@javascript @assets Feature: Manage files As a cms author I want to upload and manage files within the CMS So that I can insert them into my content efficiently Background: Given a "image" "assets/folder1/file1.jpg" was created "2012-01-01 12:00:00" And a "image" "assets/folder1/folder1.1/file2.jpg" was created "2010-01-01 12:00:00" And a "folder" "assets/folder2" And I am logged in with "ADMIN" permissions And I go to "/admin/assets" @modal Scenario: I can add a new folder Given I press the "Add folder" button And I type "newfolder" into the dialog And I confirm the dialog Then the "Files" table should contain "newfolder" Scenario: I can list files in a folder Given I click on "folder1" in the "Files" table Then the "folder1" table should contain "file1" And the "folder1" table should not contain "file1.1" Scenario: I can upload a file to a folder Given I click on "folder1" in the "Files" table And I press the "Upload" button And I attach the file "testfile.jpg" to "AssetUploadField" with HTML5 And I wait for 5 seconds And I press the "Back to folder" button Then the "folder1" table should contain "testfile" Scenario: I can edit a file Given I click on "folder1" in the "Files" table And I click on "file1" in the "folder1" table And I fill in "renamedfile" for "Title" And I press the "Save" button And I press the "Back" button Then the "folder1" table should not contain "testfile" And the "folder1" table should contain "renamedfile" Scenario: I can delete a file Given I click on "folder1" in the "Files" table And I click on "file1" in the "folder1" table And I press the "Delete" button, confirming the dialog Then the "folder1" table should not contain "file1" Scenario: I can change the folder of a file Given I click on "folder1" in the "Files" table And I click on "file1" in the "folder1" table And I fill in "folder2" for the "Folder" dropdown And I press the "Save" button # /show/0 is to ensure that we are on top level folder And I go to "/admin/assets/show/0" And I click on "folder2" in the "Files" table And the "folder2" table should contain "file1" Scenario: I can see allowed extensions help When I go to "/admin/assets/add" And I follow "Show allowed extensions" Then I should see "png," Scenario: I can filter the files list view using name Given I expand the content filters And I fill in "Name" with "file1" And I press the "Search" button Then the "Files" table should contain "file1" And the "Files" table should not contain "file2" Scenario: I can filter the files list view using filetype Given a "file" "assets/document.pdf" And I expand the content filters And I select "Image" from "File type" with javascript And I press the "Search" button Then the "Files" table should contain "file1" And the "Files" table should not contain "document" Scenario: I can filter out files that don't match the date range Given I expand the content filters And I fill in "From" with "2003-01-01" And I fill in "To" with "2011-01-01" And I press the "Search" button And the "Files" table should contain "file2" And the "Files" table should not contain "file1"