"Varchar(255)", "Tagline" => "Varchar(255)", "Theme" => "Varchar(255)", "CanViewType" => "Enum('Anyone, LoggedInUsers, OnlyTheseUsers', 'Anyone')", "CanEditType" => "Enum('LoggedInUsers, OnlyTheseUsers', 'LoggedInUsers')", "CanCreateTopLevelType" => "Enum('LoggedInUsers, OnlyTheseUsers', 'LoggedInUsers')", ); private static $many_many = array( "ViewerGroups" => "Group", "EditorGroups" => "Group", "CreateTopLevelGroups" => "Group" ); private static $defaults = array( "CanViewType" => "Anyone", "CanEditType" => "LoggedInUsers", "CanCreateTopLevelType" => "LoggedInUsers", ); /** * @config * @var array */ private static $disabled_themes = array(); /** * Default permission to check for 'LoggedInUsers' to create or edit pages * * @var array * @config */ private static $required_permission = array('CMS_ACCESS_CMSMain', 'CMS_ACCESS_LeftAndMain'); /** * @deprecated 3.2 Use the "SiteConfig.disabled_themes" config setting instead */ static public function disable_theme($theme) { Deprecation::notice('3.2', 'Use the "SiteConfig.disabled_themes" config setting instead'); Config::inst()->update('SiteConfig', 'disabled_themes', array($theme)); } public function populateDefaults() { $this->Title = _t('SiteConfig.SITENAMEDEFAULT', "Your Site Name"); $this->Tagline = _t('SiteConfig.TAGLINEDEFAULT', "your tagline here"); // Allow these defaults to be overridden parent::populateDefaults(); } /** * Get the fields that are sent to the CMS. In * your extensions: updateCMSFields($fields) * * @return FieldList */ public function getCMSFields() { $groupsMap = array(); foreach(Group::get() as $group) { // Listboxfield values are escaped, use ASCII char instead of » $groupsMap[$group->ID] = $group->getBreadcrumbs(' > '); } asort($groupsMap); $fields = new FieldList( new TabSet("Root", $tabMain = new Tab('Main', $titleField = new TextField("Title", _t('SiteConfig.SITETITLE', "Site title")), $taglineField = new TextField("Tagline", _t('SiteConfig.SITETAGLINE', "Site Tagline/Slogan")), $themeDropdownField = new DropdownField("Theme", _t('SiteConfig.THEME', 'Theme'), $this->getAvailableThemes()) ), $tabAccess = new Tab('Access', $viewersOptionsField = new OptionsetField("CanViewType", _t('SiteConfig.VIEWHEADER', "Who can view pages on this site?")), $viewerGroupsField = ListboxField::create("ViewerGroups", _t('SiteTree.VIEWERGROUPS', "Viewer Groups")) ->setMultiple(true) ->setSource($groupsMap) ->setAttribute( 'data-placeholder', _t('SiteTree.GroupPlaceholder', 'Click to select group') ), $editorsOptionsField = new OptionsetField("CanEditType", _t('SiteConfig.EDITHEADER', "Who can edit pages on this site?")), $editorGroupsField = ListboxField::create("EditorGroups", _t('SiteTree.EDITORGROUPS', "Editor Groups")) ->setMultiple(true) ->setSource($groupsMap) ->setAttribute( 'data-placeholder', _t('SiteTree.GroupPlaceholder', 'Click to select group') ), $topLevelCreatorsOptionsField = new OptionsetField("CanCreateTopLevelType", _t('SiteConfig.TOPLEVELCREATE', "Who can create pages in the root of the site?")), $topLevelCreatorsGroupsField = ListboxField::create("CreateTopLevelGroups", _t('SiteTree.TOPLEVELCREATORGROUPS', "Top level creators")) ->setMultiple(true) ->setSource($groupsMap) ->setAttribute( 'data-placeholder', _t('SiteTree.GroupPlaceholder', 'Click to select group') ) ) ), new HiddenField('ID') ); $themeDropdownField->setEmptyString(_t('SiteConfig.DEFAULTTHEME', '(Use default theme)')); $viewersOptionsSource = array(); $viewersOptionsSource["Anyone"] = _t('SiteTree.ACCESSANYONE', "Anyone"); $viewersOptionsSource["LoggedInUsers"] = _t('SiteTree.ACCESSLOGGEDIN', "Logged-in users"); $viewersOptionsSource["OnlyTheseUsers"] = _t('SiteTree.ACCESSONLYTHESE', "Only these people (choose from list)"); $viewersOptionsField->setSource($viewersOptionsSource); $editorsOptionsSource = array(); $editorsOptionsSource["LoggedInUsers"] = _t('SiteTree.EDITANYONE', "Anyone who can log-in to the CMS"); $editorsOptionsSource["OnlyTheseUsers"] = _t('SiteTree.EDITONLYTHESE', "Only these people (choose from list)"); $editorsOptionsField->setSource($editorsOptionsSource); $topLevelCreatorsOptionsField->setSource($editorsOptionsSource); if (!Permission::check('EDIT_SITECONFIG')) { $fields->makeFieldReadonly($viewersOptionsField); $fields->makeFieldReadonly($viewerGroupsField); $fields->makeFieldReadonly($editorsOptionsField); $fields->makeFieldReadonly($editorGroupsField); $fields->makeFieldReadonly($topLevelCreatorsOptionsField); $fields->makeFieldReadonly($topLevelCreatorsGroupsField); $fields->makeFieldReadonly($taglineField); $fields->makeFieldReadonly($titleField); } if(file_exists(BASE_PATH . '/install.php')) { $fields->addFieldToTab("Root.Main", new LiteralField("InstallWarningHeader", "
