(function($) { /** * @class Base edit form, provides ajaxified saving * and reloading itself through the ajax return values. * Takes care of resizing tabsets within the layout container. * @name ss.Form_EditForm */ $('#Form_EditForm').concrete('ss',function($){ return/** @lends ss.Form_EditForm */{ /** * @type String HTML text to show when the form has been deleted. * @todo i18n */ RemoveText: 'Removed', onmatch: function() { // Don't bind any events here, as we dont replace the // full
tag by any ajax updates they won't automatically reapply _super(); }, /** * Suppress submission unless it is handled through ajaxSubmit() */ onsubmit: function(e) { return false; }, /** * @param {DOMElement} button The pressed button (optional) * @param {Function} callback Called in complete() handler of jQuery.ajax() */ ajaxSubmit: function(button, callback, ajaxOptions) { // look for save button if(!button) button = this.find('.Actions :submit[name=action_save]'); // default to first button if none given - simulates browser behaviour if(!button) button = this.find('.Actions :submit:first'); var self = this; this.trigger('ajaxsubmit', {button: button}); // set button to "submitting" state $(button).addClass('loading'); // @todo TinyMCE coupling if(typeof tinyMCE != 'undefined') tinyMCE.triggerSave(); // validate if required if(!this.validate()) { // TODO Automatically switch to the tab/position of the first error statusMessage("Validation failed.", "bad"); $(button).removeClass('loading'); return false; } // get all data from the form var formData = this.serializeArray(); // add button action formData.push({name: $(button).attr('name'), value:'1'}); $.ajax($.extend({ url: this.attr('action'), data: formData, type: 'POST', complete: function(xmlhttp, status) { $(button).removeClass('loading'); if(callback) callback(xmlhttp, status); // pass along original form data to enable old/new comparisons self._loadResponse(xmlhttp.responseText, status, xmlhttp, formData); }, dataType: 'html' }, ajaxOptions)); return false; }, /** * Hook in (optional) validation routines. * Currently clientside validation is not supported out of the box in the CMS. * * @todo Placeholder implementation * * @return {boolean} */ validate: function() { var isValid = true; this.trigger('validate', {isValid: isValid}); return isValid; }, /** * @param String url * @param Function callback (Optional) */ load: function(url, callback) { var self = this; $.ajax({ url: url, complete: function(xmlhttp, status) { self._loadResponse(xmlhttp.responseText, status, xmlhttp); if(callback) callback.apply(self, arguments); }, dataType: 'html' }); }, /** * Remove everying inside the tag * with a custom HTML fragment. Useful e.g. for deleting a page in the CMS. * * @param {String} removeText Short note why the form has been removed, displayed in

tags. * Falls back to the default RemoveText() option (Optional) */ removeForm: function(removeText) { if(!removeText) removeText = this.RemoveText(); this.html('

' + removeText + '

'); }, /** * Remove all the currently active TinyMCE editors. * Note: Everything that calls this externally has an inappropriate coupling to TinyMCE. */ cleanup: function() { if((typeof tinymce != 'undefined') && tinymce.EditorManager) { var id; for(id in tinymce.EditorManager.editors) { tinymce.EditorManager.editors[id].remove(); } tinymce.EditorManager.editors = {}; } }, /** * @param {String} data Either HTML for straight insertion, or eval'ed JavaScript. * If passed as HTML, it is assumed that everying inside the tag is replaced, * but the old tag itself stays intact. * @param {String} status * @param {XMLHTTPRequest} xmlhttp * @param {Array} origData The original submitted data, useful to do comparisons of changed * values in new form output, e.g. to detect a URLSegment being changed on the serverside. * Array in jQuery serializeArray() notation. */ _loadResponse: function(data, status, xmlhttp, origData) { if(status == 'success') { this.cleanup(); var html = data; // Rewrite # links html = html.replace(/(]+href *= *")#/g, '$1' + window.location.href.replace(/#.*$/,'') + '#'); // Rewrite iframe links (for IE) html = html.replace(/(]*src=")([^"]+)("[^>]*>)/g, '$1' + $('base').attr('href') + '$2$3'); // Prepare iframes for removal, otherwise we get loading bugs this.find('iframe').each(function() { this.contentWindow.location.href = 'about:blank'; this.remove(); }); // update form content if(html) { this.html(html); } else { this.removeForm(); } // Optionally get the form attributes from embedded fields, see Form->formHtmlContent() for(var overrideAttr in {'action':true,'method':true,'enctype':true,'name':true}) { var el = this.find(':input[name='+ '_form_' + overrideAttr + ']'); if(el) { this.attr(overrideAttr, el.val()); el.remove(); } } Behaviour.apply(); // refreshes ComplexTableField // focus input on first form element this.find(':input:visible:first').focus(); this.trigger('loadnewpage', {data: data, origData: origData}); } // set status message based on response var _statusMessage = (xmlhttp.getResponseHeader('X-Status')) ? xmlhttp.getResponseHeader('X-Status') : xmlhttp.statusText; if(this.hasClass('validationerror')) { // TODO validation shouldnt need a special case statusMessage(ss.i18n._t('ModelAdmin.VALIDATIONERROR', 'Validation Error'), 'bad'); } else { statusMessage(_statusMessage, (xmlhttp.status >= 400) ? 'bad' : 'good'); } } }; }); /** * @class All buttons in the right CMS form go through here by default. * We need this onclick overloading because we can't get to the * clicked button from a form.onsubmit event. * @name ss.Form_EditForm.Actions.submit */ $('#Form_EditForm .Actions :submit').concrete('ss', function($){ return/** @lends ss.Form_EditForm.Actions.submit */{ onmatch: function() { var self = this; // TODO Fix once concrete library is updated this.bind('click', function(e) {return self.clickFake(e);}); }, clickFake: function(e) { $(this[0].form).concrete('ss').ajaxSubmit(this); return false; } }; }); }(jQuery));