hasMethod('alternateAccessCheck')) { $isAllowed = $this->alternateAccessCheck(); // Default security check for LeftAndMain sub-class permissions } else { $isAllowed = Permission::check("CMS_ACCESS_$this->class"); if(!$isAllowed && $this->class == 'CMSMain') { // When access /admin/, we should try a redirect to another part of the admin rather than be locked out $menu = $this->MainMenu(); if(($first = $menu->First()) && $first->Link) { Director::redirect($first->Link); } } } // Don't continue if there's already been a redirection request. if(Director::redirected_to()) return; // Access failure! if(!$isAllowed) { $messageSet = array( 'default' => _t('LeftAndMain.PERMDEFAULT',"Please choose an authentication method and enter your credentials to access the CMS."), 'alreadyLoggedIn' => _t('LeftAndMain.PERMALREADY',"I'm sorry, but you can't access that part of the CMS. If you want to log in as someone else, do so below"), 'logInAgain' => _t('LeftAndMain.PERMAGAIN',"You have been logged out of the CMS. If you would like to log in again, enter a username and password below."), ); Security::permissionFailure($this, $messageSet); return; } Requirements::javascript("jsparty/prototype.js"); Requirements::javascript("jsparty/behaviour.js"); Requirements::javascript("jsparty/prototype_improvements.js"); Requirements::javascript("jsparty/loader.js"); Requirements::javascript("jsparty/layout_helpers.js"); Requirements::javascript("jsparty/tree/tree.js"); Requirements::css("jsparty/tree/tree.css"); Requirements::javascript("jsparty/scriptaculous/effects.js"); Requirements::javascript("jsparty/scriptaculous/dragdrop.js"); Requirements::javascript("jsparty/tabstrip/tabstrip.js"); Requirements::css("jsparty/tabstrip/tabstrip.css"); Requirements::css("jsparty/greybox/greybox.css"); Requirements::javascript("jsparty/greybox/AmiJS.js"); Requirements::javascript("jsparty/greybox/greybox.js"); Requirements::javascript("cms/javascript/LeftAndMain.js"); Requirements::javascript("cms/javascript/LeftAndMain_left.js"); Requirements::javascript("cms/javascript/LeftAndMain_right.js"); Requirements::javascript("jsparty/calendar/calendar.js"); Requirements::javascript("jsparty/calendar/lang/calendar-en.js"); Requirements::javascript("jsparty/calendar/calendar-setup.js"); Requirements::css("sapphire/css/CalendarDateField.css"); Requirements::css("jsparty/calendar/calendar-win2k-1.css"); Requirements::javascript('sapphire/javascript/Validator.js'); Requirements::css("sapphire/css/SubmittedFormReportField.css"); Requirements::css('cms/css/TinyMCEImageEnhancement.css'); Requirements::javascript("jsparty/SWFUpload/SWFUpload.js"); Requirements::javascript("sapphire/javascript/Security_login.js"); Requirements::javascript('cms/javascript/TinyMCEImageEnhancement.js'); $dummy = null; $this->extend('augmentInit', $dummy); } /** * Returns true if the current user can access the CMS */ function canAccessCMS() { $member = Member::currentUser(); if($member) { if($groups = $member->Groups()) { foreach($groups as $group) if($group->CanCMS) return true; } } return false; } /** * Returns true if the current user has administrative rights in the CMS */ function canAdminCMS() { if($member = Member::currentUser()) return $member->isAdmin(); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// // Main controllers /** * You should implement a Link() function in your subclass of LeftAndMain, * to point to the URL of that particular controller. */ abstract public function Link(); public function show($params) { if($params['ID']) $this->setCurrentPageID($params['ID']); if(isset($params['OtherID'])) Session::set('currentMember', $params['OtherID']); if(Director::is_ajax()) { SSViewer::setOption('rewriteHashlinks', false); return $this->EditForm()->formHtmlContent(); } else { return