
namespace SilverStripe\CMS\Forms;

use SilverStripe\CMS\Model\SiteTree;
use SilverStripe\Control\Controller;
use SilverStripe\Control\HTTPRequest;
use SilverStripe\Core\Convert;
use SilverStripe\Forms\TextField;
use SilverStripe\View\Requirements;

 * Used to edit the SiteTree->URLSegment property, and suggest input based on the serverside rules
 * defined through {@link SiteTree->generateURLSegment()} and {@link URLSegmentFilter}.
 * Note: The actual conversion for saving the value takes place in the model layer.
class SiteTreeURLSegmentField extends TextField

     * @var string
    protected $helpText;

     * @var string
    protected $urlPrefix;

     * @var string
    protected $urlSuffix;

     * @var string
    protected $defaultUrl;

    private static $allowed_actions = array(

    public function Value()
        return rawurldecode($this->value);

    public function getAttributes()
        return array_merge(
                'data-prefix' => $this->getURLPrefix(),
                'data-suffix' => '?stage=Stage',
                'data-default-url' => $this->getDefaultURL()

    public function Field($properties = array())
        return parent::Field($properties);

     * @param HTTPRequest $request
     * @return string
    public function suggest($request)
        if (!$request->getVar('value')) {
            return $this->httpError(
                _t('SilverStripe\\CMS\\Forms\\SiteTreeURLSegmentField.EMPTY', 'Please enter a URL Segment or click cancel')
        $page = $this->getPage();

        // Same logic as SiteTree->onBeforeWrite
        $page->URLSegment = $page->generateURLSegment($request->getVar('value'));
        $count = 2;
        while (!$page->validURLSegment()) {
            $page->URLSegment = preg_replace('/-[0-9]+$/', null, $page->URLSegment) . '-' . $count;

        Controller::curr()->getResponse()->addHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json');
        return json_encode(array('value' => $page->URLSegment));

     * @return SiteTree
    public function getPage()
        $idField = $this->getForm()->Fields()->dataFieldByName('ID');
        return ($idField && $idField->Value())
            ? SiteTree::get()->byID($idField->Value())
            : SiteTree::singleton();

     * @param string $string The secondary text to show
     * @return $this
    public function setHelpText($string)
        $this->helpText = $string;
        return $this;

     * @return string the secondary text to show in the template
    public function getHelpText()
        return $this->helpText;

     * @param string $url the url that prefixes the page url segment field
     * @return $this
    public function setURLPrefix($url)
        $this->urlPrefix = $url;
        return $this;

     * @return string the url prefixes the page url segment field to show in template
    public function getURLPrefix()
        return $this->urlPrefix;

    public function getURLSuffix()
        return $this->urlSuffix;

     * @return string Indicator for UI to respond to changes accurately,
     * and auto-update the field value if changes to the default occur.
     * Does not set the field default value.
    public function getDefaultURL()
        return $this->defaultUrl;

    public function setDefaultURL($url)
        $this->defaultUrl = $url;
        return $this;

    public function setURLSuffix($suffix)
        $this->urlSuffix = $suffix;
        return $this;

    public function Type()
        return 'text urlsegment';

    public function getURL()
        return Controller::join_links($this->getURLPrefix(), $this->Value(), $this->getURLSuffix());

    public function performReadonlyTransformation()
        $newInst = parent::performReadonlyTransformation();
        $newInst->helpText = $this->helpText;
        $newInst->urlPrefix = $this->urlPrefix;
        $newInst->urlSuffix = $this->urlSuffix;
        $newInst->defaultUrl = $this->defaultUrl;
        return $newInst;