"), "Title"); } $tabMain->setTitle(_t('SiteConfig.TABMAIN', "Main")); $tabAccess->setTitle(_t('SiteConfig.TABACCESS', "Access")); $this->extend('updateCMSFields', $fields); return $fields; } /** * Get all available themes that haven't been marked as disabled. * @param string $baseDir Optional alternative theme base directory for testing * @return array of theme directory names */ public function getAvailableThemes($baseDir = null) { $themes = SSViewer::get_themes($baseDir); $disabled = (array)$this->config()->disabled_themes; foreach($disabled as $theme) { if(isset($themes[$theme])) unset($themes[$theme]); } return $themes; } /** * Get the actions that are sent to the CMS. In * your extensions: updateEditFormActions($actions) * * @return Fieldset */ public function getCMSActions() { if (Permission::check('ADMIN') || Permission::check('EDIT_SITECONFIG')) { $actions = new FieldList( FormAction::create('save_siteconfig', _t('CMSMain.SAVE','Save')) ->addExtraClass('ss-ui-action-constructive')->setAttribute('data-icon', 'accept') ); } else { $actions = new FieldList(); } $this->extend('updateCMSActions', $actions); return $actions; } /** * @return String */ public function CMSEditLink() { return singleton('CMSSettingsController')->Link(); } /** * Get the current sites SiteConfig, and creates a new one * through {@link make_site_config()} if none is found. * * @return SiteConfig */ static public function current_site_config() { if ($siteConfig = DataObject::get_one('SiteConfig')) return $siteConfig; return self::make_site_config(); } /** * Setup a default SiteConfig record if none exists */ public function requireDefaultRecords() { parent::requireDefaultRecords(); $siteConfig = DataObject::get_one('SiteConfig'); if(!$siteConfig) { self::make_site_config(); DB::alteration_message("Added default site config","created"); } } /** * Create SiteConfig with defaults from language file. * * @return SiteConfig */ static public function make_site_config() { $config = SiteConfig::create(); $config->write(); return $config; } /** * Can a user view pages on this site? This method is only * called if a page is set to Inherit, but there is nothing * to inherit from. * * @param Member $member * @return boolean */ public function canViewPages($member = null) { if(!$member) $member = Member::currentUserID(); if($member && is_numeric($member)) $member = DataObject::get_by_id('Member', $member); if ($member && Permission::checkMember($member, "ADMIN")) return true; $extended = $this->extendedCan('canViewPages', $member); if($extended !== null) return $extended; if (!$this->CanViewType || $this->CanViewType == 'Anyone') return true; // check for any logged-in users if($this->CanViewType === 'LoggedInUsers' && $member) return true; // check for specific groups if($this->CanViewType === 'OnlyTheseUsers' && $member && $member->inGroups($this->ViewerGroups())) return true; return false; } /** * Can a user edit pages on this site? This method is only * called if a page is set to Inherit, but there is nothing * to inherit from, or on new records without a parent. * * @param Member $member * @return boolean */ public function canEditPages($member = null) { if(!$member) $member = Member::currentUserID(); if($member && is_numeric($member)) $member = DataObject::get_by_id('Member', $member); if ($member && Permission::checkMember($member, "ADMIN")) return true; $extended = $this->extendedCan('canEditPages', $member); if($extended !== null) return $extended; // check for any logged-in users with CMS access if( $this->CanEditType === 'LoggedInUsers' && Permission::checkMember($member, $this->config()->required_permission) ) { return true; } // check for specific groups if($this->CanEditType === 'OnlyTheseUsers' && $member && $member->inGroups($this->EditorGroups())) { return true; } return false; } public function canEdit($member = null) { if(!$member) $member = Member::currentUserID(); if($member && is_numeric($member)) $member = DataObject::get_by_id('Member', $member); $extended = $this->extendedCan('canEdit', $member); if($extended !== null) return $extended; return Permission::checkMember($member, "EDIT_SITECONFIG"); } public function providePermissions() { return array( 'EDIT_SITECONFIG' => array( 'name' => _t('SiteConfig.EDIT_PERMISSION', 'Manage site configuration'), 'category' => _t('Permissions.PERMISSIONS_CATEGORY', 'Roles and access permissions'), 'help' => _t('SiteConfig.EDIT_PERMISSION_HELP', 'Ability to edit global access settings/top-level page permissions.'), 'sort' => 400 ) ); } /** * Can a user create pages in the root of this site? * * @param Member $member * @return boolean */ public function canCreateTopLevel($member = null) { if(!$member) $member = Member::currentUserID(); if($member && is_numeric($member)) $member = DataObject::get_by_id('Member', $member); if ($member && Permission::checkMember($member, "ADMIN")) return true; $extended = $this->extendedCan('canCreateTopLevel', $member); if($extended !== null) return $extended; // check for any logged-in users with CMS permission if( $this->CanCreateTopLevelType === 'LoggedInUsers' && Permission::checkMember($member, $this->config()->required_permission) ) { return true; } // check for specific groups if( $this->CanCreateTopLevelType === 'OnlyTheseUsers' && $member && $member->inGroups($this->CreateTopLevelGroups()) ) { return true; } return false; } /** * Add $SiteConfig to all SSViewers */ public static function get_template_global_variables() { return array( 'SiteConfig' => 'current_site_config', ); } }