array(); } } public function getitem() { $this->setCurrentPageID($_REQUEST['ID']); SSViewer::setOption('rewriteHashlinks', false); // Changed 3/11/2006 to not use getLastFormIn because that didn't have _form_action, _form_name, etc. $form = $this->EditForm(); if($form) return $form->formHtmlContent(); else return ""; } public function getLastFormIn($html) { $parts = split(']*>', $html); return $parts[sizeof($parts)-2]; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// // Main UI components /** * Returns the main menu of the CMS. This is also used by init() to work out which sections the user * has access to. */ public function MainMenu() { // Don't accidentally return a menu if you're not logged in - it's used to determine access. if(!Member::currentUserID()) return new DataObjectSet(); // Built-in modules // array[0]: Name of the icon // array[1]: URL to visi // array[2]: The controller class for this menu, used to check permisssions. If blank, it's assumed that this is public, and always shown to // users who have the rights to access some other part of the admin area. $menuSrc = array( _t('LeftAndMain.HELLO', "Site content",100,"Menu title") => array("content", "admin/", "CMSMain"), _t('LeftAndMain.FILESIMAGES',"Files & Images",100) => array("files", "admin/assets/", "AssetAdmin"), _t('LeftAndMain.NEWSLETTERS',"Newsletters") => array("newsletter", "admin/newsletter/", "NewsletterAdmin"), _t('LeftAndMain.REPORTS',"Reports",PR_HIGH,'Menu title') => array("report", "admin/reports/", "ReportAdmin"), _t('LeftAndMain.SECURITY',"Security",PR_HIGH,'Menu title') => array("security", "admin/security/", "SecurityAdmin"), _t('LeftAndMain.COMMENTS',"Comments",PR_HIGH,'Menu title') => array("comments", "admin/comments/", "CommentAdmin"), _t('LeftAndMain.STATISTICS',"Statistics",PR_HIGH,'Menu title') => array("statistics", "admin/statistics/", "StatisticsAdmin"), _t('LeftAndMain.HELP',"Help",PR_HIGH,'Menu title') => array("help", "http://userhelp.silverstripe.com"), ); if(!$this->hasReports()) unset($menuSrc[_t('LeftAndMain.REPORTS')]); // Extra modules if($removed = $this->stat('removed_menu_items')) { foreach($removed as $remove) { foreach($menuSrc as $k => $v) { if($v[0] == $remove) { unset($menuSrc[$k]); break; } } } } // replace menu items if($replaced = $this->stat('replaced_menu_items') ) { $newMenu = array(); reset( $menuSrc ); for( $i = 0; $i < count( $menuSrc ); $i++ ) { $existing = current($menuSrc); if( $replacement = $replaced[$existing[0]] ) { $newMenu = array_merge( $newMenu, $replacement ); } else $newMenu = array_merge( $newMenu, array( key( $menuSrc) => current( $menuSrc ) ) ); next( $menuSrc ); } reset( $menuSrc ); $menuSrc = $newMenu; } // Extra modules if($extra = $this->stat('extra_menu_items')) { foreach($extra as $k => $v) { if(!is_array($v)) $extra[$k] = array($k, $v, 'title' => $k); else $extra[$k]['title'] = $k; } array_splice($menuSrc, count($menuSrc)-2, 0, $extra); } // Encode into DO set $menu = new DataObjectSet(); $itemsWithPermission = 0; foreach($menuSrc as $title => $menuItem) { if(is_numeric($title) && isset($menuItem['title'])) $title = $menuItem['title']; if(isset($menuItem[2])) { if($this->hasMethod('alternateMenuDisplayCheck')) $isAllowed = $this->alternateMenuDisplayCheck($menuItem[2]); else $isAllowed = Permission::check("CMS_ACCESS_" . $menuItem[2]); } else { $isAllowed = true; } if($isAllowed) { // Count up the number of items that have specific permission settings if(isset($menuItem[2])) $itemsWithPermission++; $linkingmode = ""; if(!