'handleAction', 'EditForm/$ID/$VersionID' => 'EditForm', ]; /** * Current version ID for this request. Can be 0 for latest version * * @var int */ protected $versionID = null; public function __construct() { parent::__construct(); Deprecation::notice('4.3.0', 'Use silverstripe/versioned-admin instead', Deprecation::SCOPE_CLASS); } public function getResponseNegotiator() { $negotiator = parent::getResponseNegotiator(); $negotiator->setCallback('CurrentForm', function () { $form = $this->getEditForm(); if ($form) { return $form->forTemplate(); } return $this->renderWith($this->getTemplatesWithSuffix('_Content')); }); $negotiator->setCallback('default', function () { return $this->renderWith($this->getViewer('show')); }); return $negotiator; } /** * @param HTTPRequest $request * @return HTTPResponse */ public function show($request) { // Record id and version for this request $id = $request->param('ID'); $this->setCurrentPageID($id); $versionID = $request->param('VersionID'); $this->setVersionID($versionID); // Show id $form = $this->getEditForm(); $negotiator = $this->getResponseNegotiator(); $negotiator->setCallback('CurrentForm', function () use ($form) { return $form ? $form->forTemplate() : $this->renderWith($this->getTemplatesWithSuffix('_Content')); }); $negotiator->setCallback('default', function () use ($form) { return $this ->customise(['EditForm' => $form]) ->renderWith($this->getViewer('show')); }); return $negotiator->respond($request); } /** * @param HTTPRequest $request * @return HTTPResponse */ public function compare($request) { $form = $this->CompareVersionsForm( $request->param('VersionID'), $request->param('OtherVersionID') ); $negotiator = $this->getResponseNegotiator(); $negotiator->setCallback('CurrentForm', function () use ($form) { return $form ? $form->forTemplate() : $this->renderWith($this->getTemplatesWithSuffix('_Content')); }); $negotiator->setCallback('default', function () use ($form) { return $this->customise(['EditForm' => $form])->renderWith($this->getViewer('show')); }); return $negotiator->respond($request); } public function getSilverStripeNavigator() { $record = $this->getRecord($this->currentPageID(), $this->getRequest()->param('VersionID')); if ($record) { $navigator = new SilverStripeNavigator($record); return $navigator->renderWith($this->getTemplatesWithSuffix('_SilverStripeNavigator')); } else { return false; } } /** * @param HTTPRequest $request * @return Form */ public function EditForm($request = null) { if ($request) { // Validate VersionID is present $versionID = $request->param('VersionID'); if (!isset($versionID)) { $this->httpError(400); return null; } $this->setVersionID($versionID); } return parent::EditForm($request); } /** * Returns the read only version of the edit form. Detaches all {@link FormAction} * instances attached since only action relates to revert. * * Permission checking is done at the {@link CMSMain::getEditForm()} level. * * @param int $id ID of the record to show * @param array $fields optional * @param int $versionID * @param int $compareID Compare mode * * @return Form */ public function getEditForm($id = null, $fields = null, $versionID = null, $compareID = null) { if (!$id) { $id = $this->currentPageID(); } if (!$versionID) { $versionID = $this->getVersionID(); } $record = $this->getRecord($id, $versionID); if (!$record) { return $this->EmptyForm(); } // Refresh version ID $versionID = $record->Version; $this->setVersionID($versionID); // Get edit form $form = parent::getEditForm($record, $record->getCMSFields()); // Respect permission failures from parent implementation if (!($form instanceof Form)) { return $form; } // TODO: move to the SilverStripeNavigator structure so the new preview can pick it up. //$nav = new SilverStripeNavigatorItem_ArchiveLink($record); $actions = new FieldList( $revert = FormAction::create( 'doRollback', _t('SilverStripe\\CMS\\Controllers\\CMSPageHistoryController.REVERTTOTHISVERSION', 'Revert to this version') ) ->setUseButtonTag(true) ->addExtraClass('btn-warning font-icon-back-in-time') ); $actions->setForm($form); $form->setActions($actions); $fields = $form->Fields(); $fields->removeByName("Status"); $fields->push(new HiddenField("ID")); $fields->push(new HiddenField("Version")); $fields = $fields->makeReadonly(); if ($compareID) { $link = Controller::join_links( $this->Link('show'), $id ); $view = _t(__CLASS__ . '.VIEW', "view"); $message = _t( __CLASS__ . '.COMPARINGVERSION', "Comparing versions {version1} and {version2}.", [ 'version1' => sprintf('%s (%s)', $versionID, Controller::join_links($link, $versionID), $view), 'version2' => sprintf('%s (%s)', $compareID, Controller::join_links($link, $compareID), $view) ] ); $revert->setReadonly(true); } else { if ($record->isLatestVersion()) { $message = _t(__CLASS__ . '.VIEWINGLATEST', 'Currently viewing the latest version.'); } else { $message = _t( __CLASS__ . '.VIEWINGVERSION', "Currently viewing version {version}.", ['version' => $versionID] ); } } /** @var Tab $mainTab */ $mainTab = $fields->fieldByName('Root.Main'); $mainTab->unshift( LiteralField::create('CurrentlyViewingMessage', ArrayData::create([ 'Content' => DBField::create_field('HTMLFragment', $message), 'Classes' => 'alert alert-info' ])->renderWith($this->getTemplatesWithSuffix('_notice'))) ); $form->setFields($fields->makeReadonly()); $form->loadDataFrom([ "ID" => $id, "Version" => $versionID, ]); if ($record->isLatestVersion()) { $revert->setReadonly(true); } $form->removeExtraClass('cms-content'); // History form has both ID and VersionID as suffixes $form->setRequestHandler( LeftAndMainFormRequestHandler::create($form, [$id, $versionID]) ); return $form; } /** * Version select form. Main interface between selecting versions to view * and comparing multiple versions. * * Because we can reload the page directly to a compare view (history/compare/1/2/3) * this form has to adapt to those parameters as well. * * @return Form */ public function VersionsForm() { $id = $this->currentPageID(); $page = $this->getRecord($id); $versionsHtml = ''; $action = $this->getRequest()->param('Action'); $versionID = $this->getRequest()->param('VersionID'); $otherVersionID = $this->getRequest()->param('OtherVersionID'); $showUnpublishedChecked = 0; $compareModeChecked = ($action == "compare"); if ($page) { $versions = $page->allVersions(); $versionID = (!$versionID) ? $page->Version : $versionID; if ($versions) { foreach ($versions as $k => $version) { $active = false; if ($version->Version == $versionID || $version->Version == $otherVersionID) { $active = true; if (!$version->WasPublished) { $showUnpublishedChecked = 1; } } $version->Active = ($active); } } $vd = new ViewableData(); $versionsHtml = $vd->customise([ 'Versions' => $versions ])->renderWith($this->getTemplatesWithSuffix('_versions')); } $fields = new FieldList( new CheckboxField( 'ShowUnpublished', _t('SilverStripe\\CMS\\Controllers\\CMSPageHistoryController.SHOWUNPUBLISHED', 'Show unpublished versions'), $showUnpublishedChecked ), new CheckboxField( 'CompareMode', _t('SilverStripe\\CMS\\Controllers\\CMSPageHistoryController.COMPAREMODE', 'Compare mode (select two)'), $compareModeChecked ), new LiteralField('VersionsHtml', $versionsHtml), $hiddenID = new HiddenField('ID', false, "") ); $form = Form::create( $this, 'VersionsForm', $fields, new FieldList() )->setHTMLID('Form_VersionsForm'); $form->loadDataFrom($this->getRequest()->requestVars()); $hiddenID->setValue($id); $form->unsetValidator(); $form ->addExtraClass('cms-versions-form') // placeholder, necessary for $.metadata() to work ->setAttribute('data-link-tmpl-compare', Controller::join_links($this->Link('compare'), '%s', '%s', '%s')) ->setAttribute('data-link-tmpl-show', Controller::join_links($this->Link('show'), '%s', '%s')); return $form; } /** * @param int $versionID * @param int $otherVersionID * @return mixed */ public function CompareVersionsForm($versionID, $otherVersionID) { if ($versionID > $otherVersionID) { $toVersion = $versionID; $fromVersion = $otherVersionID; } else { $toVersion = $otherVersionID; $fromVersion = $versionID; } if (!$toVersion || !$fromVersion) { return null; } $id = $this->currentPageID(); /** @var SiteTree $page */ $page = SiteTree::get()->byID($id); $record = null; if ($page && $page->exists()) { if (!$page->canView()) { return Security::permissionFailure($this); } $record = $page->compareVersions($fromVersion, $toVersion); } $fromVersionRecord = Versioned::get_version(SiteTree::class, $id, $fromVersion); $toVersionRecord = Versioned::get_version(SiteTree::class, $id, $toVersion); if (!$fromVersionRecord) { throw new \Exception("Can't find version $fromVersion of page $id"); } if (!$toVersionRecord) { throw new \Exception("Can't find version $toVersion of page $id"); } if (!$record) { return null; } $form = $this->getEditForm($id, null, $fromVersion, $toVersion); $form->setActions(new FieldList()); $form->addExtraClass('compare'); $form->loadDataFrom($record); $form->loadDataFrom([ "ID" => $id, "Version" => $fromVersion, ]); // Comparison views shouldn't be editable. // As the comparison output is HTML and not valid values for the various field types $readonlyFields = $this->transformReadonly($form->Fields()); $form->setFields($readonlyFields); return $form; } /** * Replace all data fields with HTML readonly fields to display diff * * @param FieldList $fields * @return FieldList */ public function transformReadonly(FieldList $fields) { foreach ($fields->dataFields() as $field) { if ($field instanceof HiddenField) { continue; } $newField = $field->castedCopy(HTMLReadonlyField::class); $fields->replaceField($field->getName(), $newField); } return $fields; } /** * Set current version ID * * @param int $versionID * @return $this */ public function setVersionID($versionID) { $this->versionID = $versionID; return $this; } /** * Get current version ID * * @return int */ public function getVersionID() { return $this->versionID; } public function getTabIdentifier() { return 'history'; } }