/** * Javascript handlers for generic model admin. * * Most of the work being done here is intercepting clicks on form submits, * and managing the loading and sequencing of data between the different panels of * the CMS interface. * * @todo add live query to manage application of events to DOM refreshes * @todo alias the $ function instead of literal jQuery */ jQuery(document).ready(function() { /** * GET a fragment of HTML to display in the right panel */ function showRecord(uri) { jQuery.get(uri, function(result){ jQuery('#right').html(result); Behaviour.apply(); // refreshes ComplexTableField }); } /** * POST a hash of form submitted data to the given endpoint */ function saveRecord(uri, data) { jQuery.post(uri, data, function(result){ jQuery('#right').html(result); Behaviour.apply(); // refreshes ComplexTableField }); } /** * Returns a flattened array of data from each field * of the given form */ function formData(scope) { var data = {}; jQuery('*[name]', scope).each(function(){ var t = jQuery(this); var val = (t.attr('type') == 'checkbox') ? (t.attr('checked') == true) ? 1 : 0 : t.val(); data[t.attr('name')] = val; }); return data; } /** * Find the selected data object and load its create form */ jQuery('#AddForm_holder form').submit(function(){ className = jQuery('select option:selected', this).val(); requestPath = jQuery(this).attr('action').replace('ManagedModelsSelect', className + '/add'); showRecord(requestPath); return false; }); /** * attach generic action handler to all forms displayed in the #right panel */ jQuery('#right .action').livequery('click', function(){ form = jQuery('#right form'); saveRecord(form.attr('action'), formData(form)); return false; }); /** * Attach tabs plugin to the set of search filter forms */ jQuery('#SearchForm_holder').tabs(); /** * Submits a search filter query and attaches event handlers * to the response table * * @todo use livequery to manage ResultTable click handlers */ jQuery('.tab form').submit(function(){ form = jQuery(this); data = formData(form); jQuery.get(form.attr('action'), data, function(result){ jQuery('#ResultTable_holder').html(result); jQuery('#ResultTable_holder td').click(function(){ td = jQuery(this); showRecord(td.parent().attr('title')); td.parent().parent().find('td').removeClass('active'); td.addClass('active').siblings().addClass('active'); }).hover(function(){ jQuery(this).addClass('over').siblings().addClass('over') }, function(){ jQuery(this).removeClass('over').siblings().removeClass('over') }); }); return false; }); });