af: AssetAdmin: ADDFILES: "Add Files" ALLOWEDEXTS: "Allowed extensions" ActionAdd: "Add folder" # A collection of files AppCategoryArchive: "Archive" AppCategoryAudio: "Audio" # The fileformat AppCategoryFlash: "Flash" AppCategoryImage: "Image" AppCategoryVideo: "Video" BackToFolder: "Back to folder" CREATED: "Date" CurrentFolderOnly: "Limit to current folder?" DetailsView: "Details" FILESYSTEMSYNCTITLE: "Update the CMS database entries of files on the filesystem. Useful when new files have been uploaded outside of the CMS, e.g. through FTP." FROMTHEINTERNET: "From the internet" FROMYOURCOMPUTER: "From your computer" Filetype: "File type" ListView: "List View" NEWFOLDER: "NewFolder" SIZE: "Size" THUMBSDELETED: "%s ongebruikte miniatuur prentjies was verwyder" TreeView: "Tree View" Upload: "Upload" AssetAdmin_DeleteBatchAction: TITLE: "Delete folders" FILTER: "Filter" GO: "Go" Back: "Back" BasicFieldsTestPage: # Description of the page type (shown in the "add page" dialog) DESCRIPTION: "Generic content page" BrokenLinksReport: Any: "Any" BROKENLINKS: "Broken links report" CheckSite: "Check site" CheckSiteDropdownDraft: "Draft Site" CheckSiteDropdownPublished: "Published Site" ColumnDateLastModified: "Date last modified" ColumnDateLastPublished: "Date last published" ColumnProblemType: "Problem type" ColumnURL: "URL" HasBrokenFile: "has broken file" HasBrokenLink: "has broken link" HasBrokenLinkAndFile: "has broken link and file" HoverTitleEditPage: "Edit page" PageName: "Page name" ReasonDropdown: "Problem to check" ReasonDropdownBROKENFILE: "Broken file" ReasonDropdownBROKENLINK: "Broken link" ReasonDropdownRPBROKENLINK: "Redirector page pointing to non-existent page" ReasonDropdownVPBROKENLINK: "Virtual page pointing to non-existent page" RedirectorNonExistent: "redirector page pointing to non-existent page" VirtualPageNonExistent: "virtual page pointing to non-existent page" CMSAddPageController: Title: "Add page" CMSBatchActions: DELETE_DRAFT_PAGES: "Delete from draft site" DELETE_PAGES: "Delete from published site" PUBLISHED_PAGES: "Published %d pages, %d failures" PUBLISH_PAGES: "Publish" UNPUBLISHED_PAGES: "Un-published %d pages" UNPUBLISH_PAGES: "Un-publish" CMSMain: ACCESS: "Toegang tot '%s' afdeling" ACCESS_HELP: "Allow viewing of the section containing page tree and content. View and edit permissions can be handled through page specific dropdowns, as well as the separate \"Content permissions\"." AddNewButton: "Add new" ChoosePageParentMode: "Choose where to create this page" ChoosePageType: "Choose page type" Create: "Create" DELETE: "Delete draft" DELETEFP: "Delete" DESCREMOVED: "and %s descendants" EMAIL: "Epos" NEW: "Nuut" PAGENOTEXISTS: "Hierdie bladsy bestaan nie" PAGES: "Pages" PAGETYPEANYOPT: "Any" # Dropdown for limiting search to a page type PAGETYPEOPT: "Page Type" PUBALLCONFIRM: "Publiseer asseblief elke bladsy in die werf en kopieër inhoud fase na lewendig" PUBALLFUN: "\"Publish All\" functionality" PUBALLFUN2: | Pressing this button will do the equivalent of going to every page and pressing "publish". It's intended to be used after there have been massive edits of the content, such as when the site was first built. PUBPAGES: "Done: Published %d pages" REMOVED: "Het '%s'%s verwyder van lewendige werf" REMOVEDPAGE: "'%s' verwyder uit die gepubliseerde werf" REMOVEDPAGEFROMDRAFT: "Removed '%s' from the draft site" RESTORE: "Restore" RESTORED: "Herstel '%s' suksesvol" ROLLBACK: "Rol terug na hierdie weergawe" ROLLEDBACKPUB: "Terug na gepubliseerde weergawe gerol. Nuwe weergawe nommer is #%d" ROLLEDBACKVERSION: "Terug na weergawe #%d gerol. Nuwe weergawe is #%d" SAVE: "Save" SAVEDRAFT: "Save Draft" APPLY FILTER: "Apply Filter" RESET: "Reset" CMSPageAddController: ParentMode_child: "Under another page" ParentMode_top: "Top level" CMSPageEditController: Title: "Pages" CMSPageHistoryController: COMPAREMODE: "Compare mode (select two)" COMPAREVERSIONS: "Compare Versions" COMPARINGVERSION: "Comparing versions %s and %s." History: "History" REVERTTOTHISVERSION: "Revert to this version" SHOWUNPUBLISHED: "Show unpublished versions" SHOWVERSION: "Show Version" VIEW: "view" VIEWINGVERSION: "Currently viewing version %s." AUTHOR: "Author" NOTPUBLISHED: "Not published" PUBLISHER: "Publisher" UNKNOWN: "Unknown" WHEN: "When" CMSPagesController: GalleryView: "Gallery View" ListView: "List View" MENUTITLE: "CMSPagesController" TreeView: "Tree View" ENABLEDRAGGING: "Drag'n'drop" MULTISELECT: "Multi-selection" FILTER: "Filter" CMSSearch: FILTERDATEFROM: "From" FILTERDATEHEADING: "Date" FILTERDATETO: "To" FILTERLABELTEXT: "Content" CMSSiteTreeFilter_ChangedPages: Title: "Changed pages" CMSSiteTreeFilter_DeletedPages: Title: "All pages, including deleted" CMSSiteTreeFilter_Search: Title: "All pages" ContentControl: NOTEWONTBESHOWN: "Note: this message will not be shown to your visitors" ContentController: ARCHIVEDSITE: "Archived Site" ARCHIVEDSITEFROM: "Archived site from" CMS: "CMS" DRAFTSITE: "Draft Site" DRAFT_SITE_ACCESS_RESTRICTION: "You must log in with your CMS password in order to view the draft or archived content. Click here to go back to the published site." LOGGEDINAS: "Logged in as" LOGIN: "Login" LOGOUT: "Log out" NOTLOGGEDIN: "Not logged in" PUBLISHEDSITE: "Published Site" VIEWPAGEIN: "View Page in:" ErrorPage: CODE: "Error code" DEFAULTERRORPAGECONTENT: "

