import { graphql } from 'react-apollo'; import gql from 'graphql-tag'; // GraphQL query for retrieving the version history of a specific page. The // results of the query must be set to the "versions" prop on the component // that this HOC is applied to (see PageHistoryViewer.js) for binding // implementation. const query = gql` query ReadHistoryViewerPage ($page_id: ID!, $limit: Int!, $offset: Int!) { readOnePage( Versioning: { Mode: LATEST }, ID: $page_id ) { ID Versions (limit: $limit, offset: $offset, sortBy: [{ field: Version, direction: DESC }]) { pageInfo { totalCount } edges { node { Version AbsoluteLink Author { FirstName Surname } Publisher { FirstName Surname } Deleted Draft Published LiveVersion LatestDraftVersion LastEdited } } } } } `; const config = { options({ recordId, limit, page }) { return { variables: { limit, offset: ((page || 1) - 1) * limit, page_id: recordId, }, // Never read from the cache. Saved pages should stale the query, and these mutations // happen outside the scope of apollo. This view is loaded asynchronously anyway, // so caching doesn't make any sense until we're full React/GraphQL. fetchPolicy: 'network-only', }; }, props({ data: { error, refetch, readOnePage, loading: networkLoading, }, ownProps: { actions = { versions: {} }, limit, recordId, }, }) { const versions = readOnePage || null; const errors = error && error.graphQLErrors && => graphQLError.message); return { loading: networkLoading || !versions, versions, graphQLErrors: errors, actions: { ...actions, versions: { ...versions, goToPage(page) { refetch({ offset: ((page || 1) - 1) * limit, limit, page_id: recordId, }); } }, }, }; }, }; export { query, config }; export default graphql(query, config);