFormatting(array_combine(array_keys($summaryFields), array_fill(0,count($summaryFields), $url))); // implemented as a form to enable further actions on the resultset // (serverside sorting, export as CSV, etc) $form = new Form( $this, 'ResultsForm', new FieldSet( new HeaderField(_t('ModelAdmin.SEARCHRESULTS','Search Results'), 2), $tf ), new FieldSet() ); // Include the search criteria on the results form URL, but not dodgy variables like those below $filteredCriteria = $searchCriteria; unset($filteredCriteria['ctf']); unset($filteredCriteria['url']); unset($filteredCriteria['action_search']); $form->setFormAction($this->Link() . '/ResultsForm?' . http_build_query($filteredCriteria)); return $form; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * Create a new model record. * * @param unknown_type $request * @return unknown */ function add($request) { return $this->AddForm()->forAjaxTemplate(); } /** * Returns a form for editing the attached model */ public function AddForm() { $newRecord = new $this->modelClass(); if($newRecord->hasMethod('getCMSAddFormFields')) { $fields = $newRecord->getCMSAddFormFields(); } else { $fields = $newRecord->getCMSFields(); } $validator = ($newRecord->hasMethod('getCMSValidator')) ? $newRecord->getCMSValidator() : null; $actions = new FieldSet(new FormAction("doCreate", "Add")); $form = new Form($this, "AddForm", $fields, $actions, $validator); return $form; } function doCreate($data, $form, $request) { $className = $this->getModelClass(); $model = new $className(); // We write before saveInto, since this will let us save has-many and many-many relationships :-) $model->write(); $form->saveInto($model); $model->write(); Director::redirect(Controller::join_links($this->Link(), $model->ID , 'edit')); } } /** * Handles operations on a single record from a managed model. * * @todo change the parent controller varname to indicate the model scaffolding functionality in ModelAdmin */ class ModelAdmin_RecordController extends Controller { protected $parentController; protected $currentRecord; static $allowed_actions = array('edit', 'view', 'EditForm', 'ViewForm'); function __construct($parentController, $request) { $this->parentController = $parentController; $modelName = $parentController->getModelClass(); $recordID = $request->param('Action'); $this->currentRecord = DataObject::get_by_id($modelName, $recordID); } /** * Link fragment - appends the current record ID to the URL. * */ function Link() { return Controller::join_links($this->parentController->Link(), "/{$this->currentRecord->ID}"); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * Edit action - shows a form for editing this record */ function edit($request) { if ($this->currentRecord) { if(Director::is_ajax()) { return $this->EditForm()->forAjaxTemplate(); } else { // This is really quite ugly; to fix will require a change in the way that customise() works. :-( return$this->parentController->parentController->customise(array( 'Right' => $this->parentController->parentController->customise(array( 'EditForm' => $this->EditForm() ))->renderWith('ModelAdmin_right') ))->renderWith(array('ModelAdmin','LeftAndMain')); return ; } } else { return "I can't find that item"; } } /** * Returns a form for editing the attached model */ public function EditForm() { $fields = $this->currentRecord->getCMSFields(); $fields->push(new HiddenField("ID")); $validator = ($this->currentRecord->hasMethod('getCMSValidator')) ? $this->currentRecord->getCMSValidator() : null; $actions = new FieldSet( new FormAction("doSave", "Save") ); if($this->currentRecord->canDelete(Member::currentUser())) { $actions->insertFirst($deleteAction = new FormAction('doDelete', 'Delete')); $deleteAction->addExtraClass('delete'); } $actions->insertFirst(new FormAction("goBack", "Back")); $form = new Form($this, "EditForm", $fields, $actions, $validator); $form->loadDataFrom($this->currentRecord); return $form; } /** * Postback action to save a record * * @param array $data * @param Form $form * @param HTTPRequest $request * @return mixed */ function doSave($data, $form, $request) { $form->saveInto($this->currentRecord); $this->currentRecord->write(); // Behaviour switched on ajax. if(Director::is_ajax()) { return $this->edit($request); } else { Director::redirectBack(); } } /** * Delete the current record */ public function doDelete($data, $form, $request) { if($this->currentRecord->canDelete(Member::currentUser())) { $this->currentRecord->delete(); Director::redirect($this->parentController->Link()); } else Director::redirectBack(); return; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * Renders the record view template. * * @param HTTPRequest $request * @return mixed */ function view($request) { if ($this->currentRecord) { $form = $this->ViewForm(); return $form->forAjaxTemplate(); } else { return "I can't find that item"; } } /** * Returns a form for viewing the attached model * * @return Form */ public function ViewForm() { $fields = $this->currentRecord->getCMSFields(); $form = new Form($this, "EditForm", $fields, new FieldSet()); $form->loadDataFrom($this->currentRecord); $form->makeReadonly(); return $form; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function index() { Director::redirect(Controller::join_links($this->Link(), 'edit')); } } ?>