Sorry, it seems you were trying to access a page that doesn't exist.

Please check the spelling of the URL you were trying to access and try again.


Sorry, there was a problem with handling your request.

" DEFAULTSERVERERRORPAGETITLE: "Server error" # Description of the page type (shown in the "add page" dialog) DESCRIPTION: "Custom content for different error cases (e.g. \"Page not found\")" ERRORFILEPROBLEM: "Error opening file \"%s\" for writing. Please check file permissions." 400: "400 - Bad Request" 401: "401 - Unauthorized" 403: "403 - Forbidden" 404: "404 - Not Found" 405: "405 - Method Not Allowed" 406: "406 - Not Acceptable" 407: "407 - Proxy Authentication Required" 408: "408 - Request Timeout" 409: "409 - Conflict" 410: "410 - Gone" 411: "411 - Length Required" 412: "412 - Precondition Failed" 413: "413 - Request Entity Too Large" 414: "414 - Request-URI Too Long" 415: "415 - Unsupported Media Type" 416: "416 - Request Range Not Satisfiable" 417: "417 - Expectation Failed" 500: "500 - Internal Server Error" 501: "501 - Nie Geimplementeer" 502: "502 - Slegte Deurgang" 503: "503 - Diens Nie Beskikbaar" 504: "504 - Gateway Timeout" 505: "505 - HTTP Weergawe Nie Ondersteun" Folder: AddFolderButton: "Add folder" DELETEUNUSEDTHUMBNAILS: "Verwyder ongebruikte miniatuur prente" UNUSEDFILESTITLE: "Ongebruikte lêers" UNUSEDTHUMBNAILSTITLE: "Ongebruikte miniatuur prente" UploadFilesButton: "Upload" GridFieldTestPage: # Description of the page type (shown in the "add page" dialog) DESCRIPTION: "Generic content page" LeftAndMain: PreviewButton: "Preview" STATUSPUBLISHEDSUCCESS: "'%s' Suksesvol Gepubliseer" SearchResults: "Search Results" VersionUnknown: "Unknown" LegacyTableFieldsTestPage: # Description of the page type (shown in the "add page" dialog) DESCRIPTION: "Generic content page" MyNonRootPage: # Description of the page type (shown in the "add page" dialog) DESCRIPTION: "Generic content page" MyOtherPage: # Description of the page type (shown in the "add page" dialog) DESCRIPTION: "Generic content page" MyPage: # Description of the page type (shown in the "add page" dialog) DESCRIPTION: "Generic content page" MyRandomPage: # Description of the page type (shown in the "add page" dialog) DESCRIPTION: "Generic content page" Page: # Description of the page type (shown in the "add page" dialog) DESCRIPTION: "Generic content page" Permission: CMS_ACCESS_CATEGORY: "IBS Toegang" Permissions: CONTENT_CATEGORY: "Inhoud permissies" PERMISSIONS_CATEGORY: "Rolle en toegang permissies" RedirectorPage: # Description of the page type (shown in the "add page" dialog) DESCRIPTION: "Redirects to a different internal page" HASBEENSETUP: "A redirector page has been set up without anywhere to redirect to." HEADER: "This page