(strpos($this->Link(), $menuItem[1]) === false)) { if($menuItem[0] == "content") { if($this->Link() == "admin/") $linkingmode = "current"; } else $linkingmode = "current"; } $menu->push(new ArrayData(array( "Title" => Convert::raw2xml($title), "Code" => $menuItem[0], "Link" => $menuItem[1], "LinkingMode" => $linkingmode ))); } } // Only return a menu if there is at least one permission-requiring item. Otherwise, the menu will just be the "help" icon. if($itemsWithPermission > 0) return $menu; else return new DataObjectSet(); } /** * Return a list of appropriate templates for this class, with the given suffix */ protected function getTemplatesWithSuffix($suffix) { $classes = array_reverse(ClassInfo::ancestry($this->class)); foreach($classes as $class) { $templates[] = $class . $suffix; if($class == 'LeftAndMain') break; } return $templates; } public function Left() { return $this->renderWith($this->getTemplatesWithSuffix('_left')); } public function Right() { return $this->renderWith($this->getTemplatesWithSuffix('_right')); } public function RightBottom() { if(SSViewer::hasTemplate($this->getTemplatesWithSuffix('_rightbottom'))) { return $this->renderWith($this->getTemplatesWithSuffix('_rightbottom')); } } public function getRecord($id, $className = null) { if(!$className) $className = $this->stat('tree_class'); return DataObject::get_by_id($className, $rootID); } function getSiteTreeFor($className, $rootID = null) { $obj = $rootID ? $this->getRecord($rootID) : singleton($className); $obj->markPartialTree(); if($p = $this->currentPage()) $obj->markToExpose($p); // getChildrenAsUL is a flexible and complex way of traversing the tree $siteTree = $obj->getChildrenAsUL("", ' "
  • ID\" class=\"" . $child->CMSTreeClasses($extraArg) . "\">" . "Link(),0,-1), "show", $child->ID) . "\" " . (($child->canEdit() || $child->canAddChildren()) ? "" : "class=\"disabled\"") . " title=\"' . _t('LeftAndMain.PAGETYPE','Page type: ') . '".$child->class."\" >" . ($child->TreeTitle()) . "" ' ,$this, true); // Wrap the root if needs be. if(!$rootID) { $rootLink = $this->Link() . '0'; // This lets us override the tree title with an extension if($this->hasMethod('getCMSTreeTitle')) $treeTitle = $this->getCMSTreeTitle(); else $treeTitle = _t('LeftAndMain.SITECONTENT',"Site Content",PR_HIGH,'Root node on left'); $siteTree = ""; } return $siteTree; } public function getsubtree() { $results = $this->getSiteTreeFor($this->stat('tree_class'), $_REQUEST['ID']); return substr(trim($results), 4,-5); } /** * Allows you to returns a new data object to the tree (subclass of sitetree) * and updates the tree via javascript. */ public function returnItemToUser($p) { if(Director::is_ajax()) { // Prepare the object for insertion. $parentID = (int)$p->ParentID; $id = $p->ID ? $p->ID : "new-$p->class-$p->ParentID"; $treeTitle = Convert::raw2js($p->TreeTitle()); $hasChildren = is_numeric( $id ) && $p->AllChildren() ? ' unexpanded' : ''; // Ensure there is definitly a node avaliable. if not, append to the home tree. $response = <<class}{$hasChildren}"); node = tree.getTreeNodeByIdx($parentID); if(!node){ node = tree.getTreeNodeByIdx(0); } node.open(); node.appendTreeNode(newNode); newNode.selectTreeNode(); JS; FormResponse::add($response); } return FormResponse::respond(); } /** * Save and Publish page handler */ public function save($urlParams, $form) { $className = $this->stat('tree_class'); $result = ''; $id = $_REQUEST['ID']; if(substr($id,0,3) != 'new') { $record = DataObject::get_one($className, "`$className`.ID = $id"); } else { $record = $this->getNewItem($id, false); } // We don't want to save a new version if there are no changes $dataFields_new = $form->Fields()->dataFields(); $dataFields_old = $record->getAllFields(); $changed = false; $hasNonRecordFields = false; foreach($dataFields_new as $datafield) { // if the form has fields not belonging to the record if(!isset($dataFields_old[$datafield->Name()])) { $hasNonRecordFields = true; } // if field-values have changed if(!isset($dataFields_old[$datafield->Name()]) || $dataFields_old[$datafield->Name()] != $datafield->dataValue()) { $changed = true; } } if(!