"Varchar", "Template" => "Varchar", "FromEmail" => "Varchar", "Sent" => "Datetime" ); static $has_one = array( "Parent" => "SiteTree", "Group" => "Group", ); static $has_many = array( "Newsletters" => "Newsletter", ); function DraftNewsletters() { return DataObject::get("Newsletter","ParentID={$this->ID} AND Status ='Draft'"); } function SentNewsletters() { return DataObject::get("Newsletter","ParentID={$this->ID} AND Status ='Send'"); } function Recipients() { return DataObject::get("Member", "Group_Members.GroupID = {$this->GroupID}", "", "JOIN Group_Members on Group_Members.MemberID = Member.ID"); } function delete() { foreach( $this->Newsletters() as $newsletter ) $newsletter->delete(); parent::delete(); } /** * Updates the group so the security section is also in sync with * the curent newsletters. */ function onBeforeWrite(){ if($this->ID){ $group = $this->Group(); if($group->Title != "$this->Title"){ $group->Title = "Mailing List: " . $this->Title; // Otherwise the code would have mailing list in it too :-( $group->Code = SiteTree::generateURLSegment($this->Title); $group->write(); } } parent::onBeforeWrite(); } /** * Get the fieldset to display in the administration section */ function getCMSFields() { $group = null; if($this->GroupID) { $group = DataObject::get_one("Group", "ID = $this->GroupID"); } $fields = new FieldSet( new TextField("Title", "Newsletter Type"), new TextField("FromEmail", "Send newsletters from"), new TabSet("Root", new Tab("Drafts", $draftList = new NewsletterList("Draft", $this, "Draft") ), new TabSet("Sent", new Tab("Sent", $sendList = new NewsletterList("Send", $this, "Send") ), new Tab("Unsubscribed", $unsubscribedList = new UnsubscribedList("Unsubscribed", $this) ), new Tab("Bounced", $bouncedList = new BouncedList("Bounced", $this ) ) ) ) ); if($this->GroupID) { $fields->addFieldToTab('Root', new TabSet("Recipients", new Tab( "Recipients", $recipients = new MemberTableField( $this, "Recipients", $group ) ), new Tab( "Import", $importField = new RecipientImportField("ImportFile","Import from file", $group ) ) ) ); $recipients->setController($this); $importField->setController($this); $importField->setTypeID( $this->ID ); } $fields->addFieldToTab('Root', new Tab("Template", $templates = new TemplateList("Template","Template", $this->Template, NewsletterAdmin::template_path()) ) ); $draftList->setController($this); $sendList->setController($this); $templates->setController($this); $unsubscribedList->setController($this); $bouncedList->setController($this); $fields->push($idField = new HiddenField("ID")); $fields->push( new HiddenField( "executeForm", "", "TypeEditForm" ) ); $idField->setValue($this->ID); return $fields; } } ?>