# Steps definitions for security # Fixture instantiation Given /a "(.*)" group/ do |group| Given 'I visit admin/security' And 'I click the "Security Groups" link' And 'I click the "Create" button' And "I put \"#{group}\" in the \"Title\" field" And 'I click the "Save" button' end Given /a user called "(.*)" in the "(.*)" group/ do |user, group| Given 'I visit admin/security' And "I click the \"#{group} (global group)\" link" And "I put \"#{user}\" in the \"FirstName\" field" And "I put \"#{user}\" in the \"Email\" field" And "I put \"password\" in the \"SetPassword\" field" And "I click the \"Add\" button" end Given /^I get a permission denied error$/ do pending end