'%$SiteTreeLinkTracking_Parser' ); /** * Parser for link tracking * * @return SiteTreeLinkTracking_Parser */ public function getParser() { return $this->parser; } /** * @param SiteTreeLinkTracking_Parser $parser * @return $this */ public function setParser($parser) { $this->parser = $parser; return $this; } private static $db = array( "HasBrokenFile" => "Boolean", "HasBrokenLink" => "Boolean" ); private static $many_many = array( "LinkTracking" => "SilverStripe\\CMS\\Model\\SiteTree", "ImageTracking" => "SilverStripe\\Assets\\File" // {@see SiteTreeFileExtension} ); private static $belongs_many_many = array( "BackLinkTracking" => "SilverStripe\\CMS\\Model\\SiteTree.LinkTracking" ); /** * Tracked images are considered owned by this page * * @config * @var array */ private static $owns = array( "ImageTracking" ); private static $many_many_extraFields = array( "LinkTracking" => array("FieldName" => "Varchar"), "ImageTracking" => array("FieldName" => "Varchar") ); /** * Scrape the content of a field to detect anly links to local SiteTree pages or files * * @param string $fieldName The name of the field on {@link @owner} to scrape */ public function trackLinksInField($fieldName) { $record = $this->owner; $linkedPages = array(); $linkedFiles = array(); $htmlValue = Injector::inst()->create('HTMLValue', $record->$fieldName); $links = $this->parser->process($htmlValue); // Highlight broken links in the content. foreach ($links as $link) { // Skip links without domelements if (!isset($link['DOMReference'])) { continue; } /** @var DOMElement $domReference */ $domReference = $link['DOMReference']; $classStr = trim($domReference->getAttribute('class')); if (!$classStr) { $classes = array(); } else { $classes = explode(' ', $classStr); } // Add or remove the broken class from the link, depending on the link status. if ($link['Broken']) { $classes = array_unique(array_merge($classes, array('ss-broken'))); } else { $classes = array_diff($classes, array('ss-broken')); } if (!empty($classes)) { $domReference->setAttribute('class', implode(' ', $classes)); } else { $domReference->removeAttribute('class'); } } $record->$fieldName = $htmlValue->getContent(); // Populate link tracking for internal links & links to asset files. foreach ($links as $link) { switch ($link['Type']) { case 'sitetree': if ($link['Broken']) { $record->HasBrokenLink = true; } else { $linkedPages[] = $link['Target']; } break; case 'file': case 'image': if ($link['Broken']) { $record->HasBrokenFile = true; } else { $linkedFiles[] = $link['Target']; } break; default: if ($link['Broken']) { $record->HasBrokenLink = true; } break; } } // Update the "LinkTracking" many_many if ($record->ID && $record->getSchema()->manyManyComponent(get_class($record), 'LinkTracking') && ($tracker = $record->LinkTracking()) ) { $tracker->removeByFilter(array( sprintf('"FieldName" = ? AND "%s" = ?', $tracker->getForeignKey()) => array($fieldName, $record->ID) )); if ($linkedPages) { foreach ($linkedPages as $item) { $tracker->add($item, array('FieldName' => $fieldName)); } } } // Update the "ImageTracking" many_many if ($record->ID && $record->getSchema()->manyManyComponent(get_class($record), 'ImageTracking') && ($tracker = $record->ImageTracking()) ) { $tracker->removeByFilter(array( sprintf('"FieldName" = ? AND "%s" = ?', $tracker->getForeignKey()) => array($fieldName, $record->ID) )); if ($linkedFiles) { foreach ($linkedFiles as $item) { $tracker->add($item, array('FieldName' => $fieldName)); } } } } /** * Find HTMLText fields on {@link owner} to scrape for links that need tracking * * @todo Support versioned many_many for per-stage page link tracking */ public function augmentSyncLinkTracking() { // Skip live tracking if (Versioned::get_stage() == Versioned::LIVE) { return; } // Reset boolean broken flags $this->owner->HasBrokenLink = false; $this->owner->HasBrokenFile = false; // Build a list of HTMLText fields $allFields = DataObject::getSchema()->fieldSpecs($this->owner); $htmlFields = array(); foreach ($allFields as $field => $fieldSpec) { $fieldObj = $this->owner->dbObject($field); if ($fieldObj instanceof DBHTMLText) { $htmlFields[] = $field; } } foreach ($htmlFields as $field) { $this->trackLinksInField($field); } } }