 * @package cms
 * @subpackage tests
class ModelAsControllerTest extends FunctionalTest {
	protected $usesDatabase = true;
	protected static $fixture_file = 'ModelAsControllerTest.yml';
	protected $autoFollowRedirection = false;

	protected $orig = array();

	 * New tests require nested urls to be enabled, but the site might not 
	 * support nested URLs. 
	 * This setup will enable nested-urls for this test and resets the state
	 * after the tests have been performed.
	public function setUp() {

		$this->orig['nested_urls'] = SiteTree::config()->nested_urls;
		Config::inst()->update('SiteTree', 'nested_urls', true);

	 * New tests require nested urls to be enabled, but the site might not 
	 * support nested URLs. 
	 * This setup will enable nested-urls for this test and resets the state
	 * after the tests have been performed.
	public function tearDown() {
		if (isset($this->orig['nested_urls']) && !$this->orig['nested_urls']) {
			SiteTree::config()->nested_urls = false;

	protected function generateNestedPagesFixture() {
		$level1 = new Page();
		$level1->Title      = 'First Level';
		$level1->URLSegment = 'level1';
		$level1->publish('Stage', 'Live');
		$level1->URLSegment = 'newlevel1';
		$level1->publish('Stage', 'Live');
		$level2 = new Page();
		$level2->Title      = 'Second Level';
		$level2->URLSegment = 'level2';
		$level2->ParentID = $level1->ID;
		$level2->publish('Stage', 'Live');
		$level2->URLSegment = 'newlevel2';
		$level2->publish('Stage', 'Live');
		$level3 = New Page();
		$level3->Title = "Level 3";
		$level3->URLSegment = 'level3';
		$level3->ParentID = $level2->ID;
		$level3->URLSegment = 'newlevel3';
	 * We're building up a page hierarchy ("nested URLs") and rename
	 * all the individual pages afterwards. The assumption is that
	 * all pages will be found by their old segments.
	 * NOTE: This test requires nested_urls
	 * Original: level1/level2/level3
	 * Republished as: newlevel1/newlevel2/newlevel3
	public function testRedirectsNestedRenamedPages(){
		// check a first level URLSegment 
		$response = $this->get('level1/action');
			Controller::join_links(Director::baseURL() . 'newlevel1/action'),
		// check second level URLSegment 
		$response = $this->get('newlevel1/level2');
		$this->assertEquals($response->getStatusCode(),301 );
			Controller::join_links(Director::baseURL() . 'newlevel1/newlevel2/'),
		// check third level URLSegment 
		$response = $this->get('newlevel1/newlevel2/level3');
		$this->assertEquals($response->getStatusCode(), 301);
			Controller::join_links(Director::baseURL() . 'newlevel1/newlevel2/newlevel3/'),
		$response = $this->get('newlevel1/newlevel2/level3');

	public function testRedirectionForPreNestedurlsBookmarks(){

		// Up-to-date URLs will be redirected to the appropriate subdirectory
		$response = $this->get('newlevel3');
		$this->assertEquals(301, $response->getStatusCode());
		$this->assertEquals(Director::baseURL() . 'newlevel1/newlevel2/newlevel3/',

		// So will the legacy ones
		$response = $this->get('level3');
		$this->assertEquals(301, $response->getStatusCode());
		$this->assertEquals(Director::baseURL() . 'newlevel1/newlevel2/newlevel3/',

	public function testDoesntRedirectToNestedChildrenOutsideOfOwnHierarchy() {
		$otherParent = new Page(array(
			'URLSegment' => 'otherparent'
		$otherParent->publish('Stage', 'Live');
		$response = $this->get('level1/otherparent');
		$this->assertEquals($response->getStatusCode(), 301);

		$response = $this->get('newlevel1/otherparent');
			'Requesting an unrelated page on a renamed parent should be interpreted as a missing action, not a redirect'
	 * NOTE: This test requires nested_urls
	public function testRedirectsNestedRenamedPagesWithGetParameters() {
		// check third level URLSegment 
		$response = $this->get('newlevel1/newlevel2/level3/?foo=bar&test=test');
		$this->assertEquals($response->getStatusCode(), 301);
			Controller::join_links(Director::baseURL() . 'newlevel1/newlevel2/newlevel3/', '?foo=bar&test=test'),
	 * NOTE: This test requires nested_urls
	public function testDoesntRedirectToNestedRenamedPageWhenNewExists() {
		$otherLevel1 = new Page(array(
			'Title' => "Other Level 1",
			'URLSegment' => 'level1'
		$otherLevel1->publish('Stage', 'Live');
		$response = $this->get('level1');
		$response = $this->get('level1/newlevel2');
			'The old newlevel2/ URLSegment is checked as an action on the new page, which shouldnt exist.'
	 * NOTE: This test requires nested_urls
	public function testFindOldPage(){
		$page = new Page();
		$page->Title      = 'First Level';
		$page->URLSegment = 'oldurl';
		$page->publish('Stage', 'Live');
		$page->URLSegment = 'newurl';
		$page->publish('Stage', 'Live');
		$response = ModelAsController::find_old_page('oldurl');
		$this->assertEquals('First Level',$response->Title);
		$page2 = new Page();
		$page2->Title      = 'Second Level Page';
		$page2->URLSegment = 'oldpage2';
		$page2->ParentID = $page->ID;
		$page2->publish('Stage', 'Live');
		$page2->URLSegment = 'newpage2';
		$page2->publish('Stage', 'Live');
		$response = ModelAsController::find_old_page('oldpage2',$page2->ParentID);
		$this->assertEquals('Second Level Page',$response->Title);
		$response = ModelAsController::find_old_page('oldpage2',$page2->ID);
		$this->assertEquals(false, $response );

	 * go to a page that's been published but is child of an unpublished page
	 * NOTE: This test requires nested_urls
	public function testChildOfDraft() {
		Config::inst()->update('SiteTree', 'nested_urls', true);

		$draft = new Page();
		$draft->Title = 'Root Leve Draft Page';
		$draft->URLSegment = 'root';

		$published = new Page();
		$published->Title = 'Published Page Under Draft Page';
		$published->URLSegment = 'sub-root';
		$published->publish('Stage', 'Live');
		$response = $this->get('root/sub-root');

			'The page should not be found since its parent has not been published, in this case http://<yousitename>/root/sub-root or http://<yousitename>/sub-root'