$changed && !$hasNonRecordFields) { // Tell the user we have saved even though we haven't, as not to confuse them if(is_a($record, "Page")) { $record->Status = "Saved (update)"; } FormResponse::status_message(_t('LeftAndMain.SAVEDUP',"Saved"), "good"); FormResponse::update_status($record->Status); return FormResponse::respond(); } $form->dataFieldByName('ID')->Value = 0; if(isset($urlParams['Sort']) && is_numeric($urlParams['Sort'])) { $record->Sort = $urlParams['Sort']; } // HACK: This should be turned into something more general $originalClass = $record->ClassName; $originalStatus = $record->Status; $record->HasBrokenLink = 0; $record->HasBrokenFile = 0; $record->writeWithoutVersion(); // HACK: This should be turned into something more general $originalURLSegment = $record->URLSegment; $form->saveInto($record, true); if(is_a($record, "Page")) { $record->Status = ($record->Status == "New page" || $record->Status == "Saved (new)") ? "Saved (new)" : "Saved (update)"; } // $record->write(); if(Director::is_ajax()) { if($id != $record->ID) { FormResponse::add("$('sitetree').setNodeIdx(\"$id\", \"$record->ID\");"); FormResponse::add("$('Form_EditForm').elements.ID.value = \"$record->ID\";"); } $title = Convert::raw2js($record->TreeTitle()); if($added = DataObjectLog::getAdded('SiteTree')) { foreach($added as $page) { if($page->ID != $record->ID) $result .= $this->addTreeNodeJS($page); } } if($deleted = DataObjectLog::getDeleted('SiteTree')) { foreach($deleted as $page) { if($page->ID != $record->ID) $result .= $this->deleteTreeNodeJS($page); } } if($changed = DataObjectLog::getChanged('SiteTree')) { foreach($changed as $page) { if($page->ID != $record->ID) { $title = Convert::raw2js($page->TreeTitle()); FormResponse::add("$('sitetree').setNodeTitle($page->ID, \"$title\")"); } } } FormResponse::add("$('sitetree').setNodeTitle(\"$record->ID\", \"$title\");"); $message = _t('LeftAndMain.SAVEDUP'); // Update the icon if the class has changed if($originalClass != $record->ClassName) { $record->setClassName( $record->ClassName ); $newClass = $record->ClassName; $record = $record->newClassInstance( $newClass ); FormResponse::add("if(\$('sitetree').setNodeIcon) \$('sitetree').setNodeIcon($record->ID, '$originalClass', '$record->ClassName');"); } // HACK: This should be turned into somethign more general if( ($record->class == 'VirtualPage' && $originalURLSegment != $record->URLSegment) || ($originalClass != $record->ClassName) || self::$ForceReload == true) { FormResponse::add("$('Form_EditForm').getPageFromServer($record->ID);"); } if( ($record->class != 'VirtualPage') && $originalURLSegment != $record->URLSegment) { $message .= sprintf(_t('LeftAndMain.CHANGEDURL'," Changed URL to '%s'"),$record->URLSegment); FormResponse::add("\$('Form_EditForm').elements.URLSegment.value = \"$record->URLSegment\";"); FormResponse::add("\$('Form_EditForm_StageURLSegment').value = \"{$record->URLSegment}\";"); } // After reloading action if($originalStatus != $record->Status) { $message .= sprintf(_t('LeftAndMain.STATUSTO'," Status changed to '%s'"),$record->Status); } $record->write(); $result .= $this->getActionUpdateJS($record); FormResponse::status_message($message, "good"); FormResponse::update_status($record->Status); } // If the 'Save & Publish' button was clicked, also publish the page if (isset($urlParams['publish']) && $urlParams['publish'] == 1) { $this->performPublish($record); return $this->tellBrowserAboutPublicationChange($record, "Published '$record->Title' successfully"); } else { return FormResponse::respond(); } } /** * Return a piece of javascript that will update the actions of the main form */ public function getActionUpdateJS($record) { // Get the new action buttons $tempForm = $this->getEditForm($record->ID); $actionList = ''; foreach($tempForm->Actions() as $action) { $actionList .