Feature: Log in As a CMS user I want to security log into the CMS So that I can make changes, knowing that other people can't. Background: Given I visit Security/logout Scenario: opening admin asks user log-in And I visit admin Then I am sent to Security/login Scenario: valid login When I fill out the log in form with user "admin" and password "password" Then I see "You're logged in as" Scenario: no password login When I fill out the log in form with user "admin" and password "" Then I see "That doesn't seem to be the right e-mail address or password." Scenario: no user login When I fill out the log in form with user "" and password "password" Then I see "That doesn't seem to be the right e-mail address or password." Scenario: invalid login, getting right 2nd time Given I visit admin And I put "admin" in the "Email" field And I put "wrongpassword" in the "Password" field And I click the "Log in" button Then I am sent to Security/login And I see "That doesn't seem to be the right e-mail address or password." Given I put "admin" in the "Email" field And I put "password" in the "Password" field And I click the "Log in" button Then I am sent to admin