{ "CMS.ALERTCLASSNAME": "The page type will be updated after the page is saved", "CMS.ConfirmRestoreFromLive": "Are you sure you want to revert draft to when the page was last published?", "CMS.Restore": "Are you sure you want to restore this page from archive?", "CMS.RestoreToRoot": "Are you sure you want to restore this page from archive?\n\nBecause the parent page is not available this will be restored to the top level.", "CMS.RollbackToVersion": "Do you really want to roll back to version #%s of this page?", "CMS.Unpublish": "Are you sure you want to remove your page from the published site?\n\nThis page will still be available in the sitetree as draft.", "CMS.AddSubPage": "Προσθήκη νέας σελίδας εδώ", "CMS.Duplicate": "Duplicate", "CMS.EditPage": "Edit", "CMS.ShowAsList": "Show children as list", "CMS.ThisPageAndSubpages": "This page and subpages", "CMS.ThisPageOnly": "Μόνο αυτή η σελίδα", "CMS.ViewPage": "View", "CMS.UpdateURL": "Update URL", "CMS.ONLYSELECTTWO": "You can only compare two versions at this time." }