Feature: Create a page As an author I want to create a page in the CMS So that I can grow my website Background: Given a "page" "MyPage" And a "virtual page" "MyVirtualPage" And a "group" "AUTHOR group" has permissions "Access to 'Pages' section" And I am logged in with "ADMIN" permissions @javascript Scenario: I can create a page from the pages section When I go to "/admin/pages" Then I should see "MyPage" in the tree And I should see a "Add new" button in CMS Content Toolbar When I press the "Add new" button And I select the "Page" radio button And I press the "Create" button Then I should see an edit page form @javascript Scenario: I can create a page under another page When I go to "/admin/pages" Then I should see "MyPage" in the tree And I should see a "Add new" button in CMS Content Toolbar When I press the "Add new" button And I select the "Under another page" radio button # Virtual page doesn't allow children, page radio button below should be disabled And I select "MyVirtualPage" in the "#Form_AddForm_ParentID_Holder" tree dropdown And I wait for 2 seconds Then I should see a "#Form_AddForm_PageType_Page[disabled]" element # Normal pages allows children, page radio button below should not be disabled When I select "MyPage" in the "#Form_AddForm_ParentID_Holder" tree dropdown And I wait for 2 seconds And I select the "Page" radio button Then I should not see a "#Form_AddForm_PageType_Page[disabled]" element And I press the "Create" button Then I should see an edit page form Scenario: I cannot add root level pages without permission When I go to "/admin/settings" And I click the "Access" CMS tab And I click on the "#Form_EditForm_CanCreateTopLevelType_OnlyTheseUsers" element And I press the "Save" button And I click on the ".cms-login-status__logout-link" element When I am logged in with "AUTHOR" permissions And I press the "Add new" button Then I see the "Top level" radio button "disabled" attribute equals "1" And I see the "Under another page" radio button "checked" attribute equals "1"