<tr id="record-$Parent.id-$ID"<% if HighlightClasses %> class="$HighlightClasses"<% end_if %>> <td class="dragfile" id="drag-$Parent.Name-$ID"> <img id="drag-img-$Parent.Name-$ID" alt="Drag" title="<% _t('DRAGTOFOLDER','Drag to folder on left to move file') %>" src="sapphire/images/drag.gif" /> <span class="linkCount" style="display: none;">$BackLinkTrackingCount</span> </td> <% if Markable %><td class="markingcheckbox">$MarkingCheckbox</td><% end_if %> <% control Fields %> <td class="field-$Title.HTMLATT $FirstLast $Name">$Value</td> <% end_control %> <% control Actions %> <td width="16"> <% if IsAllowed %> <a class="$Class" href="$Link"> <% if Icon %><img src="$Icon" alt="$Label" /><% else %>$Label<% end_if %> </a> <% else %> <span class="disabled"> <% if IconDisabled %><img src="$IconDisabled" alt="$Label" /><% else %>$Label<% end_if %> </span> <% end_if %> </td> <% end_control %> </tr>