= $action->Field() . ' '; } FormResponse::add("$('Form_EditForm').loadActionsFromString('" . Convert::raw2js($actionList) . "');"); return FormResponse::respond(); } /** * Return JavaScript code to generate a tree node for the given page, if visible */ public function addTreeNodeJS($page, $selected = false) { $parentID = (int)$page->ParentID; $title = Convert::raw2js($page->TreeTitle()); $response = <<ID, \"$title\", \"$page->class\"); var parentNode = $('sitetree').getTreeNodeByIdx($parentID); if(parentNode) parentNode.appendTreeNode(newNode);\n" ($selected ? "newNode.selectTreeNode();\n" : "") ; JS; FormResponse::add($response); return FormResponse::respond(); } /** * Return JavaScript code to remove a tree node for the given page, if it exists. */ public function deleteTreeNodeJS($page) { $id = $page->ID ? $page->ID : $page->OldID; $response = <<stat('tree_class'), $id); if($node){ $node->ParentID = $parentID; $node->Status = "Saved (update)"; $node->write(); if(is_numeric($_REQUEST['CurrentlyOpenPageID'])) { $currentPage = DataObject::get_by_id($this->stat('tree_class'), $_REQUEST['CurrentlyOpenPageID']); if($currentPage) { $cleanupJS = $currentPage->cmsCleanup_parentChanged(); } } FormResponse::status_message(_t('LeftAndMain.SAVED','saved'), 'good'); FormResponse::add($cleanupJS); }else{ FormResponse::status_message(_t('LeftAndMain.PLEASESAVE',"Please Save Page: This page could not be upated because it hasn't been saved yet."),"good"); } return FormResponse::respond(); } else { user_error("Error in ajaxupdateparent request; id=$id, parentID=$parentID", E_USER_ERROR); } } /** * Ajax handler for updating the order of a number of tree nodes * $_GET[ID]: An array of node ids in the correct order * $_GET[MovedNodeID]: The node that actually got moved */ public function ajaxupdatesort() { $className = $this->stat('tree_class'); $counter = 0; $js = ''; $_REQUEST['ajax'] = 1; if(is_array($_REQUEST['ID'])) { $movedNode = DataObject::get_by_id($className, $_REQUEST['MovedNodeID']); foreach($_REQUEST['ID'] as $id) { if($id == $movedNode->ID) { $movedNode->Sort = ++$counter; $movedNode->Status = "Saved (update)"; $movedNode->write(); $title = Convert::raw2js($movedNode->TreeTitle()); $js .="$('sitetree').setNodeTitle($movedNode->ID, \"$title\")\n"; // Nodes that weren't "actually moved" shouldn't be registered as having been edited; do a direct SQL update instead } else if(is_numeric($id)) { ++$counter; DB::query("UPDATE `$className` SET `Sort` = $counter WHERE `ID` = '$id'"); } } // Virtual pages require selected to be null if the page is the same. FormResponse::add( "if( $('sitetree').selected && $('sitetree').selected[0]){ var idx = $('sitetree').selected[0].getIdx(); if(idx){ $('Form_EditForm').getPageFromServer(idx); } }\n" . $js ); FormResponse::status_message(_t('LeftAndMain.SAVED'), 'good'); } else { FormResponse::error(_t('LeftAndMain.REQUESTERROR',"Error in request")); } return FormResponse::respond(); } /** * Delete a number of items */ public function deleteitems() { $ids = split(' *, *', $_REQUEST['csvIDs']); $script = "st = \$('sitetree'); \n"; foreach($ids as $id) { if(is_numeric($id)) { DataObject::delete_by_id($this->stat('tree_class'), $id); $script .