"Varchar(200)", "Comment" => "Text", "IsSpam" => "Boolean", "NeedsModeration" => "Boolean", "CommenterURL" => "Varchar(255)", "SessionID" => "Varchar(255)" ); static $has_one = array( "Parent" => "SiteTree", "Author" => "Member" // Only set when the user is logged in when posting ); static $has_many = array(); static $many_many = array(); static $defaults = array(); static $casting = array( "RSSTitle" => "Varchar", ); // Number of comments to show before paginating static $comments_per_page = 10; static $moderate = false; static $bbcode = false; /** * Return a link to this comment * @return string link to this comment. */ function Link() { return $this->Parent()->Link() . '#PageComment_'. $this->ID; } function ParsedBBCode(){ $parser = new BBCodeParser($this->Comment); return $parser->parse(); } function DeleteLink() { return (Permission::check('CMS_ACCESS_CMSMain')) ? "PageComment_Controller/deletecomment/$this->ID" : false; } function SpamLink() { return (Permission::check('CMS_ACCESS_CMSMain') && !$this->IsSpam) ? "PageComment_Controller/reportspam/$this->ID" : false; } function HamLink() { return (Permission::check('CMS_ACCESS_CMSMain') && $this->IsSpam) ? "PageComment_Controller/reportham/$this->ID" : false; } function ApproveLink() { return (Permission::check('CMS_ACCESS_CMSMain') && $this->NeedsModeration) ? "PageComment_Controller/approve/$this->ID" : false; } function SpamClass() { if($this->getField('IsSpam')) { return 'spam'; } else if($this->getField('NeedsModeration')) { return 'unmoderated'; } else { return 'notspam'; } } function RSSTitle() { return sprintf( _t('PageComment.COMMENTBY', "Comment by '%s' on %s", PR_MEDIUM, 'Name, Page Title'), Convert::raw2xml($this->Name), $this->Parent()->Title ); } function PageTitle() { return $this->Parent()->Title; } static function enableModeration() { self::$moderate = true; } static function moderationEnabled() { return self::$moderate; } static function enableBBCode() { self::$bbcode = true; } static function bbCodeEnabled() { return self::$bbcode; } /** * * @param boolean $includerelations a boolean value to indicate if the labels returned include relation fields * */ function fieldLabels($includerelations = true) { $labels = parent::fieldLabels($includerelations); $labels['Name'] = _t('PageComment.Name', 'Author Name'); $labels['Comment'] = _t('PageComment.Comment', 'Comment'); $labels['IsSpam'] = _t('PageComment.IsSpam', 'Spam?'); $labels['NeedsModeration'] = _t('PageComment.NeedsModeration', 'Needs Moderation?'); return $labels; } /** * This method is called just before this object is * written to the database. * * Specifically, make sure "http://" exists at the start * of the URL, if it doesn't have https:// or http:// */ public function onBeforeWrite() { parent::onBeforeWrite(); $url = $this->CommenterURL; if($url) { if(substr($url, 0, 8) != 'https://') { if(substr($url, 0, 7) != 'http://') { $url = $this->CommenterURL = 'http://' . $url; } } } $this->CommenterURL = $url; } } class PageComment_Controller extends Controller { function rss() { $parentcheck = isset($_REQUEST['pageid']) ? "ParentID = " . (int) $_REQUEST['pageid'] : "ParentID > 0"; $comments = DataObject::get("PageComment", "$parentcheck AND IsSpam=0 AND NeedsModeration = 0", "Created DESC", "", 10); if(!isset($comments)) { $comments = new DataObjectSet(); } $rss = new RSSFeed($comments, "home/", "Page comments", "", "RSSTitle", "Comment", "Name"); $rss->outputToBrowser(); } function deletecomment() { if(Permission::check('CMS_ACCESS_CMSMain')) { $comment = DataObject::get_by_id("PageComment", $this->urlParams['ID']); if($comment) { $comment->delete(); } } if(Director::is_ajax()) { echo ""; } else { Director::redirectBack(); } } function approve() { if(Permission::check('CMS_ACCESS_CMSMain')) { $comment = DataObject::get_by_id("PageComment", $this->urlParams['ID']); if($comment) { $comment->NeedsModeration = false; $comment->write(); // @todo Report to spamprotecter this is true if(Director::is_ajax()) { echo $comment->renderWith('PageCommentInterface_singlecomment'); } else { Director::redirectBack(); } } } } function reportspam() { $comment = DataObject::get_by_id("PageComment", $this->urlParams['ID']); if($comment) { // check they have access if(Permission::check('CMS_ACCESS_CMSMain')) { // if spam protection module exists if(class_exists('SpamProtectorManager')) { SpamProtectorManager::send_feedback($comment, 'spam'); } // If Akismet is enabled else if(SSAkismet::isEnabled()) { try { $akismet = new SSAkismet(); $akismet->setCommentAuthor($comment->getField('Name')); $akismet->setCommentContent($comment->getField('Comment')); $akismet->submitSpam(); } catch (Exception $e) { // Akismet didn't work, most likely the service is down. } } $comment->IsSpam = true; $comment->NeedsModeration = false; $comment->write(); } } if(Director::is_ajax()) { if(SSAkismet::getSaveSpam()) { echo $comment->renderWith('PageCommentInterface_singlecomment'); } else { echo ''; } } else { Director::redirectBack(); } } /** * Report a Spam Comment as valid comment (not spam) */ function reportham() { $comment = DataObject::get_by_id("PageComment", $this->urlParams['ID']); if($comment) { if(Permission::check('CMS_ACCESS_CMSMain')) { // if spam protection module exists if(class_exists('SpamProtectorManager')) { SpamProtectorManager::send_feedback($comment, 'ham'); $comment->setField('IsSpam', false); $comment->write(); } if(SSAkismet::isEnabled()) { try { $akismet = new SSAkismet(); $akismet->setCommentAuthor($comment->getField('Name')); $akismet->setCommentContent($comment->getField('Comment')); $akismet->submitHam(); } catch (Exception $e) { // Akismet didn't work, most likely the service is down. } $comment->setField('IsSpam', false); $comment->write(); } } } if(Director::is_ajax()) { echo $comment->renderWith('PageCommentInterface_singlecomment'); } else { Director::redirectBack(); } } } ?>