objFromFixture('Page', 'second'); $this->autoFollowRedirection = false; $this->logInAs('admin'); Director::test('second-page', null, $this->session()); Director::test('PageComment/deleteallcomments?pageid='.$second->ID, null, $this->session()); Director::test('second-page', null, $this->session()); $secondComments = DataObject::get('PageComment', 'ParentID = '.$second->ID); $this->assertNull($secondComments); $first = $this->objFromFixture('Page', 'first'); $firstComments = DataObject::get('PageComment', 'ParentID = '.$first->ID); $this->assertNotNull($firstComments); $third = $this->objFromFixture('Page', 'third'); $thirdComments = DataObject::get('PageComment', 'ParentID = '.$third->ID); $this->assertEquals($thirdComments->Count(), 3); } function testCommenterURLWrite() { $comment = new PageComment(); // We only care about the CommenterURL, so only set that // Check a http and https URL. Add more test urls here as needed. $protocols = array( 'Http', 'Https', ); $url = '://example.com'; foreach($protocols as $protocol) { $comment->CommenterURL = $protocol . $url; // The protocol should stay as if, assuming it is valid $comment->write(); $this->assertEquals($comment->CommenterURL, $protocol . $url, $protocol . ':// is a valid protocol'); } } }