= "node = st.getTreeNodeByIdx($id); if(node) node.parentTreeNode.removeTreeNode(node); $('Form_EditForm').closeIfSetTo($id); \n"; } } FormResponse::add($script); return FormResponse::respond(); } public function EditForm() { $id = isset($_REQUEST['ID']) ? $_REQUEST['ID'] : $this->currentPageID(); if($id) return $this->getEditForm($id); } public function printable() { $id = $_REQUEST['ID'] ? $_REQUEST['ID'] : $this->currentPageID(); if($id) $form = $this->getEditForm($id); $form->transform(new PrintableTransformation()); $form->actions = null; Requirements::clear(); Requirements::css('cms/css/LeftAndMain_printable.css'); return array( "PrintForm" => $form ); } public function currentPageID() { if(isset($_REQUEST['ID']) && is_numeric($_REQUEST['ID'])) { return $_REQUEST['ID']; } elseif (isset($this->urlParams['ID']) && is_numeric($this->urlParams['ID'])) { return $this->urlParams['ID']; } elseif(Session::get("{$this->class}.currentPage")) { return Session::get("{$this->class}.currentPage"); } else { return null; } } public function setCurrentPageID($id) { Session::set("{$this->class}.currentPage", $id); } public function currentPage() { $id = $this->currentPageID(); if($id && is_numeric($id)) { return DataObject::get_by_id($this->stat('tree_class'), $id); } } public function isCurrentPage(DataObject $page) { return $page->ID == Session::get("{$this->class}.currentPage"); } /** * Return the CMS's HTML-editor toolbar */ public function EditorToolbar() { return new HtmlEditorField_Toolbar($this, "EditorToolbar"); } /** * Return the version number of this application */ public function CMSVersion() { $sapphireVersionFile = file_get_contents('../sapphire/silverstripe_version'); $jspartyVersionFile = file_get_contents('../jsparty/silverstripe_version'); $cmsVersionFile = file_get_contents('../cms/silverstripe_version'); if(strstr($sapphireVersionFile, "/sapphire/trunk")) { $sapphireVersion = "trunk"; } else { preg_match("/sapphire\/(?:(?:branches)|(?:tags))(?:\/rc)?\/([A-Za-z0-9._-]+)\/silverstripe_version/", $sapphireVersionFile, $matches); $sapphireVersion = $matches[1]; } if(strstr($jspartyVersionFile, "/jsparty/trunk")) { $jspartyVersion = "trunk"; } else { preg_match("/jsparty\/(?:(?:branches)|(?:tags))(?:\/rc)?\/([A-Za-z0-9._-]+)\/silverstripe_version/", $jspartyVersionFile, $matches); $jspartyVersion = $matches[1]; } if(strstr($cmsVersionFile, "/cms/trunk")) { $cmsVersion = "trunk"; } else { preg_match("/cms\/(?:(?:branches)|(?:tags))(?:\/rc)?\/([A-Za-z0-9._-]+)\/silverstripe_version/", $cmsVersionFile, $matches); $cmsVersion = $matches[1]; } if($sapphireVersion == $jspartyVersion && $jspartyVersion == $cmsVersion) { return $sapphireVersion; } else { return "cms: $cmsVersion, sapphire: $sapphireVersion, jsparty: $jspartyVersion"; } } /** * The application name is customisable by calling * LeftAndMain::setApplicationName("Something New") */ static $application_name = "SilverStripe CMS", $application_logo_text = "SilverStripe CMS"; static function setApplicationName($name, $logoText = null) { self::$application_name = $name; self::$application_logo_text = $logoText ? $logoText : $name; } function ApplicationName() { return self::$application_name; } function ApplicationLogoText() { return self::$application_logo_text; } static $application_logo = "cms/images/mainmenu/logo.gif", $application_logo_style = ""; static function setLogo($logo, $logoStyle) { self::$application_logo = $logo; self::$application_logo_style = $logoStyle; self::$application_logo_text = ""; } function LogoStyle() { return "background-image: url(" . self::$application_logo . "); " . self::$application_logo_style; } /** * Determine if we have reports and need to display the Reports main menu item * * @return boolean */ function hasReports() { $subclasses = ClassInfo::subclassesFor('Report'); foreach($subclasses as $class){ if($class != 'Report') { return true; } } return false; } /** * Return the base directory of the tiny_mce codebase */ function MceRoot() { return MCE_ROOT; } /** * Use this as an action handler for custom CMS buttons. */ function callPageMethod($data, $form) { $methodName = $form->buttonClicked()->extraData(); $record = $this->CurrentPage(); return $record->$methodName($data, $form); } } ?>