@assets @retry Feature: Insert links into a page As a cms author I want to insert a link into my content So that I can link to a external website or a page on my site Background: Given a "page" "Home" And a "page" "About Us" has the "Content" "

My awesome content

" And a "page" "Details" has the "Content" "

My sub-par content

" And a "file" "file1.jpg" And I am logged in with "ADMIN" permissions And I go to "/admin/pages" And I click on "About Us" in the tree Scenario: I can link to an internal page Given I select "awesome" in the "Content" HTML field And I press the "Insert Link" HTML field button And I click "Page on this site" in the ".mce-menu" element And I should see an "form#Form_editorInternalLink" element When I click "(Choose Page)" in the ".Select-multi-value-wrapper" element And I click "About Us" in the ".treedropdownfield__menu" element And I fill in "my desc" for "Link description" And I press the "Insert" button Then the "Content" HTML field should contain "awesome" # Required to avoid "unsaved changes" browser dialog Then I press the "Save draft" button Scenario: I can edit a link to an internal page Given I fill in the "Content" HTML field with "awesome" And I select "awesome" in the "Content" HTML field And I press the "Insert Link" HTML field button And I click "Page on this site" in the ".mce-menu" element And I should see an "form#Form_editorInternalLink" element Then I should see "About Us" in the ".Select-value" element And the "Link description" field should contain "my desc" # This doesn't seem to suffer from that issue When I click "About Us" in the ".Select-value" element And I click "Home" in the ".treedropdownfield__menu" element And I fill in "my new desc" for "Link description" And I press the "Insert" button Then the "Content" HTML field should contain "awesome" # Required to avoid "unsaved changes" browser dialog Then I press the "Save draft" button Scenario: I can link to an external URL Given I select "awesome" in the "Content" HTML field And I press the "Insert Link" HTML field button When I click "Link to external URL" in the ".mce-menu" element And I should see an "form#Form_ModalsEditorExternalLink" element When I fill in "http://silverstripe.org" for "URL" And I check "Open in new window/tab" And I press the "Insert" button Then the "Content" HTML field should contain "awesome" # Required to avoid "unsaved changes" browser dialog Then I press the "Save draft" button Scenario: I can edit a link Given I fill in the "Content" HTML field with "

My awesome content" And I select "awesome" in the "Content" HTML field When I press the "Insert Link" HTML field button And I click "Link to external URL" in the ".mce-menu" element And I should see an "form#Form_ModalsEditorExternalLink" element Then the "URL" field should contain "http://silverstripe.org" # This doesn't seem to suffer from that issue When I fill in "http://google.com" for "URL" And I press the "Insert" button Then the "Content" HTML field should contain "awesome" # Required to avoid "unsaved changes" browser dialog Then I press the "Save draft" button Scenario: I can remove a link Given I fill in the "Content" HTML field with "My awesome content" And I select "awesome" in the "Content" HTML field When I press the "Remove link" HTML field button Then the "Content" HTML field should contain "My awesome content" And the "Content" HTML field should not contain "http://silverstripe.org" # Required to avoid "unsaved changes" browser dialog Then I press the "Save draft" button