Feature: Page creation in the CMS As a content author I want to create a basic text page at the root level and save it So that our website can be kept up to date Scenario: An initial change to page name modifies key fields Given I log into the CMS as admin And I create a new page When I put "Change Name" in the "Page name" field And I click on the "Metadata" tab Then the "URLSegment" field is "change-name" And the "MetaTitle" field is "Change Name" When I click on the "Main" tab Then the "Navigation label" field is "Change Name" Scenario: Every subsequent change does not change the key fields Given I save the page And I cancel pop-ups When I put "Change Again" in the "Page name" field And I click on the "Metadata" tab Then the "URLSegment" field is "change-name" And the "MetaTitle" field is "Change Name" When I click on the "Main" tab Then the "Navigation label" field is "Change Name" Then I delete the current page Scenario: I can populate all fields And I create a new page And I set "Page name" to "Populate name" And I set "Navigation label" to "Populate label" And I click on the "Metadata" tab And I set "URLSegment" to "populate-url-segment" And I set "MetaTitle" to "Populate MetaTitle" And I set "Description" to "Populate Description" And I set "Keywords" to "Populate Keywords" And I set "Custom Meta Tags" to "Populate Custom Meta Tags" And I click on the "Main" tab And I save the page When I load the "Populate label" page Then the "Page name" field is "Populate name" And the "Navigation label" field is "Populate label" When I click on the "Metadata" tab Then the "URLSegment" field is "populate-url-segment" And the "MetaTitle" field is "Populate MetaTitle" And the "Description" field is "Populate Description" And the "Custom Meta Tags" field is "Populate Custom Meta Tags" And I click on the "Main" tab Then I delete the current page Scenario: I can create 2 identical pages When I create a new page And I create a new page Then there are 2 root pages with navigation label "New Page" Then I delete the current page And I load the "New Page" root-level page Then I delete the current page Scenario: Each change to page name changes the URL When I create a new page And I set "Page name" to "First Change" And I click on the "Metadata" tab Then the "URLSegment" field is "first-change" When I confirm pop-ups And I click on the "Main" tab And I set "Page name" to "Second Change" And I click on the "Metadata" tab Then the "URLSegment" field is "second-change" When I cancel pop-ups And I click on the "Main" tab And I set "Page name" to "Third Change" And I click on the "Metadata" tab Then the "URLSegment" field is "second-change" And I click on the "Main" tab Then I delete the current page Scenario: Changes aren't saved if I cancel the warning Given I create a new page And I set "Page name" to "Change name" When I confirm pop-ups to ignore the warning that their is unsaved content And I load the "New Page" page Then the "Page name" field is "New Page" Then I delete the current page Scenario: Page name and navigation label default to new page Given I create a new page Then the "Page name" field is "New Page" And the "Navigation label" field is "New Page" When I click on the "Metadata" tab Then the "URLSegment" field is "new-page" And the "MetaTitle" field is blank And the "Description" field is blank And the "Keywords" field is blank And the "Custom Meta Tags" field is blank And I click on the "Main" tab Then I delete the current page Scenario: The navigation label is displayed in the site tree Given I create a new page And I set "Navigation label" to "New Label" And I save the page When I load the "New Label" page Then the "Navigation label" field is "New Label" Scenario: If the navigation label is blanked out, it takes the value in the Page Name field Given I set "Page name" to "Page Title" When I set "Navigation label" to "" And I save the page And I load the "Page Title" page Then the "Navigation label" field is "Page Title"