Parent()->GroupID); $sent_status_report = $this->renderWith("Newsletter_SentStatusReport"); $ret = new FieldSet( new TabSet("Root", $mailTab = new Tab("Newsletter", new TextField("Subject", "Subject", $this->Subject), new HtmlEditorField("Content", "Content") ), $sentToTab = new Tab("Sent Status Report", new LiteralField("Sent Status Report", $sent_status_report) ) ) ); if( $this->Status != 'Draft' ) { $mailTab->push( new ReadonlyField("SendDate", "Sent at", $this->SendDate) ); } return $ret; } /** * Returns a DataObject listing the recipients for the given status for this newsletter * * @param string $result 3 possible values: "Sent", (mail() returned TRUE), "Failed" (mail() returned FALSE), or "Bounced" ({@see $email_bouncehandler}). */ function SentRecipients($result) { $SQL_result = Convert::raw2sql($result); return DataObject::get("Newsletter_SentRecipient",array("ParentID='".$this->ID."'", "Result='".$SQL_result."'")); } /** * Returns a DataObjectSet containing the subscribers who have never been sent this Newsletter * */ function UnsentSubscribers() { // Get a list of everyone who has been sent this newsletter $sent_recipients = DataObject::get("Newsletter_SentRecipient","ParentID='".$this->ID."'"); // If this Newsletter has not been sent to anyone yet, $sent_recipients will be null if ($sent_recipients != null) { $sent_recipients_array = $sent_recipients->toNestedArray('MemberID'); } else { $sent_recipients_array = array(); } // Get a list of all the subscribers to this newsletter $subscribers = DataObject::get( 'Member', "`GroupID`='".$this->Parent()->GroupID."'", null, "INNER JOIN `Group_Members` ON `MemberID`=`Member`.`ID`" ); // If this Newsletter has no subscribers, $subscribers will be null if ($subscribers != null) { $subscribers_array = $subscribers->toNestedArray(); } else { $subscribers_array = array(); } // Get list of subscribers who have not been sent this newsletter: $unsent_subscribers_array = array_diff_key($subscribers_array, $sent_recipients_array); // Create new data object set containing the subscribers who have not been sent this newsletter: $unsent_subscribers = new DataObjectSet(); foreach($unsent_subscribers_array as $key => $data) { $unsent_subscribers->push(new ArrayData($data)); } return $unsent_subscribers; } function getTitle() { return $this->getField('Subject'); } function getNewsletterType() { return DataObject::get_by_id('NewsletterType', $this->ParentID); } static $db = array( "Status" => "Enum('Draft, Send', 'Draft')", "Content" => "HTMLText", "Subject" => "Varchar(255)", "SentDate" => "Datetime", ); static $has_one = array( "Parent" => "NewsletterType", ); static $has_many = array( "Recipients" => "Newsletter_Recipient", "SentRecipients" => "Newsletter_SentRecipient", ); static function newDraft( $parentID, $subject, $content ) { if( is_numeric( $parentID ) ) { $newsletter = new Newsletter(); $newsletter->Status = 'Draft'; $newsletter->Title = $newsletter->Subject = $subject; $newsletter->ParentID = $parentID; $newsletter->Content = $content; $newsletter->write(); } else { user_error( $parentID, E_USER_ERROR ); } return $newsletter; } } class Newsletter_SentRecipient extends DataObject { /** * The DB schema for Newsletter_SentRecipient. * * ParentID is the the Newsletter * Email and MemberID keep track of the recpients information * Result has 3 possible values: "Sent", (mail() returned TRUE), "Failed" (mail() returned FALSE), or "Bounced" ({@see $email_bouncehandler}). */ static $db = array( "ParentID" => "Int", "Email" => "Varchar(255)", "Result" => "Enum('Sent, Failed, Bounced', 'Sent')", ); static $has_one = array( "Member" => "Member", ); } class Newsletter_Recipient extends DataObject { static $db = array( "ParentID" => "Int", ); static $has_one = array( "Member" => "Member", ); } class Newsletter_Email extends Email_Template { protected $nlType; function __construct($nlType) { $this->nlType = $nlType; parent::__construct(); } function setTemplate( $template ) { $this->ss_template = $template; } function UnsubscribeLink(){ $emailAddr = $this->To(); $nlTypeID = $this->nlType->ID; return Director::absoluteBaseURL()."unsubscribe/$emailAddr/$nlTypeID"; } } ?>