will redirect users to another page" OTHERURL: "Other website URL" REDIRECTTO: "Redirect to" REDIRECTTOEXTERNAL: "Another website" REDIRECTTOPAGE: "A page on your website" YOURPAGE: "Page on your website" RelationFieldsTestPage: # Description of the page type (shown in the "add page" dialog) DESCRIPTION: "Generic content page" ReportAdminForm: FILTERBY: "Filter by" SearchForm: GO: "Go" SEARCH: "Search" SearchResults: "Search Results" SideReport: BROKENFILES: "Bladsye met gebreekte lêers" BROKENLINKS: "Bladsye met gebreekte skakels" BROKENREDIRECTORPAGES: "RedirectorPages pointing to deleted pages" BROKENVIRTUALPAGES: "VirtualPages pointing to deleted pages" BrokenLinksGroupTitle: "Gebreekte skakels verslae" ContentGroupTitle: "Inhoud verslae" EMPTYPAGES: "Pages with no content" LAST2WEEKS: "Pages edited in the last 2 weeks" OtherGroupTitle: "Ander" ParameterLiveCheckbox: "Kies lewendige werf" REPEMPTY: "Die %s verslag is leeg." SilverStripeNavigatorLink: ShareInstructions: "To share a this to this page, copy and paste the link below." ShareLink: "Deel skakel" SilverStripeNavigatorLinkl: CloseLink: "Maak toe" SiteConfig: DEFAULTTHEME: "(Gebruik verstek tema)" EDITHEADER: "Who can edit pages on this site?" EDIT_PERMISSION: "Manage site configuration" EDIT_PERMISSION_HELP: "Ability to edit global access settings/top-level page permissions." SITENAMEDEFAULT: "Your Site Name" SITETAGLINE: "Site Tagline/Slogan" SITETITLE: "Site title" TABACCESS: "Access" TABMAIN: "Main" TAGLINEDEFAULT: "your tagline here" THEME: "Theme" TOPLEVELCREATE: "Who can create pages in the root of the site?" VIEWHEADER: "Who can view pages on this site?" SiteTree: ACCESSANYONE: "Enige iemand" ACCESSHEADER: "Wie mag hierdie bladsy sien?" ACCESSLOGGEDIN: "Ingetekende gebruikers" ACCESSONLYTHESE: "Slegs hierdie mense (kies uit lys)" ADDEDTODRAFTSHORT: "New" ALLOWCOMMENTS: "Laat aanmerkings toe op hierdie bladsy?" APPEARSVIRTUALPAGES: "This content also appears on the virtual pages in the %s sections." BUTTONCANCELDRAFT: "Cancel draft changes" BUTTONCANCELDRAFTDESC: "Delete your draft and revert to the currently published page" BUTTONSAVEPUBLISH: "Save & Publish" BUTTONUNPUBLISH: "Onpubliseer" BUTTONUNPUBLISHDESC: "Verwyder hierdie bladsy van die gepubliseerde werf" CHANGETO: "Verander tot \"%s\"" CREATED: "Date Created" Comments: "Comments" Content: "Inhoud" DEFAULTABOUTCONTENT: "

U kan hierdie bladsy invul met u eie inhoud, of dit verwyder en u eie bladsye skep.


U kan hierdie bladsy invul met u eie inhoud, of dit verwyder en u eie bladsye skep.


Welkom by SilverStripe! Hierdie is die standaard huis-blad. U kan hierdie blad verander deur the IBS oop te maak. U het nou toegang tot die ontwikkelaars dokumentasie, of kan die die tutoriale begin.

