Import one or more groups in CSV format (comma-separated values). Show advanced usage
$helpHtml .= _t(
Advanced usage
- Allowed columns: %s
- Existing groups are matched by their unique Code value, and updated with any new values from the imported file
- Group hierarchies can be created by using a ParentCode column.
- Permission codes can be assigned by the PermissionCode column. Existing permission codes are not cleared.
$importer = new GroupCsvBulkLoader();
$importSpec = $importer->getImportSpec();
$helpHtml = sprintf($helpHtml, implode(', ', array_keys($importSpec['fields'])));
$fields = new FieldSet(
new LiteralField('Help', $helpHtml),
$fileField = new FileField(
'CSV File (Allowed extensions: *.csv)'
if(!$actions) $actions = new FieldSet(
new FormAction('doImport', _t('SecurityAdmin_MemberImportForm.BtnImport', 'Import'))
if(!$validator) $validator = new RequiredFields('CsvFile');
parent::__construct($controller, $name, $fields, $actions, $validator);
function doImport($data, $form) {
$loader = new GroupCsvBulkLoader();
// load file
$result = $loader->load($data['CsvFile']['tmp_name']);
// result message
$msgArr = array();
if($result->CreatedCount()) $msgArr[] = sprintf(
_t('GroupImportForm.ResultCreated', 'Created %d groups'),
if($result->UpdatedCount()) $msgArr[] = sprintf(
_t('GroupImportForm.ResultUpdated', 'Updated %d groups'),
if($result->DeletedCount()) $msgArr[] = sprintf(
_t('GroupImportForm.ResultDeleted', 'Deleted %d groups'),
$msg = ($msgArr) ? implode(',', $msgArr) : _t('MemberImportForm.ResultNone', 'No changes');
$this->sessionMessage($msg, 'good');