" DEFAULTHOMETITLE: "Huis" DELETEDPAGESHORT: "Deleted" DEPENDENT_NOTE: "The following pages depend on this page. This includes virtual pages, redirector pages, and pages with content links." DependtPageColumnLinkType: "Link type" DependtPageColumnURL: "URL" EDITANYONE: "Enige iemand wat in die IBS kan inteken" EDITHEADER: "Wie mag hierdie bladsy verander?" EDITONLYTHESE: "Slegs hierdie mense (kies uit lys)" EDITORGROUPS: "Editor Groups" EDIT_ALL_DESCRIPTION: "Verander enige bladsy" EDIT_ALL_HELP: "Ability to edit any page on the site, regardless of the settings on the Access tab. Requires the \"Access to 'Pages' section\" permission" Editors: "Editors Groups" HASBROKENLINKS: "This page has broken links." HTMLEDITORTITLE: "Inhoud" INHERIT: "Inherit from parent page" LASTUPDATED: "Last Updated" LINKCHANGENOTE: "Changing this page's link will also affect the links of all child pages." MENUTITLE: "Navigation label" METADESC: "Meta Description" METAEXTRA: "Custom Meta Tags" METAKEYWORDS: "Meta Keywords" METATITLE: "Meta Title" MODIFIEDONDRAFTSHORT: "Modified" PAGELOCATION: "Page location" PAGETITLE: "Page name" PAGETYPE: "Blaai soort" PARENTID: "Ouer Bladsy" PARENTTYPE: "Bladsy plek" PARENTTYPE_ROOT: "Bo-vlak bladsy" PARENTTYPE_SUBPAGE: "Sub-bladsy onder 'n ouer bladsy (kies onder)" PERMISSION_GRANTACCESS_DESCRIPTION: "Manage access rights for content" PERMISSION_GRANTACCESS_HELP: "Allow setting of page-specific access restrictions in the \"Pages\" section." PLURALNAME: "Werf Vertakking" # First argument is a class name PageTypNotAllowedOnRoot: "Page type \"%s\" is not allowed on the root level" # First argument is a class name PageTypeNotAllowed: "Page type \"%s\" not allowed as child of this parent page" REMOVEDFROMDRAFTSHORT: "Removed from draft" REMOVE_INSTALL_WARNING: "Warning: You should remove install.php from this SilverStripe install for security reasons." REORGANISE_DESCRIPTION: "Verander werf struktuur" REORGANISE_HELP: "Rearrange pages in the site tree through drag&drop." SHOWINMENUS: "Show in menus?" SHOWINSEARCH: "Wys in soektog?" SINGULARNAME: "Werf Vertakking" TABACCESS: "Toegang" TABBEHAVIOUR: "Behavior" TABCONTENT: "Inhoud" TABDEPENDENT: "Dependent pages" TABMETA: "Metadata" TOPLEVEL: "Site Content (Top Level)" TOPLEVELCREATORGROUPS: "Top level creators" URLSegment: "URL Segment" VIEWERGROUPS: "Viewer Groups" VIEW_ALL_DESCRIPTION: "View any page" VIEW_ALL_HELP: "Ability to view any page on the site, regardless of the settings on the Access tab. Requires the \"Access to Site Content\" permission" VIEW_DRAFT_CONTENT: "View draft content" VIEW_DRAFT_CONTENT_HELP: "Applies to viewing pages outside of the CMS in draft mode. Useful for external collaborators without CMS access." Viewers: "Viewers Groups" Visibility: "Visibility" has_one_Parent: "Ouer Bladsy" many_many_BackLinkTracking: "Backlink Tracking" many_many_ImageTracking: "Image Tracking" many_many_LinkTracking: "Link Tracking" StaticExporter: BASEURL: "Base URL" EXPORTTO: "Export to that folder" NAME: "Static exporter" TableListField: SELECT: "Select:" SORTASC: "Sorteer in stygende orde" SORTDESC: "Sorteer in dalende orde" VIEWFIRST: "Wys eerste" VIEWLAST: "Wys laaste" VIEWNEXT: "Wys volgende" VIEWPREVIOUS: "Wys vorige" TestFileUploadPage: # Description of the page type (shown in the "add page" dialog) DESCRIPTION: "Generic content page" TestPage: # Description of the page type (shown in the "add page" dialog) DESCRIPTION: "Generic content page" TreeTools: DisplayLabel: "Display:" CANACCESS: "You can access the archived site at this link:" HAVEASKED: "U het gevra om die inhoud van ons werf te sien op" VirtualPage: CHOOSE: "Kies 'n bladsy om na te skakel" # Description of the page type (shown in the "add page" dialog) DESCRIPTION: "Displays the content of another page" EDITCONTENT: "kliek hier om die inhoud te verander" HEADER: "Hierdie is 'n virtuele bladsy" PLURALNAME: "Wesenlik Bladsye" # First argument is a class name PageTypNotAllowedOnRoot: "Original page type \"%s\" is not allowed on the root level for this virtual page" SINGULARNAME: "Virtuele Bladsy" AVAILABLE: "Available Widgets" AVAILWIDGETS: "Click a widget title below to use it on this page." INUSE: "Widgets currently used" NOAVAIL: "There are currently no widgets available." TOSORT: "To sort currently used widgets on this page, drag them up and down." CLICKTOADDWIDGET: "Click to add this widget" DELETE: "Delete" cms: FILESYSTEMSYNC: "Sync files"